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DrKatzz uhh.. slightly weird suggestion?


Level 50
IGN: DrKatzz
DATE: 07-23-22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I want to suggest Baby models/Item. This will just be a average item that looks like a baby! Which will still make players rp as their child until they find someone to roleplay as their child.

I already know many questions and stuff will be said so I will fill in before anything

“Why can’t you just skiprp to someone rping as your child?” Well! Which is sounds easy, I feel like most people (and myself) would love to actually rp as being a new time mother or simply having a new baby into the world. And it will just make those who choose to rp their character being pregnant more fun!

“but.. what about auction house, possible people doing bad stuff with the baby in general, and what if people kidnap babies?

1. Well, there could be a rule placed in that you CANNOT sell babies at auction house.

2. People who decide to show threat or harm to a baby or there own can possibly seek behind bars for Child abuse/neglect or etc which will become more realism.

3. People threatening to kidnap a baby, or do kidnap a baby can be the same with someone kidnapping another person. That person will get kps set on them (if allowed ofc) if not this could lead to giving majors. Also, could lead to a higher jail sentence for Child Kidnapping.

4. Babies are not allowed on school grounds, hospital or any work related grounds. When people step into work or to school they will be put into “daycare”.

“You can just itemrp your baby..”
Which this is true, not many would like to do this. Which in most cases they skiprp on the baby part and have someone as their and honestly. Who has the time to run around trying to Find someone who willingly would like to make a new character

How did I plan a way for this to work?

1. Characters who are pregnant can schedule a appointment with one of the doctors and get a little “note” (or something like prescription) to confirm their character is pregnant

2. doctors, can looc ask questions to see if someone is taking it seriously instead of just going in to have a baby, but truthfully I feel it would just be better to go to the hospital discord and fill out a form to have a baby model.

OR, there can be a forums for having the baby model either accepted or denied but I’m more on the side of having a baby model form.

Ofc if they CHOOSE to go into labor, doctors can give the option in looc if they would like to get a baby or they can itemrp the baby .. but the baby model/item whatever will be 100k-200k since.. realistically giving birth is quite expensive..

“Kimi already said you cannot rp as anyone younger than 13”
.. but what is the difference between itemrp and a item that has a baby model.. only difference it would make is that you can actually see

(this was a little difficult to put together honestly)

What about the babies? The models will just have different skin colors and be bald!

This will make those who DID purchase a baby custom, still have their moneys worth.


This will just make some things more fun, though I am NOT encouraging for everyone to run around to get their character pregnant. Please remember only those 20+ May adopt children and get pregnant but I would perfer if babies were only allowed for the adult role or any role minus Col. This is just a fun thing for those who would like to rp these moments for their character especially if your like me and would like to rp every moment of your characters life (exp: highschool, college, adulthood).

Also, please remember just because it’s not realistic to you. Doesn’t mean it’s the same for others, personally I have a struggle to itemrp things for a long while (which a good example would be a baby) and would just end up forgetting I have one or just overall I just think it’s weird to rp pixel air. Some might have this struggle aswell.

once again, this is for fun and by all means I don’t want this to be viewed “this should be added in immediately! Or this is a big priority and needs to be added in” Which in any case it’s NOT but I would just like to see others point of views cause neverless I get it will be abused, like mostly everything else on srp. But I can’t say I didn’t try my best with some strict stuff <3

I am open to others ideas, I will understand either way wether it’s -1/+1 <3
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Level 194
I haven't read this, just basing it off the title. This has been suggested one or two times now and each time has been denied for valid reasons. I personally think it's an interesting concept but it will easily be abused. We just cannot trust the player base bro, blame them!! -1


Level 50
Thread starter
I haven't read this, just basing it off the title. This has been suggested one or two times now and each time has been denied for valid reasons. I personally think it's an interesting concept but it will easily be abused. We just cannot trust the player base bro, blame them!! -1
Which is why, I tried to make it as strict as possible, though I can’t say it WONT be abused neverless what I put in or put in by staff themselves, I totally understand.


Level 21

So, while I don't usually like this kinda stuff..

Hear me out! This could, actually work. A lot of people would LIKE to get a baby model, but unfortunately guess what.. not everyone has money for a custom!
Having this as an item that is STRICTLY in hospitals could work really well. Now, but what about customization?! Children don't need it. Most babies look different when growing up anyway.. a few different skin tones with a white blanket could honestly be enough. And for hair? Cover it with a hat. Boom, solved.

While I don't see this being a PRIORITY, I do think this would be nice to do. Baby models aren't too bad to make either, not saying modelling isn't hard! But usually it would just accompany a head that is in a minecraft skin format (if this is ever accepted, I wouldn't mind making the head textures).

And ParentVibez
I haven't read this, just basing it off the title. This has been suggested one or two times now and each time has been denied for valid reasons. I personally think it's an interesting concept but it will easily be abused. We just cannot trust the player base bro, blame them!! -1
You really should read it. I understand the whole "cannot trust the player base", but DrKatzz mentioned how it can be slightly strict.
I think this is a great idea personally for the players that WANT a nice, familyrp experience but cannot afford a custom. Oh, and the whole skipping it? Lets be real here, that won't ever make sense.


Level 271
I totally understand your opinion, but sadly after I saw a lot of people with baby customs in the past it's just weird and not realistic (e.g the baby is just going to ur pocket); It's hard to rp with that, I don't think it's really suitable to SRP. .


Level 164
Community Team
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Kimi has said in other suggestions like this that they will not be allowing players to play ages below Grade-7 to be roleplayed out. Plus as Hatola said, it would be difficult to roleplay having a baby as in real life and in most situations you would need to hire a babysitter or drop off at a daycare.

Parentvibez is right that we cant trust the player base. But if you wanted to play a chara that acts younger, play with a grade 8-9 and roleplay it from there.

As it would be nice to have able to babies in game, its not needed really.


Level 231
Lotta really bad opinions in here, especially from some people who didn't can't even bother to read the actual suggestion (Why comment if you can't even put the time into reading the thread?)

I agree a lot with @needle, not exactly needed but also would add a lot of depth to what you can do as a Adult tag on the server! And yes, I think it would need to be exclusive to Adult Tags. This would stomp any potential player abuse since there are so few adults and they would lose their tag if they do something dump like run over their baby with their car.

Think it's a little silly how much fearmongering your all having about the potential abuses of this -- it just really wouldn't be that much of an issue, especially with the harsh rules I have suggested alongside the actual thread's statements.

Forcing players to shill out 50$ for a silly custom that should be available to any adult tag is extraordinarily lame. All I ask is just don't give the two baby models a full head of hair.
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Level 50
Thread starter
Kimi has said in other suggestions like this that they will not be allowing players to play ages below Grade-7 to be roleplayed out. Plus as Hatola said, it would be difficult to roleplay having a baby as in real life and in most situations you would need to hire a babysitter or drop off at a daycare.
… It doesn’t really seem you read the entire forum. These babies are just items that have a baby model which will be roleplayed by you, which people already do when they have kids but most skiprp it. Though, when it comes to situations. It’s easy to just tell people your baby is at daycare when something is happening.

Parentvibez is right that we cant trust the player base. But if you wanted to play a chara that acts younger, play with a grade 8-9 and roleplay it from there.
Reason why I added some strict rules, this once again shows you didn’t really read the forum throughly.

and referring to the last part ..
once again, this is for fun and by all means I don’t really want this to be viewed “this should be added in immediately!”


Level 50
Thread starter
i see benefits but u can also just.. itemrp ur child u kno
Not many like to itemrp, or most can’t ..

Personally with me, it’s very weird item rping instead of having a actual model. It just gives more realism and someone can’t just forget their holding a baby while doing things (cause 10/10 people will forget)


Level 164
Community Team
Lore Team
Just saying that this will get denied since there had already been suggestions of child/baby rank before.

And seeing if you use the child model in /model as a replacement as it is only able to be used OOCly as said in this screenshot said by mike

If you wish to have a child, you are welcomed to either get a Child Custom or ItemRP it as this is a roleplay server, not everything needs to be physically seen as it can be explained by a little bit of detail. If you can't ItemRP/DetailRP it, then don't.


Level 79
Community Team
Media Team

Pretty much same opinion as FoldableSpork and Toto.

Sure you can itemrp them, but 8 out of 10 times people tend to forget the baby is there and then suddenly remember mid rp that they were holding a child- having a PHYSICAL item of a baby will make things easier especially adults who wants to have some sort of familyrp!


Level 50
Thread starter
Just saying that this will get denied since there had already been suggestions of child/baby rank before.
Once again, you have NOT read the forum throughly, or maybe your confused? These are for YOU to rp as a child, I’m talking about rping as the baby. The forums you provided are for you to change your character, not have a baby model for your character to have and rp as it (like some of the current custom models have baby in strollers or baby in arms)

I don’t know what difference between itemrp and having a item that has a baby model.
If you wish to have a child, you are welcomed to either get a Child Custom or ItemRP it as this is a roleplay server, not everything needs to be physically seen as it can be explained by a little bit of detail. If you can't ItemRP/DetailRP it, then don't.
Why would you even tell people not to want to rp as their child if they struggle with itemrping, you would have to detailrp even if you have a model. Not everyone can just whip out money and be like “I’m gonna buy my own baby!” I think you missed the WHOLE point of this forum and if you already read it, please reread it again..


Level 231
Just saying that this will get denied since there had already been suggestions of child/baby rank before.

And seeing if you use the child model in /model as a replacement as it is only able to be used OOCly as said in this screenshot said by mike

If you wish to have a child, you are welcomed to either get a Child Custom or ItemRP it as this is a roleplay server, not everything needs to be physically seen as it can be explained by a little bit of detail. If you can't ItemRP/DetailRP it, then don't.
This is a completely different suggestion idea, I do not think you read or understood the thread accurately. This is wanting for a baby model custom to be made public so that adult ranks can roleplay having young infant children that will later be time-skipped to grade-9s.


Level 102
+1 But I do think it will take some time to implement and won't be a priority seeing as the server is frequently getting some more important updates lately and don't think the staff team are gonna be focusing on this anytime soon


Level 21
Some people are confused.

This is about an item. An item that is from a hospital, not a /model. Read the post please before you comment.
People can't fork up $35-50 for a custom all the time, yes you can itemrp it.. but honestly, it's frustrating. @luvochi was lucky to have been randomly bought a custom from a close friend of ours for a baby model, but not everyone has that luck.

Please be mindful and read the post. Don't just read the first few lines and decide you don't like it.

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