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bethecreature's Reporter Application


Level 106
What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:
wethecreature, bethecreature (account applying with)

wethecreature is my main, so that is where all my activity is.

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

I do not use a microphone, but I am able to Voice Call.

List your timezone and country:
MST, United States

Describe your activity:

I would rate my activity a 7 or 8/10. I usually play 4 days a week, while during days when I'm not busy, I play every day. I usually play 2-3 hours a day, sometimes I play up to 5.

Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

ACCEPTED: Event Application #4
Maiden Application
Professor Application

DENIED: Event Team Application
Lore Team Application
Event Team Application
Governor Application
Lore Team Application #2

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

As somebody who is very passionate about writing, I want to be a Reporter as it is a role on SRP that allows me to be a writer ICly and OOCly and inform people about interesting subjects that are interesting to me. I believe it's a perfect opportunity for me to express my writing on the server and use it more within SRP.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

I am aware of and will follow all the sets of rules that were provided by the Reporter Lead.

Why should we accept you over others?:

I believe I should be accepted over other applicants because I am extremely passionate about writing and I have been writing for a while now. I also can be uplifting and funny at times while professional at others. I try to be a good team worker and to be a patient and compassionate person. Although this hasn't been the best in the past, I have gotten better at communicating with people around me to get things done as quickly as possible and with good execution.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes, I completely understand this.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
I imagine that working as a Reporter would consist of me collecting experiences, thoughts, opinions, facts, and more to create an interesting report on IC subjects within the server. I hope and believe that it would be an enriching experience/opportunity to participate in.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name: Miriam S. O'Riley
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr) Miriam - Ms. - No Title
Current Age (25+): 33
Past job/work experience: Grocery Bagging, News Reporting, Journalism
Degree/qualifications: Journalism, Public Relations, English
Nationality and born location: American - Kyoto, Japan
Phone Number: 030-007-3516

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?: I would summarize myself as a passionate person. I care a lot about what I do, and also what I believe in, however, I do not try to force my beliefs onto others and do things that would make me seem biased in the field. I've been not so nice in the past, but I've really been trying to get better, and I truly hope that it has been shown to the people around me. I also think I am generally compassionate and empathetic of those of around me, and I try to put myself in other people's shoes.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
Although I'm prepared to write about anything, I specifically want to try to tackle subjects that aren't the most talked about and are a bit more intriguing and mysterious than others. I definitely know that I am prepared to go out of my comfort zone when making some reports and learning about the subject. I am not afraid to talk to people who might be a bit eccentric or go to places that are untouched, dangerous, or unexpected by anybody.

What are your expectations for the job?: My expectations aren't very high (in a good way) and I do not ask much of my superiors other than that I have the freedom to go a bit outside the normal things that people might report about and educate people on some of the more interesting and unknown things within Karakura. I want the ability to be creative with my reports and not be restricted in what I can do. (To obvious extents.)

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below: N/A
Fluent Languages (Underline your native): Japanese, JSL, English


You will have to write two ‘reports’ about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you’re found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

Have you ever been or even heard of Karakura's Church? Maybe you have, some people haven't though! For those who haven't, this church is located outside the entrance to Ochiba Forest, near the Furniture Shop and 11/7. I have always wondered if the church is abandoned or if I am just walking by at the wrong times. Well, I decided to ask other people their opinions. I asked around 15 different people and around 14 agreed with me about the fact that the Church seems abandoned. The 14 Karakurans stated that it seemed neglected, unused, and unattended. Although not everybody agreed about what should be done to change this, a couple of ideas were to make the Church a donation drive for clothes and food for the poor. Make it an interactive place for the Karakurans to take part in like the shrine, and/or offer it up for a religious clergy to reside in.

Although nobody knows what they should do exactly to change the current state of the church, however, most of them agree that something should be done! So, listen to the people, somebody must step up and do something with this space before it falls into disrepair completely!

. . .

Oh. You're still here? Well, maybe you want to hear more. Have you yourself ever inquired about the history of the church? Well, here I go. I'll put this in my own words as best I can.

I learned of this from some history books and pamphlets about the Church, I would recommend checking them out to get the full description.)

Although there aren't many Christians in Karakura, many couples actually come to this place to have non-religious wedding ceremonies, and some people say it's full of happy energy from all the weddings.

The Church was built in celebration of the Meiji Restoration releasing the ban on Christianity. People partied on the grounds of the same area the Church stands today, and Okimi Harada gave a sermon to the people to show thanks to God. Later, he would have the Church built, where it remains two centuries later.

#2 - Interview. It’s important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.


Miriam S. O'Riley

White noise would buzz as the camera and microphone turned on.

"Hello Karakura, this is your News Reporter, Miriam O'Riley. Today I'm going to interview a few people and we will discuss the presence of
spirits in Karakura. Have you had an experience with one? Maybe or maybe not. It doesn't matter, because have or haven't, you will get to learn all about them with today's report."

An edited-in bit from O'Riley would play as the shot changed to Miriam and an oddly familiar woman.

My search for the truth behind the magical dead people begins in the former Guji of the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery. I interviewed her and heard her tales, which were truly terrifying tales.

MR - Miriam S. O'Riley
EH - Erina Hozumi

MR - "So, you are the former Guji of Karakura's Monastery?"

EH - "Correct."

MR - "Could you share your name with the audience?"

EH - "Erina Hozumi."

MR - "Alright! So, today we're trying to shed some light on the Spirits and Ghosts of Karakura."

EH - "I see, I will be more than happy to help you."

MR - "Do you personally have any experiences with the supernatural from your time in the shrine?"

EH - "I have too many experiences. During my long time there, I encountered a lot. I even almost died during one of my encounters."

MR - "Could you perhaps share a story of an encounter you had with a spirit for us?"

EH - "Of course."

MR - tilted her head and listened to the tale.

EH - "There was a spirit that resided with us during the month of October 2022. I will not say the spirit's name for our own safety, but I can describe to you what it did. The spirit in question supposedly had a kill count of 40 people and injured around 60 people. I actually helped seal this spirit with 2 of my fellow Shrine Workers and a Police Officer. The spirit wasn't the nicest spirit, as you can probably tell, and did many horrible things to this city. We learned later through a dream that... wasn't exactly a dream that he was doing it all for revenge. In this 'dream', we learned that he and his sister got murdered, and it was written off as an accident. Apparently, he'd only want to avenge his little sister and himself. This was the same spirit that stabbed me twice."

MR - "I see. Could you explain to the audience and myself how you sealed the ghost? Also, how would one protect themselves from such presences?"

EH - "Of course. I and my coworkers put up a fight, a war some might say. We splashed spring water on the spirit, which harms spirits a majority of the time. We lead it to the altar to seal it and after a long 'treasure hunt', the ghost gave in and let itself be sealed. It tried to push me into the altar with it, but it didn't work. After that, we all held Omamori and Ofuda and chanted a sealing chant, sealing the spirit."

MR - "That is an insane story. I have a question, where would one get an Omamori?"

EH - "Ah, it's simple. For the small price of 1,500 yen, you can buy an Omamori from the shop at the shrine. It's really easy to obtain one! From then, just tie it to something like a backpack or phone case, or hold it, which can ward off spirits. This might not work on a stronger spirit, but it still is a good precaution to take."

MR - "Oh, alright! Is there anything else you want to say to the audience? Locations, Methods, Warnings, Advice?"

EH - cleared her throat. "Yes, I would. There is a park near the beach that is reported to have a very strong spirit inside. Do not mess with it or anger it. Most importantly, if it tells you to leave... leave. Do not anger these spirits, it will only put you in danger."

MR - smiled warmly at Erina. "Thank you for taking time out of your day to come here!"

EH - bowed in return. "Of course, it was a pleasure speaking to you."

And with that, the recording of the interview ended, and the screen changed.

Another edited-in bit played as the screen panned to another interview.

After I was done talking to Erina, I was doing my daily Onrain reading, when I found a post by a girl about her research on a strange entity in Karakura. I was going to be done, but I decided I'd learn a bit more. I slid into her DMs to ask her if she could perhaps do an interview, and she said yes. Maybe this can get some more information... Or even more than more information.

MR - Miriam S. O'Riley
MYJ - Mee-Young Jaibatsume

MR - "Could you begin by telling us your name?"

MYJ - "Mee-Young Jaibatsume."

MR - "It's a pleasure to meet you for the first time in person. If you can recount, I messaged you about the posts you'd made on the 'Strange Entity'."

MYJ - "Indeed you did."

MR - "I was wondering if you could perhaps tell us what you learned about that entity and possibly others?"

MYJ - "Well at first my experience with these 'entities' were very negative, being a Senior Journalist at the time, I took interest in the macabre, which lead me to the library. During my research I stumbled across some books that depicted some of the stranger occurrences in Karakura, however, one of them was reoccurring in the texts."

MYJ - "That reoccurring mention was of a blood relative 115 years ago that fell off a cliff to their death."

MR - leaned back in her seat, listening.

MYJ - "A moment promptly recorded in the scrolls of Jaibatsume history."

MR - "I see." Mint nodded. "Was this girl the exact girl you'd mentioned in your Onrain posts?"

MYJ - "It was, I even spoke to them myself and they confirmed it."

MR - "I see, so you spoke to a spirit? Was this interaction good or was it more bitter."

MYJ - "The only good interaction I've ever had with a spirit, though that may be because I carry the human equivalent of a fuck-off sign to spirits on me."

MR - "I see, could you tell us what that fuck-off sign is exactly? We love those."

The recording glitched out a bit as one of the recording devices in the area fell over. A part of the recording was unable to be heard. It seemed that part of the recording had been unfortunately lost.

MR - blinked. "A former priest at the shrine who I interviewed mentioned a little girl spirit that had fallen off a mountain. But she also mentioned a brother. Do you recount any experiences with a brother spirit?"

MYJ - "Would you like to ask the tale directly from the source?"

The shot was currently on Mee-Young, and as she spoke, a humanoid figure flashed into existence in the corner of the screen's view. Matsuda didn't seem to notice.

MR - raised an eyebrow. "I suppose?"

MYJ - "There is a reason I didn't bring the fuck-off sign with me."

Mee-Young's head turned to somebody behind Miriam. Miriam followed her gaze.

MR - "Holy shit- Excuse my language. I think I know who you are?"

There stood a young girl who seemed to be around the age of 12. She held a blue crescent moon staff and something inside you guessed she wasn't exactly a normal living human.

??? - "Mi-Cha Jaibatsume" aka "Yuna"

MR - "Well... Nice to meet you?"

??? - "Likewise."

MR - "I assume you are the girl spirit we mentioned?"

??? - "Mi-Cha Jaibatsume, the maidens call me Yuna."

MR - "I'm Miriam O'Riley. Would you prefer to be referred to as Yuna?"

??? - "I'll place that decision in your hands."

MR - "Hm, alright. Are you able to recount some of the events that transpired? I'm not sure what events would be best, just ones you might deem important."

??? - "The events of my death?"

MR - "Well that is what we were speaking about, so yes that could work."

??? - "Have you ever felt a thousand moments in the span of one?"

MR - "Hm..."

??? - "The feeling of falling, knowing, and being forced to accept it?"

MR - "I wouldn't say so."

??? - "It is a terrifying experience; one I would wish on no one. When me and my brother felt the earth cave under us, it felt like I was watching the longest minute, tick by."

MR - listened silently.

??? - "We sought out a fruit, one said to have potentially groundbreaking effects and benefits. This is the fuck-off sign fruit the girl next to you owns now. However, going up to the mountains only sealed what was soon to come."

MR - "I see... Could you describe you brother and who he was?"

??? - "Hwan Jaibatsume, my elder brother. He was mischievous and cunning, but only with his family's best interests at heart; Unfortunately, the Kami did not take kindly to some of his misdeeds when he died, and when he rejected their influence..."

??? - "They made sure he would be left worse off."

MR - "Was there anything that happened when you died? Anything sort of special? Or was it like... SNAP! Your conscious was back?"

??? - "I hit the water, I felt cold. Then warmth enveloped me. I could see nothing, then I saw my brother. He was there in the nothing with me, looking sickly and broken. When I awoke, I was 5 meters away from my dead body."

MR - "Was that... disturbing... frightening? To see your own dead body?"

??? - "I laid in that river for a decade.."

??? - "Alone and afloat..."

??? - "It was more than disturbing..."

??? - "It was hell."

As the final interview ended, it changed shots back to Miriam alone.

On that disturbing (yet informative) note, I will end this report. Please stay safe out there, Karakura! Watch out for spirits and do not mess around with them! As Ms. Hozumi said, keep an Omamori around you so you can ward off those pesky spirits! Also, don't worry, you're not the only one flabbergasted that I spoke to a real spirit! (It was real, I think. I didn't try to see if my hand went through it.)
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Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:
  • Please get in touch with me via Discord @Aania to start the process and get you set up!​

Welcome to the News Faction! :D
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