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Denied AngelDisgraced Counselor application


Level 20
Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
During weekdays I'm on after 4 PM EST to 11:30 PM EST but on weekends I'm on most of the time as long as I'm awake a chart with my activity will be below​
No vacation16:00 to 23:3016:30 to 23:3016:30 to 23:3018:00 to 23:2316:00 to 1212:00 to 24:0012:00 - 23:30
Vacation12:00 to 24:0012:00 to 24:0012:00 to 24:0012:00 to 24:0012:00 to 24:0012:00 to 24:0012:00 to 24:00
All time is in EST
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have not been banned before.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I am aware that if I am inactive I will be demoted
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Counselor is an employee who helps kids during school that need help emotionally they are the psychiatrists of the academic faction, and they can allow certain things for students that are normally not allowed an example of that is a service pet. Counselor is one of the employee roles that doesn't have as much space as the others because usually, schools in the real world don't have many counselors adding to the realism of the server. Counselors also help students work towards goals in school they want like college.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have quite a bit of experience with roleplay starting off 3 years ago when I joined a DND game and I've been playing it for 3 years still roleplaying in it so I would say that is pretty good experience, I also have been in 3-4 roleplay based SMP servers which I did a little bit not putting 100% of my focus in, I also have been a KPD officer on SRP for 3 months now which has been a great experience roleplay wise and I've been playing SRP since March of 2023 roleplaying after I understood the rules.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I want to join the school employee faction because back when I was a teacher even though it was a short time on SRP I liked the faction but I didn't like teaching at all so I figured I would apply for a school employee because I believe that I will like it much more than a teacher because planning lessons isn't something I like that much but being a counselor is something I like the idea of even more than a teacher.
Ryoichi wants to be a counselor because after a sibling's father died she took care of them temporarily watching over them and went to college and medical school to get a degree so that she could be a counselor to help them out and adopt them. Ryoichi also loves kids and wants to help them in whatever way she can but knows she is a terrible teacher or nurse so she decided being a counselor would fit perfectly for her!
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
DisgracedMeows - Officer
GracedAngelY - Grade 12
AngelDisgraced (Account I'm applying on) - grade 9

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Ryoichi remains calm as she gives them a warning telling them if they continue they will be given detention before smiling and walking away. If they continue yelling and calling them pathetic she will turn around and walk up to them asking how they would feel if someone called them pathetic or insulted them at all before handing them a detention slip and telling them to show up.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
She radios for more faculty just in case something goes wrong before walking up and standing in between the fight separating them before handing them both detention slips and taking any injured people to the nurses. She always believes that people can change and be better.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
She would not like it, depending on how dangerous they are acting she will record it for reporting to the higher-ups after being sure she has enough proof she walks up and asks them what they think they are doing and scolds them about how dangerous it is and that if someone gets hurt during it they could get fired or even arrested if it's dangerous enough she does believe that there is better in people so she will tell them not to do it again and that she will tell higher-ups if they continue and she won't report it the first time. But, if they do it a second time she will report it to the higher-ups making sure the person gets punished.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
When in the break room she is nice and if someone looks down she will do whatever she can to help them making sure they are okay. Otherwise, if nothing is going on she will get a coffee and something to eat before sitting down and talking to anyone around who wants to talk to her being as friendly as possible!
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

She rested back in her chair looking the person in front of her in the eyes smiling at them her aura of calmness and relaxed nature as she spoke "What did you come into my office for today, I trust it's for something important because every student here has something important to say!" knowing they were a trouble maker she expected a bad response but still smiled making sure that even though she knew they weren't the best student she still was hoping maybe this would be the time they wanted to change and talk to her about good things
/me As the student in front of her said that they wanted to change how they were sick of being the problem student and mentioned that they trusted her for help the smile on her face got slightly brighter as she looked at them "Of course I'm always glad to help I can recommend you a few classes and clubs that you can do and also ways to work on this. What do you find interesting tell me a few things you like and I'll find some classes and clubs that work for you!" She stopped talking smiling at them as she waited for them to tell her a few things they liked to do
/me She nodded as they said that things they found interesting were volleyball and math and would like to try cooking "Alright so what you can do is I know you said you tried volleyball and weren't very good at it but I recommend you keep practicing and you will do great, me personally I would even come help you practice if you need whenever I'm free and then eventually when you get even better you can join the volleyball team and I'm sure they would love to have you! As for math we have plenty of amazing math teachers here just go whenever they teach a class and as long as you behave you will learn, of course, don't forget to go to other classes the first step in becoming a better student is going to classes more even if you don't find them interesting, and cooking that's an easy one we have plenty of great clubs here and the cooking club is one of those so you could do that and I'm sure they will teach you a lot about cooking!" After that, she cleared her throat smiling brightly before taking a piece of paper out and writing the date of their next meeting together a week from now "I look forward to seeing you next week we will hopefully only have 1-2 more meetings depending on how well you are doing in school just know that if you ever need to talk before that time stop by my office and I'll gladly meet with you I just want you to know that you are strong for wanting to change and I believe in you"


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
Full Name (First & Last only):
My name is Ryoichi Rossi
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
Rossi is my last name no reason to use my first name unless we are close friends
Age (Minimum is 25):
Academic Degree:
Masters in psychology

Known Languages:

The birth
I was born in France back in 1993, of course, I didn't know what my family was like back then as I was a stupid child who couldn't realize what my parents were doing but eventually when I was 5 they got jailed and when talking to the local police about it they had said that my family ran a gang that murdered people and I was only 5 at that time so I was shocked it was at that moment I broke down crying. After that day I moved to Japan in Tokyo to live with my grandma and grandpa they were strict but I loved them and they were better than my parents they are what started my passion for helping others because they got sick easily so I would have to spend time helping them recover at their house.

Overworked life
From 5 to 20, I was at my grandparents' house taking care of everything in the house making sure it was well kept, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, and feeding the pets while my grandparents relaxed it's not like I had a choice I had nowhere to go I was 5, by the time I turned 16 they made me get a job to be able to buy things because of course they would never buy me things because they owned the house and I was living under their roof I had to do it without much question so at that point I was doing a job from 9-5 while also doing all the stuff I did when I was younger in the house so I had no time for friends so I just worked.. worked... and worked some more until eventually I turned 20 and left the house buying my own small apartment that I paid for no help from them.
From lovers to enemies
For this next part, I’m going to have to go back to when my parents were arrested at the time it was confusing as how to they got caught but it became clear .. oh so clear when he showed up. I was at my small home by myself relaxing on the couch when I heard a knock on the door and I was confused when I opened the door it was him at the time I didn’t know who he was but it would all reveal itself soon. He said he was cold and tired and was homeless and asked if he could stay at my place for a bit so me being the nice person I was I let him stay in my house for a bit.. Big mistake.. He was nice very nice we were the same age so after a month of him staying there I asked the question if he wanted to date. He said yes something I didn’t expect but I was willing to try it. He started acting weird just 1 day after investigating every little thing I did and this was when I spent more time with him I started to realize he looked similar to someone I remembered as a child but I ignored it I was probably just imagining things. After 2 months together he said something I never expected he said my parent's names saying his parents used to be friends with them. After another 2 months, he admitted that his parents were the ones that got them arrested and framed my parents so I yelled at him telling him to never come back to my house or I would call the cops on him.
All alone
After all that, I was single and alone by myself no friends and no boyfriend which was fine by me, especially after what happened with him despite everything that I had learned I kept going ignoring the terrible thing I had learned after all my parents were in jail for murder what could I have done. After all that, I knew what I wanted to do, I had heard there were traces of my family in a small town called Karakura so after saving money until I was 25 I eventually bought a plane ticket and flew over to the town of Karakura.
Fixing a family of grief
I entered Karakura at 25 and when I got there I searched for my family and eventually found Nui the first Rossi. He appeared upset but he couldn't speak or seem to hear luckily in Tokyo, I learned Japanese sign language just in case I needed it for my job so I was able to speak to him and I learned that Souma Rossi his adoptive father had died so I took him in for a bit just watching over him making sure he was okay and suggesting things he could do to get better mentally. That is what started my love for counseling as I helped him as much as possible while also taking classes to apply for a counselor at the school Nui went to.
Why won’t he leave me alone?
I was having a day out with Nui watching over him and making sure he was doing well when out of the corner of my eye I saw him my ex-boyfriend the child of the people who got my parents sent to jail for life. Right in front of me in person in the town of Karakura walking into the famous powerplant known for being a spot where criminals hang out against my better judgment I followed him in as my connection slowly dropped to one bar no calling for help if he did anything when I saw a masked person and him talking he put his own mask on pulling out a katana as they both ran off further into the sewers it was at that moment it hit me he wasn’t just a normal person he was a criminal.
My education didn’t really start off much until Karakura when I moved to Karakura as I skipped school a lot as a child but in Karakura I decided it was time to get it together and I went to school for a major in psychology and spent 10 years in medical school and by the time I was out I was 45 older than I expected but I was ready to do what I really loved.
Finally, doing what she loves
This is the real beginning of my story I sent this application over the mail to the school if I make it in I will do everything in my power to help kids just like I helped Nui and make sure every other school employee is treated well by me and I want everyone to be happy because there is always second chances to change yourself.
Motivation for Joining KHS:
Ever since I started taking care of Nui I knew that the school he went to was the perfect spot to work at. I love helping kids get their life together I know some of them will never change but if I can make at least 1 person change through my time working here I will know there is hope for this town. If people want to come to me to talk about their life I will also know I have made it.
Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe that there are other people just as good as me for this job but what I have that some others don't is the belief that there are always second chances for things while others may give up the first time someone rejects their help I won't just give up. There is always the other side of the coin for everyone and while it may be harder to get some bad people to show their other side I believe that with enough effort I can be the other one to find that side.

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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