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Denied FengBaoXiongs's Librarian application!


Level 3
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: FengBaoXiong

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): FengBaoXiong

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
Mountain standard time

Describe your activity on the server: I've been fairly active over the past couple of months, with a short break in between due to IRL exams, playing any chance I can get!

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): I got banned over a year ago for ERPing, It was on discord and I have never done it again

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I understand that if I am inactive that I'll will be banned

School Employee Role you are applying for?: I am applying for the role of Librarian!

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for: The librarian is in charge of the books in the library, and in helping students with picking and checking out books. The librarian is also responsible for keeping record of all books that have been checked out, and they are also responsible for ensuring that students are responsible enough to return the book on time. In conclusion, It is the Librarian's job to make sure everything is orderly and and functioning in the library, and to help students with their questions about books and textbooks.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I roleplayed quite a bit a while before I found RolePlayHub, looking for a server dedicated to roleplaying, I found RolePlayHub and loved it.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?: Looking back, I've only been RPing as a student for the couple years that I've been on SRP, I want to try my hand at Roleplaying as something else for a change, and I think that the role of Librarian suits my character perfectly!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Chinese language application
Chinese Language application #2
Black Market Dealer application

ShopKeeper Application

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Currently my character is in College, Bachelor's degree.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?: Feng attempts to ignore the student at first, but if the offender continues to curse at Feng, he will tell the student to stop cursing, as it was bothering him, and that he would have to kick the student out of the library, something he might regret. If the offender continues, even after the warning, Feng would have no choice but to keep his promise and kick the student out of the library. If met with resistance, Feng will call for the office to deal with the issue.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?: First, Feng would call to report the fight going on in the hallway, then attempt to break the fight up himself. As Feng is just a Librarian and not someone suited to deal with conflicts, he would make the students wait until the proper personnel arrive to deal with the situation appropriately.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?: At first Feng will talk to the employee, trying to make sure that they're ok. But if Feng finds out something is wrong he will let the appropriate personnel know that this employee might possibly be a harm to themselves or others.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act? Finally unwinding from a long day of work, Feng grabs a coffee and sits down, relaxing, probably reading a book that caught his eye earlier. Feng would say the occasional, friendly hello to the next staff to enter the break room, before going back to his book. After Feng's break is up, he would sigh, close his unfinished book, knowing that he would probably never find the page he left off at, and go back to work in the library.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

His face would light up with a friendly smile while looking up from the computer, "Hey there Xiong Di/Xiao Jie! How can I help you today?", he would then begin preparing a binder that seemed to have a list of names along with titles of books, then waiting for the response from the student in front of him, smiling a friendly smile

/me Without missing a beat, he smiled friendly, reassuring smile, "It's fine Xiong Di/XiaoJie! I can forgive a couple days of late returns! as long as this doesn't become a bad habit!", he would then laugh, trying to make the student laugh along with him, attempting to lighten the mood

/me Frowning, he shook his head, "I'm sorry Xiong Di/Xiao Jie, that book was just checked out yesterday", His face suddenly lit up as if he had a great idea, "Ah! if you would like, Xiong Di/Xiao Jie, if you write down your contact information here..." he pulled out a notepad with crossed out names and phone numbers accompanied by book titles, "I could contact you when the book(s) that you want are free, and put them on hold for you!"


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Feng Bao
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Preferred Name: Bao Zi

Age (Minimum is 25): 25
Gender: Male

Academic Degree: I'm currently studying for my bachelor's of commerce, but I have finished my Highschool GED!
Major(s): Accounting
Minors: Criminology

Nationality: Chinese
Known Languages: I can speak Chinese Mandarin and Japanese!

Born to a Father and mother who hailed from Beijing, high expectations were the norm for Feng Bao. During middle school, Feng's classmates realized that Feng's surname sounds similar to the Chinese steamed bun dish, called "Bao Zi", thus earning him his new nickname, "Bao Zi". Feng did not dislike this nickname, he quite liked the dish, and reasoned that he had no logical reason to dislike the nickname, and thus the nickname stuck. Eventually, right after grade 5 ended, Feng's family moved to Guiyang, and started fresh. The next couple years however, in ironic contrast, were some of the worst in Feng's life. His parents had constant bad days, which lead to bad moods, which then lead to physical and mental abuse of Feng. Being as young as he was, he questioned why he would get the belt for doing something as small as speaking when not spoken to. Eventually, Feng began cursing his parents under his breathe, and his mood at school became tired and foul. He had been beaten before, but those times were rare, felt justified, and came from a place of love. The beatings in Guiyang were frequent and felt as if his parents were tired of Feng himself. Feng found comfort in his books, studying each day to forget about the beating that happened just minutes before.

Feng met his first friend in Guiyang during a group project over their mutual love over Japanese styled movies and animated cartoons. Feng learned that day that if he smiles, acted friendly, people would think that he was alright, and eventually he began to believe that he was alright himself. After finishing middle school and Junior High, Feng hung out with his best friend in a coffee shop, discussing the future. Feng's friend recommended that Feng go to Karakura for Highschool, handing him a pamphlet. Sadly, Feng's friend could not join him, as he has affairs tying him down in Guiyang, the farewell that day was a tearful, yet joyful one.

On the airplane that was getting ready to depart for Karakura, Feng laughed, loudly and heartily, for he realized that for the first time ever, he was free from his parents, leaving behind everything that ever emptied Feng of joy. Once arrived in Karakura, he joyously ran around and began making new friends. He put on a large and kind personality, but it was a charade. Feng always felt empty, even after moving to Karakura. It was true that he was much happier, but he felt that he was missing something.

Feng studied extremely hard, learning Japanese in about 8 months making friends along the way, who by the way helped his studies by a large amount. He hopes that one day he can find whatever it is that he is missing, whether it be through interacting with others, or improving himself. One day, while relaxing, Feng saw that the school was looking for more employees with one of the jobs happening to be librarians. Feng enjoyed his time at Karakura high, and felt that this would be his chance to in a way, repay the school for the joyous years of youth that were provided to him, while also furthering his own goals.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
"I love helping people! I also love books! And I also heard that the school is looking for more librarians! This will be my first job ever, since moving to Karakura, and i hope to gain some experience! Of course I do not expect to work as a Librarian forever, but I believe that through this job I can interact and meet with more people that I can help, or they can help me! Because I believe that interactions are important for us as people to grow, and although I might not be the one to help a person, but they might be the person to help me! Life is complex like that."
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
"I believe that I should be accepted because I believe that I am the most suited for a job such as this, helping students, keeping records of books, and managing said records. Of course I would not love the ENTIRE job, but then it would not be a job! I also believe that out of all the librarian applicants, I would be the most dedicated to this job, as I already help my fellow students with studying and other curricular activities. The only thing changing if I get hired is that I'll be helping students with books as well! In conclusion, I believe that I am the best candidate for the job, and I look forward to your response! thank you in advance!"


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. Unfortunately we have come to a decision to deny your application, this could be based on several factors:
- Activity
- Content
- Previous Punishment History

Due to the volume of applicants we have, we cannot go further in depth on these, however we encourage you to re-apply in the future.

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