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Denied Doctor Application #3 | LocalSingleWomen


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

LocalSingleWomen [Main] [Applying]
LocalSingleMoms [ALT]
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
I am on the server for four to seven hours, sometimes more sometimes less, it depends on my daily life. I have been on a short inactivity recently but I am back into the action, actively roleplaying with others in the SRP community.
What is your timezone?:
List your current and past applications:
Accepted -
Professor Application
Italian Application
Nurse Application #2
Latin Application
French Application
Denied -
Doctor Application #2
Doctor Application #1
Nurse Application #1
List your current roles on the server:
Professor [HD]
Grade-12 [Swim]
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

I have many years of experience when it comes to roleplaying, a good percent of them not even involving SchoolRP but I have spent roughly three or four years on the SchoolRP server, interacting with different types of role plays such as GangRP, MedicalRP, and AcademicRP. I have spent over a year [From 2022 to 2023] being a school nurse and doing extensive and detailed medical role plays while in that position.
What is your motivation for applying?
I have always enjoyed detailing medical procedures, even as simple as cleaning up a cut and applying a bandaid, which is why I was a nurse for over a year and why I have (now) applied three times! I have always wanted to roleplay in the hospital since 2019 and I want to do more extensive medical roleplay and find a community that has similar interests as me!
Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?

Director -
The director is responsible for, in simple terms, running the hospital. They oversee everything that involves the building like recruiting and promoting staff, implementing regulations, and ameliorating communications. The director also makes sure that patients get high-quality care and monitors budgets like how much money is being used to spend on medicines, staff wages, and so on.

Doctors examine patients, perform medical tests, treat patients, and prescribe medications. They provide a variety of tests and scans such as CT scans, ultrasounds, X-rays, and others to help find out what’s wrong with the patient before going on to treatment. After treatment, they usually prescribe medication and/or give the patient a post-treatment schedule so the patient can become better and hopefully back to normal!

Surgeons typically operate on patients, treating injuries such as broken bones, diseases, and deformities. They also do consultations with patients regarding prosthetics that they can get custom-made. Surgeons are also responsible for carrying out diagnoses, informing patients of pre-operation care, carrying out procedures, and informing and providing patients with their post-operation medication and routine to get themselves back on their feet.

Psychiatrists are doctors who specialize in mental health so you can schedule an appointment with them and you can then talk to them about what is troubling you in your life, whether it be from your past or your present, and they will listen to you and with what you tell them they can diagnose you and give you a plan to help better yourself for the future along with medication if needed. They can additionally perform a variety of psychological tests to diagnose their patients with different things such as ADHD, OCD, anxiety, autism, and more!

These are the doctors/psychiatrists who have finally finished their training. They are no longer restricted from the training hours and tests, now they can wander around the hospital and they can take in patients and treat them using the things they have learned during their trainee days and put them to use. They are also able to help trainees with anything they are stuck with!

These are the new hires! These might be people who have applied straight from med school or got promoted from interns, no matter what they’re still new to the hospital. They go through training and practice procedures and watch their higher-ups [Attending and higher] to procedures to prepare for when they finally can work on their own! The training can go on for up to a month, making sure the new hire understands every little bit of their selected department! After this time they will be moved into becoming a resident!

Interns are students or adults who are participating in the program, learning about what happens in the hospital. They are allowed to help if permitted to by the attending employee guiding them through the hospital. They might be upgraded from intern to trainee if the attending employee decides that they’re qualified enough to work at the hospital!

Hospital Stretchers - These are, in simple terms, moving medical beds! These are used to transfer patients from one wing of the hospital to the other wing swiftly and comfortably!
Monitors - There are multiple of these in the hospital and they all have different purposes. Most commonly used is to see the patient’s heart rate and in any case that the patient drops, the heart monitor will blare throughout the nearby vicinity.
CT Scanner - This is a giant machine that is used to check the patient for any tumors, deformed bones, or any oddities in the body. It uses a combination of X-rays and computers to produce images of the inside of the patient’s body, usually in black and white to help the doctor/surgeon to see any abnormalities.
Ultrasound Machines - These are machines that are used to examine the organs and they put the photos on a connected computer monitor for the patient and the doctor to see what might be going on in the body. These are most commonly used for finding out the progress of a pregnancy or issues with the lower stomach area.
Defibrillators - These are machines that are used to apply a strong electric charge to a patient’s chest to restore a normal heart rate. Usually, these are used as a last resort after performing CPR on a patient when they have suddenly flat-lined as it can cause some permanent damage to the patient. These will not be used if a patient has signed a DNR [Do not resuscitate].

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
I acknowledge that I am subject to being demoted at any given moment once accepted.
Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I acknowledge that once I apply I agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if training is being held while I am online, I am expected to attend.
Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I acknowledge that I am to not take things OOCly when dealing with training and situations.

In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:

Charlotte Munakata
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female | She/Her
Character’s Age (if accepted):
Character’s Academic Background

High School Diploma | Obtained in 2011
Bachelor’s Degree in General Medicine | Obtained in 2015
Bachelor’s Degree in Biology | Obtained in 2024
Character’s Nationality:
Character’s Marital Status:
Character’s Religious Denomination:
Character’s Spoken Languages:
Backstory (100+ Words)
Charlotte Maria Munakata was born on April 29th, 1994 in Barcelona, Spain. Being the second-born child of her Spanish mother and Japanese father, she grew up with her younger siblings and another brother, as their parents were always busy working. She had a decent life compared to her overworking brother but she did her part, helping her older brother with taking care of their younger brothers. In school she studied hard in all of her classes, even when co-parenting her younger siblings and helping her older brother, she never missed a bit of homework or an exam. She multitasked most of her life, making sure she would be able to have a bright future ahead of her. When Charlotte turned 17, her parents both passed suddenly in an unfortunate car crash, leaving her older brother to raise her and her younger siblings. After grieving, she continued her studies and managed to graduate early from high school due to her academic grades, starting college a year early.
Charlotte was studying general medicine in college, preparing herself for medical school, and working full-time jobs at the local mall and a local restaurant, making sure her siblings were okay whilst profiting the household, leaving them to have the necessities they needed whilst also putting in funds for medical school. Graduating her college degree at the age of 21, she began medical school, dropping one of her jobs so she could focus on her studies. With her older brother’s constant job changes, she had to constantly move between apartments and units to be closer to wherever he was working at the time. It didn’t matter to her, she had to follow suit by getting new jobs and getting her apartment eventually, still close by to her family and helping them with bills. She made plenty of friends on the way, who always offered to help her with her future medical lifestyle full of fees and funds, which she was always thankful for, but never accepted their kind gestures as she always wanted to be independent just like her older brother.
She began working on her residency in internal medicine which took her roughly three years but she made it through. During this time, She was working a part-time job in a local elementary school as a school nurse. Once she finished her residency and could finally get herself a full-time job, she decided to start looking in Karakura, scrolling through the endless school faculty applications, police applications, and even shrine maiden applications before finding open hospital applications. Charlotte was quick to put in an application at the local hospital, sending all of her references from previous jobs and her long time in medical school, residencies, and her time as a school nurse. She decided at this time to also send an application to the school to become a school nurse again just in case nothing worked out for her at the hospital.
Charlotte ended up not hearing from the hospital but that was no problem for her as she got into the school with ease due to her previous time working as a school nurse. During this time, she spent her free time studying for a bachelor’s in biology. Thankfully with her previous experience learning about biology and medicine for her general medicine degree, it would only take her two years. During these two years, she met a man who broke her heart badly but that didn’t matter as she met another man named Eito Tomohiro who she quickly fell in love with. Additionally, during her time in Karakura, she and her brother adopted children and gave them a place to call home. A few months passed and her boyfriend, Eito Tomohiro, proposed to her! A month after her engagement, she decided to quit her job at the school, wanting to focus on herself and her studies to finish her degree! Months later she brought a baby girl into this life! After she gave birth to her baby girl, she took a break from her studies to focus on her fiancé and her baby. She then went back to her studies, working on them at any time she could whilst dealing with a baby. Two years later, she indeed got her bachelor’s degree early as promised by her online college. Charlotte then decided to throw another application to the hospital, hoping that she’d hear back and become a trainee doctor.
What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Charlotte’s medical specialty is diabetes. She took an interest in this as her uncle passed away from diabetes as he never got proper treatment so she took a vow to begin her studies on how you can get diabetes, how diabetes affects the body, how it’s currently treated, how much it costs to treat, and how it could be possibly cured in the future.
What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Charlotte completed a three-year residency in internal medicine at Prime West Consortium located in California.
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Charlotte worked at an elementary school as a school nurse for three years. Additionally, she worked at the local school in Karakura for a year as a school nurse so in total she has worked as a school nurse for four years.
Has your character completed any additional schooling?
She originally had no plans of completing any extra schooling but after she moved to Karakura, she decided to take up a couple of years of Biology and got herself a bachelor's degree in it.
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Charlotte Munakata is a 5' 9 woman with caramel-colored skin and a pear-shaped body. Her hair is long and is colored like a raven’s feather and her eyes are of a similar color to gingerbread. Her caramel skin is carefully decorated with moles on her skin her eyes and her lips. Small gray hairs sprinkle throughout her hair due to the stress of her everyday life. She has small scars on the palm of her right hand and her left hand is a beautiful gold engagement ring with a beautiful diamond resting on it.

How does your character act on and off duty?

On Duty -
Charlotte on duty is always on her feet, always ready to help a patient or her co-workers. You can always catch her standing around by the front lobby, waiting to help someone or chatting with a coworker, checking in on them. A smile will always be on her face as the hours pass throughout the day, even through stressful situations.
Off Duty -
Charlotte's off-duty is fairly similar to her on-duty. She’s always on her feet and she’s always moving around her apartment as fast as she can. She’s always taking care of her baby, her fiancé, and her children. Although seemingly very stressed, she manages to keep herself calm despite everything crazy that goes on and a smile will still be on her face.
Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Charlotte functions better on her own as she can think with her thoughts although she does not mind working with others- in fact, she enjoys working with others. She enjoys working with other colleagues as the job doesn’t feel as draining.
What plans does your character have for the future?
Charlotte’s plans for the future are to become a successful doctor and be a loving mother and wife to her newborn and her future husband. She wants to be able to provide for them along with providing for her other brothers and their families.
How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Charlotte is perceived as a sweet woman but with that sweetness is a spiciness that leaves a pain on the tongue, the pain being similar to snake venom. Although she agrees that she can have a kick to her personality and how she is perceived, she doesn’t see herself like that. She sees herself as a woman who will do anything in her power to protect anyone and make sure that they are safe. Charlotte is a woman who is very protective of people she cares dearly about and if it makes her seem like a mean woman to strangers? So be it.


Level 234
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the faction, we often have to deny good applicants because there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation or due to the detail that was put into their application.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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