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Denied Zaldoria's Second Shop Application | Joi-Kon


Level 118

What is your Minecraft username?:

I currently have three accounts.
Zaldoria (main and account I'm applying on)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):

21 years old

What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I have been a member of the SRP community for approximately a year (wow), I have made a massive stride to ensure I have a positive reputation. I’ve worked my way up through the community starting as a professor and working my way up to the Position of Head of Department in just two months of having the role, I’ve also been apart of the build team since December and have done my best to actively contribute to producing quality builds for the greater SRP community, I’ve also been staff for around 6 months now (wow again), and As of recent i’ve become the government faction lead.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

My record is 100% Clean.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I am aware that if I am inactive I will be demoted and removed from the faction.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: (accepted) (accepted) (accepted) (accepted) (accepted) (accepted) (denied) (denied)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):

Zaldoria - Mayor /adult (BMD Associate) / grade12
airodlaZ Adult

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:


Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:

What really gets me excited for the shop faction is the unique role play experiences it can bring, both within your own shop as well as others The shop faction is one that I've been interested in for quite some time, given that I have a few friends who either own a shop or are applying for one, as well as working for a shop myself. I have decided that I would like to own and manage a shop of my own. I feel that personally with my background knowledge and experience on managing businesses I can bring a lot into the faction and really push it forward with both unique ideas and events.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

I fully plan on rebranding the shop and general vibe, seeing as “internet cafes” are popular in Asia it seems only fitting to have one on SRP. I have an entire shop concept designed and planned out. However I want to focus more on experience, rather than just a shop. When it comes to the shop I want roleplay to be a higher priority, rather than focusing on money and profit. Which Leads me to the computer room, Not many people have access to computers on srp So I’d like to allow people to come in and use the computers, or sit and chat, following the internet cafe theme.

Events/Other Shop participation:

Game tournament:

Hosting tournaments every so often through our discord, via scribbleio, or some online game, and the winner gets an amount of yen. I even have a concept of utilizing buy-ins and essentially everyone would contribute to the pot and the top 3 people would win yen.

Every so often I plan on hosting a raffle for either items we sell in store, or just give away yen, this would be a rather common occurrence, and I'd like to utilize on-rain to broaden the prospects of these raffles/giveaways.

Loyalty program:
This program would kick off with a shop event where employees would sit at tables outside explaining the benefits of the loyalty program and offering them a free gift once they’ve learned about it. The system would work where by being a regular customer at the shop, you can use a loyalty card to get a discount on your purchase and even free items! This will help boost engagement and popularity at the shop.

Community Fundraiser:
This would be done through a collaborative effort between a few different shops that id reach out to ICLY and we’d come together to host a fundraiser, that would have a live music performance, food vendors, and various shops, all money generated would be donated to a cause voted on by the patrons of the fundraiser.

Seasonal Celebrations:
Every season we will host small events at the shop to celebrate the changing season, with free seasonal items, such as brownies, or drinks with every purchase. Along with every major holiday.

Do you plan to rename the shop?:

I do, along with plans to change the overall theme, I’ve chosen a new name as well. “Qi Tzo-Ki” which each word has a meaning and I’ve attached a color to it as well, which you can see below.

What will you sell in your shop?:

I plan to sell a variety of items, focused mostly on gaming and tech, however I’d like to open up into more futuristic furniture/tech related furniture items, such as neon signs, and neon wire glasses, as seen below.


How many employees do you plan to have?:

The employee roster would go as follows

Owner 1/1


Manager 2/2
Employee 10/10
Security 4/4

17 employees total, including myself.



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