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Accepted Chef Application | madondrums


Level 43



Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I would first start to describe my activity as growing, you see I had a 4-month break in the summer just to break some fresh air but I still saw myself going back into SchoolRP. I have been playing now for about 3 to 4 years and with me knowing I'm coming back for sure, I told myself I'll try to apply for chef again. Having a good record of knowing how to roleplay correctly in this server and how to kindly correct people if they are not following the rules or are maybe failing to roleplay accordingly. Anyway back to my activity, I do have school studies to comply with but furthermore, I do play as much as I can confirming that if I miss one day of not playing I'll put the most in to make the best out of the day I have with coming onto the server and roleplaying with whoever I can. I'll mostly come online at the weekends but I'll come on after school for a while to get some more hours with what the faction-lead would want you to do to obtain the role of chef in Karakura's high school.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I have never been banned in SchoolRP.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I fully acknowledge that if I'm inactive without having a valid reason, my role as a chef can and will be taken from me.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The cooking staff otherwise known as a Chef is one to look after the students' well-being and make them daily meals that would be mandatory, They will provide a healthy workspace inside their kitchen having that it's a safe place for the students as well. The chef's job is also to look around and look after the work site, having their free time to go into the staffroom, monitor the halls or even give detention slips out to naughty high school and college students. They are made to work but to therefore be kind and respectable people in total, If they do not meet that standard they are in no position to cook and make food the the pupils of Karakura High School. After all of this, they must attend detention and make sure the student comes out with the right mentality for the next day of school tomorrow.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
As stated before, I have been playing this server for in total of around 3 to 4 years being that now I can hopefully say I understand the rules and how the server works. This is because I have been on and off different roleplay servers in the past some of them being on different games and platforms, adding all of that with the work I have done on myself with becoming a better role-player in SchoolRP, working around the new rules coming back from my break and when trying new roleplay situations I begin them with a struggle but quickly get the hang off it making others feel comfortable to roleplay around me. Having most of my reputation coming from my adult tag I had back in 2022, I had most of the people recognising me from when I used to GangRP and from when I applied and got accepted for chef in Karakura high school. Putting all of this to rest, I think I have tons of experience in roleplay.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I want to join the school employee faction just because looking back at all the memories and the old screenshots I have collected, I missed roleplaying in this faction. Looking back I miss having to tell students off, make them breakfast and lunch and much more. It was a time in my roleplaying where I felt the most calm and relaxed, happy most of all. Seeing all of that made me want to find the courage to apply again and try to see if I have another shot at getting this role, it would make me so happy having if I got this role that I would be wishing for I would make the most out of it. Finally, being that it's a milestone in my roleplay journey to get into the school faction having that this might be the chance.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:



What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

10RP characters:

Main = Adult.
Alternate = Grade-10.

madondrums characters:

Main = ???
Alternate = Bird.



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Turning their head, my character would sharply hear this horrible language and look for the student who would have cursed at me. After locating the pupil I would make sure they understand how that is wrong coming up to them and explaining, If they try to ignore my first telling off I would command them that if they do not listen or take this correctly I will have to hand you detention. Again, if the student still acts to ignore or not listen to what my character is saying, I will finally warn them with SLT having that, they might finally listen, seeing them in detention too.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Seeing these two people in the hallway, my character would quickly get there as they don't want anything to get worse than it might already be; breaking it up. After that, I would speak to the students that were involved, If in a big crowd, I would pull the two away from it explaining that they would have to tell me who did wrong and who made the decision to start and carry the fight out. After that if the students are not answering or corresponding to my question. my character would finally go to the CCTV to look at what happened in the fight. If they both are in the wrong, I would hand them both a detention slip and send them to the nurse's office if they need treatment from the fight.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Seeing this, my character would respond appropriately to this. Firstly but foremost, they would take a photograph of this inappropriate act, just for any evidence if SLT would want to handle this employee afterwards. Then they would approach their co-worker telling them how they have just seen them acting inappropriately, backing up my statement; my character would try to help the co-worker making sure they are mentally stable and healthy to carry on. If so, I would then tell them that I would have to report this behaviour to the SLT because ensuring the safety of the people in Karakura High is the most important duty of care for students and other employees. Furthermore, my character would then radio into SLT making sure it gets heard from them so they can be the judge of this act.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Sitting in a chair, my character would slowly start to sink into it. Beforehand, they would have said hello with a loving smile to their other co-workers from the different factions like; teaching staff, professors and then finally the school employees. After this, they would slowly look around to see if anyone needed a hand or help in any way. Although being a respectable person, my character would make sure to also keep her space around some other workers having that being an employee for a large school can be stressful. They would move the chair that they would be sat on slowly pushing themselves back to the table and then getting out from it. my character would walk out of the employee break room, happy as whatever can be.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me would slowly start to wander around his workspace, the kitchen. After this, he'd look through his storage where the food would be wanting to cook and start to prep the student's lunch. After getting the needed foods like beef, cheese, lettuce, red onion, jalapeños and tomatoes. With all this, he would start to make some tacos for Taco Tuesday. First, placing a bowl down onto to table he would be working on. He grabbed all the ingredients to make a nice spice he could find that would make the perfect cooked taco, placing in some cumin seeds, coriander seeds and peppercorns and then grinding them to a fine constancy. Putting them to the side for now, He'd then grab the beef. placing it into the bowl he just worked on then using a technique called the claw, spreading his fingers throughout the meat and shredding the beef into smaller groups. He'd then roll the beef into the spices getting all the flavour packed into it, finally putting a cloth over the beef and then putting it somewhere else. Secondly, he picked himself the red onion he found. Then placing it on another cutting board he'd quickly get his kitchen knife and then drop the blade onto the food. When the male had done cutting his onion, he'd place it onto the top of the cutting board then remembering about his lettuce, slowly he would pile the lettuce onto the chopping board. Using another technique he learned while in his university, dicing the lettuce into smaller chunks, he'd then place them into smaller bowl; not the bowl with the beef ready for placing it onto the taco. Afterwards, the chef would grab the last thing he needed before putting it all into a pan. The jalapeños, he'd plop them onto the cutting board for last. then again trimming the stem off, cutting them lengthways and removing the seeds and membrane of the food. lastly, he put them with his red onions from earlier. Then finally his favourite part of cooking. The male would grab his frying pan from the side that was hanging up, putting the heat on the stove to a high temperature, then firstly dropping in the fruits, placing the red onions and the jalapeños in the pan letting them catch the heat from the flame. He would let them cook for around ten to fifteen minutes, then drop them into another dish bowl. Finally unravelling the cloth from the top of the bowl he would pick up his spiced beef then placing it into the frying pan that would have the rich smells of the fruits last passed in, hearing the beef sizzle while cooking in the pan. He'd then place a spoon in the oily rich flavour laying at the bottom of the pan the grabbing it using his spoon pouring it onto the beef letting it slowly cook.. After all, the chef would finally place the beef onto the dish waiting to now get the taco shells. Placing the taco shells onto a plate he would then pick up his newly cooked beef scattering it all over the shell of the taco. Grabbing his fruits made earlier he'd slowly sprinkle them onto the taco too, then applying the salsa sauce adding to the flavour overall ready to then make an announcement to the students to come for lunch.

/me listening to the students walk through the halls, He'd slowly walk around watching and mostly waiting for something to happen. The male would check the toilets for anything inappropriate or violent, then walk out. He'd slowly come to the staff break room, opening the door with one hand leaving the other one to be free and in use of another task. Walking slowly in he would greet his other co-workers of his, making sure they knew he was a first-timer on the job. Afterwards, he would sit down grabbing himself to the chair then leaning back he would drink a sip of his coffee. Waiting for it to be his shift, he would lean over the clock wanting to prove to someone he was a good person at doing his job. Right when the bell struck the hour he needed to work he would up out of his chair and open the door waving goodbye to the other staff in the room, walking down the hallways he would meet other students nicely and kindly saying hello and to come to the cafeteria, its lunch. Coming up to his workstation he opens the door through which he puts his apron getting to serve the students waiting in line, finally grabbing the food he would give out on that day and that he has already made prior, he would hands it out calling one by one to collect their meal of the day. While calling the pupils up he would be looking around for any other naughty behaviour, just doing what he needed to do on his job.

/me having students sit in front of himself and other employees at detention in a row of tables, He'd go to where the detention tasks are stored. Having a flick through them seeing if they are suitable for the students there he would then walk slowly and quietly to the other staff members handing them all one to hand out. After this, he'd go to one student who had struggled to understand the task set for them to do while sitting in detention, reading it out slowly. While reading it out slowly he would then go to look at the student again asking if it's clear to them what the task is for them to do, and walking back to the front of the classroom. He'd have a clean look on his face knowing that the day was over and done with but then putting on a slight frown knowing again, that tomorrow is another working day for himself and other staff. After this hearing the school bell hum its last ring, he'd walk to the pupils sitting in their chairs and tell them to pass the tasks that they have completed and then after reading them he would walk to the door calling out the names that can be dismissed and let out of the detention... Slowly, he would nod goodnight to the other staff that would be in detention, walking slowly out of the school that would be Karakura High.




In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
Soda Zennix-Andreev

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Soda / Mr. Andreev

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:
4-year bachelor's degrees

Biology & Chemistry

Food Technology


Known Languages:


- Soda's Backstory -

In a small Japanese village of, Yanagawa. Soda would be born September 19th 1995, Introduced to the world in his mother's arms he would have next to him a sister and a father that would be brim-full of glee. Soda would live a normal comfortable life in the village of Yanagawa, being a lonely boy in fact, he would not have any friends; being antisocial. He would be seen reading manga in his room or drawing his favourite anime figures, his mother and father didn't care seeing that he left them alone and kept quiet, his sister being his sister came into his room most of the time checking up on him once and a while just to see if he was doing his normal things. One slowly rolling afternoon, Soda and his father were old fishing near a shallow lake. Soda looked at all the fish that would swim past while seeing his father have no luck at catching anything. Even though Soda's father didn't catch anything that day, he picked up his son and carried him home slowly having chats and a quick check-up on Soda to see how he was doing. Soda, returning home to see his mother and sister setting the table for tea, would quickly run to his mother giving her a tight hug while only being small at a height of 4'6 for a 7-year-old. His mother picking him up with excitement and happiness, would smear kisses around Soda's face treating the child like a star. After letting down the small child would waddle himself back to his room where he would crawl into his bed for a good night's rest of sleep...

A couple of years passed, and Soda would lay in his bed. He'd be reading his favourite manga, then his father came in wanting to ask if Soda would want to come to the markets and come get some food. Soda said yes, knowing his father was a chef for one of the restaurants in Yanagawa. While walking down to the markets, Soda would ask his father about what it's like being a chef for a restaurant. His father would answer quite quickly, responding with a nice tone of voice to his son. Soda would see the markets in the distance then he would grab his father's hand to run with him to them, Soda and his father arrived at the markets first seeing all the food to offer, he'd run and take some. Asking his father about if they needed any food but his father shook his head then leading Soda to the kitchen wear, they stood at this stall with a male looking on towards them. Afterwards, Soda's father would pick up a pair of knives and pay the male at the stall plenty, after that walking home. On the way home, Soda asked his father why he needed the knives, his father just told him that he needed them for his job, which Soda understood, later on in the afternoon Soda got a call from downstairs from his father. His father told him he was going to teach him the basics of how to cook and become a good home cook, Soda agreed with this nodding his head to every word and thing his father did. beforehand, his father got Soda to pick up the knife from the kitchen table and to start chopping some veg, Soda did it, not good at all but still did it. Soda's father helped him learn the best of the basics that Soda could handle, his father told him he should get into college and go higher up through the ranks to become a chef, telling him also that he had some talent from watching him never know how to chop vegetables to know do it constantly without failing.

Some more years later, Karakura. Soda got into college, not the one he wanted but at least it was something. Soda wanted to get into Tokyo Sushi Academy but with him not getting the best of grades in the college exam he went to a college that was mixed with high schoolers. Soda didn't care about that, he just wanted to get the best outcome he could, either work for his father or work for a top school. The more classes Soda took, he realised something. He realised that Karakura High was an amazing school and college and he was glad to go there. He'd dreamed of doing something later in life and this was it, he was in college doing cooking classes with trained professors. Soda would do around 200 classes in the years he would be there, having that his next college exam was coming up and if he got this he would become free to travel the world, go back home or stay in this place called Karakura. Soda went into the exam nervous wanting to prove to his father that he was good at what he was studying. The young male would finally after 5 nervous but after a while more confident hours, Soda got the news that he passed the exam and was free to have his bachelors-degree. He would run to the nearest phone, asking everyone if he could be the one to use their phone to ring his father. Amazingly, someone let him use their phone; he'd ring his father as quickly as he could, telling him the news once he answered. His father was made up with delight, telling his mother that could be heard from down the phone, his sister too. After the phone call, Soda would be walking to his apartment when he was scrolling on his phone and saw an advertisement about, Karakura High. He'd ignore it scrolling away before unlocking the door to his apartment and walking to the nearest thing he would sleep on.

A couple of weeks later, Soda would be sitting at Karakura Plaza, hearing a beep from his phone, pulling it out of his pocket. It would be a message from his father, saying that he saw this new job not too far from where he is staying. Soda was interested in needing some money for paying rent and more to just show others his skills and what he worked for in his years at college. Soda responded to his father by telling him he would check it out and this might do him some good, right after that the young male would click on the link provided by his father and it would send him to the same advertisement that he saw while scrolling on his phone a couple of weeks ago. Soda remembered this advert that came up and so he read it to himself, it said something along the lines of the Karakura High School needing some new chefs with jobs to be filled. Soda kept reading, looking for anything useful that he could find. Soda thought about it long and hard about whether he should apply to the school that gave him a bachelors-degree. Thinking, he finally thought about applying and seeing if he had a shot at trying to get into this role as a chef in Karakura High...

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
My motivation for applying to Karakura High School is that I want to prove that with my hard work and development of becoming a better chef, I will improve in a person and become a better person and kinder to others in the world around us inflecting this job working around a school. I also, want to make my family proud of what is it to become something in a world of crime and cruelty, having a loving family helped me in life, so I want to repay them in this journey of my life. Having said all this my last motivation for this job is that it will change my life forever if I get accepted at Karakura High it will be a new chapter in life and that's what I mostly need, a fresh start.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I think you should accept me over other applicants because again, it is my hard work and becoming a newer chef coming into the Culinary Arts industry and I will if I get this job prove myself to the lead of the faction and the SLT. Secondly, having that I'm a nice and decent person in general and have been raised to always help others and treat others the way you would want to be treated with respect and care.


Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for your paitence and for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. After review we've decided we'd love to have you as a member of the faction, please DM me on discord for the next steps! - ozinth

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