This may not be taken ICly, enjoy reading.
Basic Information
____________________________________ Art Made by: ItsHadezBTW and KotaroSempaii
Legal Name: 'Zane' Alistair [REDACTED] Zennix
Given Names:
Zane or Zan. - Anyone
Zaniel - Family and Friends
Bubba - Family, primarily siblings.

Alistair - Family.
Tall Mofo - Not at all.
"I am an arms dealer fitting you with weapons in the form of words."
- Fall Out Boy
Male, He/him
20 years of age.
August 23rd
Sapporo, Japan
Religious Beliefs:
Political Beliefes:
He doesn't follow politics much, unless he has to.
Voice Claim:
Ken Kaneki - Tokyo Ghoul
PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, and [ Redacted ].
"I should be in church, but I'm raging on a Sunday."

- Bohnes
Standing at 6'7", you would see a man with an athletlic build and a medium length dyed Sage Green hair and dark brown roots showing that they were starting to grow. His hair would be surprisnly fluffy, his bangs just barely hanging over the top of his eyes and to the side. Under the bangs you would see a pair of light blue eyes starring at you, one being a lighter hue than the other. His left eyebrow would have a silver piercing, while both of his ears would be riddled with different piercings and a single guage in each ear. Around his next he would have 2 necklaces, one just a simple chain while the other his arms/hands, he would be sporting multiple bracelets and rings on both hands.

Starting from the top, a scar would rest on his face
and over his left eye. Going from his eyebrow and
over his eye, down to his jaw line. His right shoulder
and upper arm would be covered in a burn scar, it would
be covered in a large arm sleeve tattoo of a foggy forest
and crow feathers. His left arm would be covered
in the same burn scar, but nothing would be covering
it besides just the end of his shirt sleeve. His hands
would be visibly worn and rough, covered in smaller burns
and cut scars. His legs would be covered in more scars and
occasional grass stains. He would be seen wearing casual
baggy grunge clothes. Naturally sporting his baggy grey
shirt with black ripped jeans and black high tops.
"You know I don't give a damn about what's 'right'."
- Sekai no Owari
"You know I don't give a damn about what's 'right'."
- Sekai no Owari
Eli Hanazono-Zennix | Dad | 'Father' - Protector
- The first adult in Zaniel's life to actually care for him. He has been by Zan's since since he was 13, making sure the remaining days of his childhood were safe from his past experiences. He is the man who Zan has the most respect for, and no matter what happens nothing would ever change him mind. Always being the one Zaniel could come to during his lowest moments and his highest moments.
Abeni-Zari K. Andō | Parental Figure | 'Mrs. Andō ' - Guidance
- First meeting Abeni as the music professor at the college, she quickly became yet another parental figure in Zaniel's life. Growing close after a small accident, helping him to calm down and try and get him back on the path he was meant to be on. While she may not be his mother, he still sees her as some type of mother figure.
Cadhila L. Zennix | Sister | 'Cadi' - Little one
- Zaniel's foster sister, coming soon into his live after a crazy event. Having met her during one of his lowest points he still has some worry to show her some feeling, but he keeps his guard up around her. They still try to get along despite their differences for his dad's sake, treading lightly when he hangs around her.
Min-Jun Zennix | Brother | 'Min' - Min min
- Zaniel's brother, ironically both the same age despite being adopted in different times of their life. Despite the few times they hang out, they are best friends to each other. The two can either be chill, or chaos can insue- I'd like to see you try and figure out how many traffic cones litter their father's house..
Misako [Redacted] | [Redacted] | 'Misa' - Lost One
- Once was Zaniel's closest sister, practically tied at the hip. They were together through thick and thin before [Redacted] happened. Since then their relationship would be rocky, hardly seeing each other besides small texts between each other.
Tokko S. Zennix | Brother | 'Toki' - The Distracted One
- The boy who constantly gets lost or just misplaces things. Now a common event for Zaniel to get a text from his brother asking if he has seen something of Tokkos. Either that or they are running around and doing stupid stuff like what normal brothers do. Zan sometimes gets confused on how this kid has more relationship drama than he does.
Asahi H. Hanazono | Uncle | 'Uncle' - Asahehe
- Zaniel's uncle through Hanazono. Though they don't get together often aside from semi-random family events, they get alone quite well. The amount of chaos these two can get into can be quite concerning, but they don't mind it.
Yamato M. Hanazono | Cousin | 'Yama' - Dumbass
- Zaniel's cousin and Asahi's oldest/only son. Coming from the same town, the two bonded quite well together, from what seems like constant fights between the two as they throw insults at each other, they are quite close. The two mainly spend their time having fun in Sapporo, or constantly letting each other share their vehicles from time to time.
Sky E.H. Volante | Cousin | 'Sky' - Arsonist
- After the event with Misako, Sky and Zaniel grew quite close. Bonding over the event from what hurt them the most. They found out they are both quite fond of similar things. Zaniel would sometimes go over and cook for Sky while she was busy with work or attending to other matters.
Maliah Hanazono | Cousin | 'Mal' - Hair stylist
- After quickly bonding over a chaotic event where Zaniel helped her dye her hair and a quick conversation full of past family drama and life events, the two would be deemed friends and unexpectedly would become cousins just meer days later.
Naja A. Hanazono | Cousin | 'Couz' - Wild one
- Having only met her a few times, they strangely get along quite well. Having shared a few hobbies and their own views on family. The two seemingly have their own problems and their own solutions.
Ezio C. Hanjo-DeLuca | Friend | 'Ezio' - Wildcard
- Having known each other for quite awhile, the two share a small friendship from their past memories. Through the two have shared a fight or two, they still find themselves as distant family.
Suzuka A. S.H. von Moltke | Girlfriend | 'Suzu' - The one who holds my heart
- Having found eachother after a heart breaking event, they found a strange friendship in each other. Being able to talk to eachother about their feelings, thoughts, and hopes. They began to grow quite close over time. During one faithful event, their lives would change as they both decided to adventure into the unknown, taking their relationship one step forward.
Honoka Munakata-Tomohiro | Friend | 'Hono' - The one who held my heart
- During Zaniel's teenage years, he would find a friend in the red head girl. Quickly becomming friends, then to partners. Soon after Honoka turned 18, Zaniel would propose to her and they would move into together. This stayed for quite awhile until the two began to fall apart. While the relationship ended with them going their own ways, they decided to stay friends despite their past feelings for one another.
" Let's watch this city burn the world. "
- Hollywood Undead
" Let's watch this city burn the world. "
- Hollywood Undead
- Zaniel's Start
Zaniel Alistar Zennix or Zaniel Alistar [ Redacted ] was born to [ Redacted ] on August 23rd in Sapporo Japan. One parent would be an Australian citizen, the other a Japanese citizen. Originally it was planned for himself to be born in Australia, but life had other ideas. Being born premature, his family would rush to the nearest hospital while visiting family in Sapporo. After being born he would stay in the hospital for quite some time before being able to home with his parents. To keep him close for doctors appointments and such, his birth family would stay in the family home until they had the green light to take him home to Australia. By the age of 6 months, Zaniel would finally get the green light to move to his new home. Unknown to his family, a tragety was about to happen that would seperate Zaniel from his family forever. Due to jealous from a distant family member and his own parents, in the dead of night the family home would catch fire while they were all still inside. This fire would take the lives of his parents, leaving him alone with his grandparents and uncle. Zaniel would suffer burns across his small body, the worst being both of his arms. After suffering the loss of their only child, his grandparents couldn't stand the sight of their grandson, giving him up for adoption across the city and quickly forgetting about him.
- His childhood.
As a small child, he would be accepted into a group foster home. Surrounded by kids his age, he thought he would finally be in a family that would care for him despite his past history, but for him that wasn't the case. The lady of the house, [ Redacted ], was a cruel lady who only cared for the kids how she saw fit. Taking favourites in her own biological children and primarily using the children she fostered as servents when the government workers who would check on the place were nowhere in sight. This would develope Zaniel's need to keep everything clean constantly as his primary job was to keep the house clean after everyone. Spending his mornings doing dishes, scrubbing floors, washing windows, and doing laundry. Zaniel did his job, keeping a good standing with the lady of the house until another foster kid was brought into the mix. The two would become friends after Zaniel was thrown into the basement for not cleaning fast enough one day while he had gotten sick. The new kid had defended Zaniel, begging to take on Zaniel's punishment so that he could spend time in bed so that he would recover quickly. The lady of the house had agreed to the terms, but gave the kid a harsher punishment than Zaniel and locked him out of the house as his punishment. Zaniel would spend the next few days in bed while recovering from his cold and once he was healed he would go back to his normal chores just as everyone else would.
During one occasion the foster kids were deep cleaning the house before

This angered the Lady, walking over and grabbing Zaniel by the hair and dragging him to the kitchen. For his actions, she would take a knife and slicing it down his left eye as his punishment. The workers watched the event happen, quickly getting Zaniel away from her and calling the police as they tried to quickly bandaged him. After the cops had arrived and arrested the Lady, they began to take statements from all of the forster kids and the Lady's bio kids. Her crimes and actions were finally coming to light, over all of the years of abuse and tourture she had made them suffer for years, it was all finally over. Due to the sudden influx of foster children now coming into the system after this group home was closed, the agencies would send out emails to different foster parents looking for placements for each child who had once lived in that group home. To Zaniel, this would change his life in path as one Eli Hanazono-Zennix would recieve an email about him. Eli would back his bags, quickly making his way up to Sapporo to meet what would be his new family member.
Did I miss a character? Dm me to be added!
This will constantly be a work in progress as I play the character and add more relations to him. Thanks for reading!
This will constantly be a work in progress as I play the character and add more relations to him. Thanks for reading!
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