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Accepted ZekesHB | Lawyer Application 2 Electric Boogaloo


Level 7


In-game Name:

Previous bans (include appeal links):
The two links below have been two of my previous bans appeals, the first being an unfair ban which was rectified after. Despite this there is no excuse for my previous actions, whether or not I was banned for them. I have spent the many years since my last ban being significantly move involved in roleplay, as you know from my time as a lawyer already

Trolling [26/01/21] - Appeal link
Repeated PG in OOC [26/09/21] - Appeal Link

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes I do

Timezone & Country:
UK, England, BST/GMT

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Doctor Application - [Denied]
Psychiatrist Application - [Denied]
Librarian Application - [Accepted as Tutor]
Italian Language Application - [Accepted]
Doctor Application II - [Denied]
Lawyer Application - [Accepted]
Builder Application - [Accepted]

Describe your activity on the server:
My presence on SRP is very active and entertaining as I spend most of my time roleplaying with new people and new aspects of the server. I'm typically on for varying lengths of time and this is usually flexible so I can come on and off whenever the time calls for it. I find it more fun to enjoy myself with others in the server through my character as well as out of character. I've been in several roles on the server already and my time as a lawyer was by far my favourite because of the great people I was able to share the time with.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying to be a lawyer

What is your motivation for applying?:
I am applying for this role for several reasons, firstly being a lawyer is something I am passionate about in and out of SRP and being able to roleplay with something I am so interested in again would be a pleasure. I want to come back to my role so I can go back to being involved with the wider roleplay on the server and be able to interact with my friends in the various parts of the server once more.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Having spent over a year as a lawyer I have become very familiar with the ins and outs of Karakuras constitution through my 19 trials and various client meetings, there is essentially nothing I don't know about the job.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Being a lawyer was a massive goal of both mine and my characters and I believe that it was a great opportunity for me to expand my reach and involve myself with the several adults I already RP with but just on a deeper scale. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with town hall and simply wish to re-join now that the town hall has been rebuilt and looks awesome.

I also wish to put my real life law degree experience into the role and bring a level of sophistication to the legal system of SRP.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Lawyers, otherwise known as attorneys or legal practitioners are figureheads for upholding the law in a courtroom. They provide protection for a clients rights and advise them on what steps to take in a legal case, whether that be on the side of the defendant or prosecution. The lawyer's are tasked with ****ysing, collecting evidence and drafting what their clients should do in the courtroom. They speak on behalf of them and apply their extensive knowledge of the law to either defend their client from legal accusations or putting forth pressure on the defendant and their lawyer to get justice. They must spot weaknesses in the opposing case and make sure that they do their utmost when upholding their duties.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I do acknowledge this, however I do not foresee this being an issue

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I do understand, and will makes sure to put in 110%

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes I am aware, and will make sure that only IC actions will be taken

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have accepted each and every rule

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Definitely, as long as they are held when I physically cannot attend.


View attachment 45542

Full name:
Silvio John Russo

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:
2nd of July 1987


Academic Degree:
Bachelors Degree in Law

Criminal Justice


Work experience:
I have partaken in work experience with both lawyers and detectives, covering all areas of the lawyer career. I was present in several cases back in Italy with large criminal organisations studying the law. Outside of those experiences which I enjoyed during university, I also worked as a waiter for several restaurants over the years to earn some money for living, especially once moving to Karakura where I needed to be self sufficient. It also goes without saying that I've worked at the town hall for over a decade since starting my career at 24.

Political background:
My political background is very limited, I often stand in the middle ground on political conversations as each side of the world has its benefits. It gives me room to be unbiased and accurate in my work as holding strict political views limits the mind and breeds stubbornness which cannot be afforded in a lawyer. I am however very well versed in each parties of politics and how they view the world as it is important in a client, knowing their beliefs and views provides a way into a case, judging their morals and what they perceive as right and wrong, also proving possible motives behind crimes. An example could be with the old gang Anarchy which believe they are heroes for some cause which I believe is nonsense, only wanting to cause chaos and mask it with a heroic agenda and I know I will be bringing them down if I am employed.

Nationality & born location:
Born in Florence, Italy

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
I believe that I am the single best candidate for this job. I am a fair, thorough and level headed man that always uses his passion to fight for what he believes in. Those who know me will describe me as a patient and technical person, I am rarely seen being irrational or chaotic and always remain myself, and stick to my morals indefinitely. My clients will feel secure in my hands and will know that my expertise will keep them safe, I will devote each and every fibre of my being towards a case and will not stop until a conclusion is reached, my conclusion.

I am charismatic, a strong personality, someone who has a certain presence in the room that is not often seen. In a courtroom I am dominant as I know that my work and effort will carry me and my client to success. I am also a great colleague and will fit right in with my other Lawyers, I respect anybody who steps into a courtroom as it is truly mentally draining and you must be fully confident to refute any claims. It takes a special kind of person to take the stand and try to conquer the opponent and I believe I am one of those people. My life has been devoted to the cause and my experience is more thorough than any of those who will try to take the spot. I guarantee I will work harder, better and more successful than those who may also offer some merit for the role.

My moral compass is what drives me through life, I am a respectful man who spends time with his family, and visits the shrine very regularly. My morality is unwavering and this makes me a very successful lawyer, debater and person overall. I will excel in any duties given to me and know that eventually my efforts will pay off as I can prove myself. I would love any chance to prove my worth and guarantee that I will not disappoint. I have nothing but respect to the government and would be honoured to be a part of it in a town I have devoted myself to for years now.

Thank you for reading my application


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Welcome to the Government Faction! Please ping me in the SchoolRP town discord to receive your roles.

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