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ZekesHairyBalls | Doctor Application


Level 7

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord name & tag?:
Zeke's Hairy Balls#6370

Previous bans:
The two links below have been two of my previous bans appeals, the first being an unfair ban which was rectified after. Despite this there is no excuse for my previous actions, however I believe after over a year since my last ban, I would like to try reach out to the wider server, yet I understand if I must wait a little longer before I deserve the chance to redeem myself and will continue to work and make sure I make a positive impact like I have been trying to do.

Trolling [26/01/21] - Appeal link
Repeated PG in OOC [26/09/21] - Appeal Link

Describe your activity on the server:
My presence on SRP is very active and entertaining as I spend most of my time roleplaying with new people and new aspects of the server. I'm typically on every day for varying lengths of time and this is usually flexible so I can come on and off whenever the time calls for it. I usually find myself involved in more traditional RP, rarely delving into Gang RP as I find it fun to enjoy myself with others in the server through my character as well as out of character. Although I have not been recruited to any of the roles yet, I frequently find myself engaging with the adult roles on the server as I believe there is more freedom and entertainment to that area of SRP. I enjoy the lifestyle of having in character family around you and being able to engage with a larger variety on the server, as well as having a bigger impact in terms of my roleplay. Around a year ago is when I created my new character who I believe has become a deeply constructed character that I am very proud of, I immediately joined the swim team which gave me valuable experience in terms of establishing how I like to roleplay and what the community was truly like. I stick to just playing as one character as it allows for me to create more depth in my time on the server and allows me to build a history. This allows me to have more freedom to interact on a further level with the parts of the server, notably the hospital and school staff in which I thoroughly enjoyed all of my roleplay interactions with each faction. I especially enjoy my time with the EMS as the long and deep actions inspire me to be equally as thorough in my actions. I have often times visited the hospital whether it is for me or others and find myself intrigued as to what it's like to be on the other side, wondering what it's like to enjoy the variety and excitement from what problems each person brings in for me to face, hopefully being unique as I like to tackle new challenges in terms of RP.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
Doctor Application - [Denied]
Psychiatrist Application - [Denied]
Italian Language Application - [Accepted]
Lawyer Application - [Denied]

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
As I have actively played the server for nearly two years, I have experienced countless times when I have needed to use DetailRP leading to what I believe to be impressive levels of detail in my actions. I can easily append messages and use them when appropriate to add extra details into my actions very swiftly as to not lose momentum in RP. I have used Detail RP in circumstances such as my time while bartending at parties or events as well as my time spent on the swim team in the past. I use my real life experience in both bartending and swimming to easily create in depth and impressive actions. I am very quick creating these actions and know how to put the right amount of depth in without it sounding too wordy or hard to read, understand, and respond quickly. Although not directly related, I have attached three screenshots of example actions, two being the making of ****tails where I used my real life experience, the other being some at home first aid before taking the person to the hospital. I hope they help to support my claim of being sufficient in high level roleplay.



What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation to apply is relatively simple, I want to be able to expand my roleplay experience on the server to enjoy the aspects that there is to offer, while also providing the quality experience that I know current EMS provide to the server. I enjoy writing actions that are in depth and immersive and believe that through giving me this opportunity I can really contribute to the hospital by being reliable, entertaining and effective. I will make sure that I go above and beyond with my position as I would be very grateful to have been offered it in the first place. My character has been through so many areas of the server by now and I feel like its time I move on to a more important role. I want to be able to do more complicated things on the server and contribute myself to a new environment that will challenge me and allow me to make impact on the server. I would just love to engage with the members of the hospital and make a deeper connection, not only to my character, but to the whole server as I have big ambitions which will lead me to be dedicated, thorough and assure that I can impress you and prove my worth if you decide to accept my application.

Which role are you applying for?
(Surgeon, Doctor, or Psychiatrist):

I am applying for the position of Doctor

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
Doctors are the more general and hands on part of the EMS system. They are the ones who deal with a patients care and examinations when it doesnt fall under the need for surgery of psychiatric treatment. They prescribe medicines, perform X-rays, blood scans, concussion treatment and patch up smaller wounds that do not require any immense procedures to take place. They are the front line of the hospital keeping records of customers health information, informing them of conditions they may have and doing the hard work when assuring the safety of all of those under the hospitals care. They are informative and aid their patients in all walks of life making sure they are safe in and out of the hospital, knowing how to deal with their conditions or lives in general. I myself have also been trained in the HSE procedures of first aid and CPR under my course, which real doctors have also trained in, albeit to a much deeper extent of course. In SRP I know that they deal with a wide variety of circumstances whether it be collecting blood from donors, prescribing medicines to those with serious cases or doing some small scale surgeries if there is nobody more qualified to perform it. This wide variety and flexibility is what has drawn me to this role.

Outside of this role there is the many other parts of the hospital. The typical other roles mentioned would be a Surgeon and Psychiatrist. The latter is a specialist in psychological support for patients. While still being sufficient in other areas, they are mainly trusted with the dealings of patients mental health, advising and communicating with patients successfully to keep them healthy and thriving. Surgeons are specialists in undergoing certain medical procedures with intricacies that only a specialist can do. They do complex surgeries like fixing fractures, dealing with bodily trauma, internal bleeding, failure in bodily systems and many more. It is a very risky title to hold as there is a chance surgeries can fail but are the ones saving patients with severe wounds. There are more roles in heads of departments, clinical leads, clinical managers and hospital directors however they are all in the hierarchy, doctors who have worked very well to take on more responsibilities, each one being more crucial than the last however all positions are honourable and very respectable.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
I accept this

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I will without a doubt apply my whole self to the role and ill enjoy doing so

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I do acknowledge this, and will assure I make it to all the events

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I acknowledge this

In-Character (IC) Section



Character’s Full Name:

Silvio John Russo

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Male, He/Him

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background

Doctorate degree in Medicine

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Backstory (100+ Words)
Early life:
Silvio Russo, born on the 2nd of July 1995, was raised in Florence, Italy into an affluent and large family. His family were very traditional and raised him to be a gentleman that can someday take over the restaurant empire that his father had created with his twin brother. Silvio was always quite a loud baby, constantly screaming and causing problems for his parents, needing constant attention. Despite this start, after growing up he became very distinguished and calm mannered, he was always witty and entertaining to adults. His life was largely unproblematic and he enjoyed his youth, making friends and only getting into a little trouble, as a normal kid does. As a young boy, just before his teenage years, Silvio spent most of his days with his tutor Piero, who privately educated him throughout his life. He is still in contact with him and Silvio looks up to him as a role model and although he is old now, he has had a severe impact on Silvio's development in the later years of his life.

Teenage years:
Leading up to becoming 18, Silvio established who he would be in life. He developed himself and grew quite tall for his age. His classmates thought of him as funny, smart and generally good to be around. It was around this age when his father's business went bankrupt and his parents got divorced. Despite this massive change he was always there for his younger siblings, especially his sister Claudia who he was closest to. He excelled when doing his studies, being very proud of his Diploma di Esame di Stato results, specifically in Biology, Languages and Mathematics. Once graduating, he travelled around the world with his sister Claudia, eventually landing in Karakura where he met some friends and decided to stay. He immediately settled into a penthouse due to the wealth he had accumulated but once this started running out he knew he had to get a job to try and upkeep his lifestyle in the new city which he now stayed in for the great people he had met. This was when he began studying to become a doctor. During this time he was somewhat of a troublemaker, getting into fights and having a terrible record in the new school. He developed a sort of egotistical mindset due to his wealth and influence in the new country however he began to calm down as he turned older, realising that he had to be an adult and to act as a role model for those younger than him.

Adult years:
Silvio's adult years mainly consisted of studying to be a successful doctor as he put his efforts into making sure he got a good job to get back to the luxurious lifestyle he had back in Italy. He decided to become a doctor after his old tutor Piero fell ill, he got a severe case of Vascular Dementia where they were unable to reverse the damage done upon his brain. This led to him forgetting everything about Silvio and their past. Heartbroken by this he devoted his life to neurology, hoping to figure out more ways to prevent dementia from plaguing more peoples memories. He also had to care for his sister and his friends which he did with grace as his nature led to him being an excellent authority figure to those younger than him. His transition into being older made him more mature and he no longer followed his abrasive nature that got him into conflict quite often as a youth. He was much more controlled and reserved in his age, and preferred to spend his time with those he loved. He spent a lot of his spare time at the shrine which helped make him exceptionally respectful and calm natured as he strived to be a better person. He attributes the shrine to being the source of making him into the great man many thought he was. He would visit every single day since turning 18 and grew fond of the peaceful and spiritual aroma that surrounded it. Although never particularly putting faith in any higher power, through his open minded nature being agnostic in his religious faith, he was fascinated by the shrines beliefs and learnt a lot about their depth, he hopes to get married there one day.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

His medical speciality was in medicine, specifically Pathology, Diagnostic Radiology and Neurology. He displayed particular investment in how pathogens and diseases affected the brain, he spent the first two years of his 4 year speciality training programme training under the general medical foundation program before furthering his interest in particularly Diagnostic Radiology as he found X-Rays fascinating to study and learn from, especially in the brain to see how the brain functions, what has caused changes in patients and how to treat these illnesses such as Alzheimer's or Vascular Dementia. This means he is very proficient in studying neurological diseases and knowing the best ways to slow down their progression as most cases of dementia are incurable. He advises patients to increase physical activity, eat healthily, cut out alcohol, train your brain to stay active and several other proven ways to slow down Alzheimer's especially due to his experience with patients while studying. He is very passionate about this field of medicine and strives to be one of the leading researchers in curing Alzheimer's. A recent phase 3 clinical trial found that a new medicine named lecanemab slowed cognitive decline in people with early Alzheimer's disease by 27%. This gives Silvio hope for the future and he hopes to stop this horrible disease from plaguing more families.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Medical residencies, or postgraduate training, was a significant point in Silvio's studying. He enjoyed the specialisation and focus on certain aspects. He did his first residency in Neurology for a year before also picking up Pathology to do three extra years on top of the remaining three years of his Neurology residency. He did this with certain placements in medical settings to gain experience of what its truly like working in these specialised areas of doctoring. He found all areas especially interesting and aims to complete many more in depth studies throughout his life to complete his resume and become proficient in all areas.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
He was always hands on and enjoyed his practical parts in his studying. He began working in various hospitals around the world, mainly in Italy and France, each being where one of his parents now lived. He went into several General Practitioner's and studied the more experienced doctors while being able to treat patients, mainly when giving out medicine and other products that would be given out at a hospital. He had one specific experience where there were no available doctors and a patient came in with a severe concussion. He had to undergo the procedures to check the dilation on his eyes, noticing he had a severe concussion, Silvio gave him a small does of acetaminophen for pain relief before sending him in an ambulance to a larger hospital where a computerised tomography could take place, filling in the paper work too which gave him a sense of achievement.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Not outside of the normal path. He went through his Diploma di Esame di Stato's up to the age of 18 and moved on to do his five year degree in medicine before doing his additional four years of medical residencies under the speciality training programmes for Neurology and Pathology.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Silvio J. Russo is a slightly tired looking man which complimented his dark features well. His hair would be borderline curly as it's wavy nature often meant his hair fell down his face in front of his eye in a middle part fashion which was long, yet well kept. He stood at the rough height of a refrigerator and had a seemingly regular build, being well cut due to frequent exercise to keep healthy as he suggests his patients to do.

His appearance would usually me formal and would give off a sense of importance from him. His clothes are a highlight of his being very luxurious and without a mark on them however those who get to know him understand that this serious appearance was not fully true to his nature. His voice would have had a faint Italian accent to it, but it had been slowly lost over the years he spent abroad however his husky, baritone way of speaking still shone through. Although his eyes seemed dark and serious, his smile often contrasted this while almost always maintaining a confident smirk, hence the smile lines along his face and near his eyes showing his true joyful nature.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Silvio while on the job is great at communicating with patients and getting them to understand certain things that may be hard for those without experience to grasp, he is patient and friendly, always making time and prioritising those who walk through the entrance. This is still kept up through his home life as he is a great family man. Being raised with a large family has led him to be very tolerant of all types of people, seeing each of them in his 8 brothers and sisters. His traits as the older brother transferred well into becoming an adult as he is caring, understanding and great with kids while still keeping a firm hand if scolding is needed. Despite this he loves to cook more than anything and generally spends his nights with his family, watching TV or playing games with them to give them the best possible experience in life despite the harsh outside world.
Also while off the job, Silvio is frequently paying visits to the shrine, he is very involved in life up in the mountain as he gets a sign put up every month to wish success and happiness for those he cares about. He likes the peace that the mountain provides as although he is very sociable and polite, he enjoys his time alone to recharge after a hard day.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Silvio has always been a very independent person, never relying on anyone. Despite this, he works excellently in a team as he pulls his own weight very well and is always happy to help those who are struggling as long as he can see they are trying their hardest. He holds a good work ethic deep in his morals and respects anybody who has the same work output as him, trying his hardest to be a good influence and help keep up a team if some are struggling. As a sociable person he gets on well with lots of people as long as they deserve his efforts. He will take any opportunity where it does not infringe upon work to ask how they are doing, if they need help or just get to know them better and give them a chance to talk about themselves as he believes getting to know people is a great gift and helps create a positive atmosphere in the hospital. He functions just as efficiently in and out of a team but his natural leadership makes it easy for him to raise others to his standards making everyone work much more efficiently if a lot of extra work needs to be completed.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Silvio doesn't have any set plans for his future, despite his wish to have a family. He has always wanted a peaceful life where he can have a partner to wake up to, someone to raise kids together and put his efforts into his children. He strives to be a father and takes great pride in his skills as a father even now. He would be incredibly proud of his children and has always wanted this aspect of his life since his upbringing with such a large family. He strives to bring positivity to Karakura as he establishes himself and his family as a reputable and notable part of the society. He thrives off this thought as he pursues his life to make sure he is financially stable, has a great job and great friends in order to support his lifestyle as he wants nothing more than to be a peaceful and respectable man. For his distant future however he aims to give back to the Karakura community, as he grows older he aims to use his natural skills to contribute to city endeavours such as the school dances, new years festivals and especially shrine events as he wants to help organise or fundraise for them to have a greater impact on the positive parts of Karakura as he has already spent years saving people and keeping the people safe. He would love to know that he is making an impact in bettering the city in and out of work.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Silvio can initially be perceived as stoic or cold if you speak to him while he is busy or just see him walking through the street. Despite this he is quite the opposite, he is only stern when he needs to be and rather prefers to be conceited and playful. He perceives himself as a somewhat good man, with good intentions and is certainly confident in his abilities. Others would certainly agree as his closest friends and family know his good heart as he is always there for them, sacrificing several things to keep them safe and happy. His sister Claudia has been present throughout his life and knows him best, and she is incredibly positive about him, telling others that he is a funny, smart and rational man who is truly something special if you give him the time of day. He can sometimes be rude to those he does not like, not often holding back when putting forth harsh opinions but this is how he prefers to deal with problems, letting people know that he does not like them rather than putting up with people, preferring clarity and being transparent as he believes this is better than blind sympathy, due to his factual mind.

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Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
The Hospital Higher-Ups appreciate your interest in the faction, and after
carefully reviewing your application, we have decided to, unfortunately,
deny your application.

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction,
but we have made this decision based on the following reason(s):

- REPUTATION: A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend to pick players who
have been on the server for awhile and have a relatively clean history. One way to improve your reputation, and
boost your chances of acceptance, is by applying to other factions/community teams.

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (alex!#4532) via Discord so that we can solve
any other inquiries you may have

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