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Ruin06, in my eyes Ruin has made a positive impact on this server showing the potential of what players of SchoolRP, Whenever I think of 2021 SchoolRP all that comes to my mind is ruin, Many RP's I did with ruin were fun and even some of them were against him and were still having lots of joy and having lots of fun. This is an amazing induvial right here and has always been positive. I had 1500 characters. but limit
I appreciate your message and I must say I'm touched. I did not know that I had affected people during my time on this server. As much as I love the compliments, I'm not perfect, I've made too many mistakes. However I still deeply appreciate it, I hope when I'm able to get on the server once again, we could get in touch and have fun, have a great night, Deathndhorror.
Guys what if I update the Karl biography. Or make a new one for him. I hate writing motivation I can never decide which project to work on first help me
Rex is the only dinosaur still alive... are you a Tyrannosaurus-Rex or just a Pterosaur? I'm curious...