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Hexerius_ | Reporter's Application


Level 91
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
I in fact do hold a discord (SoulAnatomic#4641) and use VCs with a working mic.

List your timezone and country:
UK GMT+1 / (winter time LT GMT+3)

Describe your activity:
- 5/10 on SRP
- 7/10 on Discord
Past activity

-I have held following party tags: HS-Baseball; College-Baseball; Tutor; Professor.
- I have determined my time to divers rp as Bird and Racoon, roles that I enjoyed but realized it is not my type of spice.
- I was also accepted in the following stores: La Casa Nostra (quit), Lightning Electronics (quit), Shizukesa (quit), Shiawasena Konyu (quit), and Joyoung (quit).
- I was also entrusted to manage: Nohara Tower & Misfits Tailoring before my temporary break.
-I have helped over 15 new players adapt to the environment and help them get along with the system.
-I have constantly engaged with players and assisted them with minor things such as interiors, and backstory writings, I have once written lore for Ketsueki Family and Hayashi Clan. (You can verify this with ReaperLove#0810)

-I have also benefited the community by writing a number of articles, contributing to the server:  

Current Activity

-I am currently engaging with Journalism Club as and delivering newbie-written articles with expectancy to grow in it and inspire roleplay among the players.
-I have newly created another animal role of [Bear] and expect to make rather wholesome content for different factions to engage with. Whilst I am still learning it, I do find it interesting and feel promising results to show.
-I seek to apply for Reporter to plenish my curiosity for the faction.
-With current records I do not hold any toxic reputation and the past concerns raised during previous applications I can assure all is cleared. However, if you have any questions feel free to DM me on discord.

Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:
Recent records N/A

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
Application List:

French Language App [Accepted]
JSL Language App Accepted]
Staff Support Application [Accepted]
Third Language Authorization [Accepted]
Korean Language App [Accepted]
Tutor Application [Accepted]
Staff Support Application [Accepted]
Staff Support Application [Accepted]
Event Suggestion [Reviewed]
Professor Application[Accepted]
Thai Language App [Accepted]
EMS Internship [Accepted]
Journalism Club [Accepted]

JSL Language App [Denied]
Korean Language App [Denied]
JSL Language App [Denied]
French Language App [Denied]
French Language App [Denied]
Server Suggestion[Denied]
Builder Application [Denied]
Lore Team Application [Denied]
College Council App [Denied]
EMS Psychiatrist App [Denied]
KPD Detective App [Denied]
College Council App #2[Denied]
Governor Application [Denied]
Psychiatrist Application #2 [Denied]

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I am a member of the Journalism club and I do enjoy making SRP forums report posts, I'd say working in this position could enhance my understanding of previous/current/upcoming ICLY lore and faction communities. Additionally, I have come in a blazing battle with the faction lead... having one and only roll.. losing to them and agreeing to apply! I think regardless I could be a useful tool in this faction, my creativity always comes in handy when there is a lack of ideas. You think I won't handle writing with both roles?

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
OOC I am a graduate student, and I have wide knowledge in academic writing and formatting, thus I can always join this skillset in creating newspapers ICLY making them ethical, open to criticism and delving into drama. I have also worked as a writer for Misftits Tailoring before my 6 months break, I have countless of articles, descriptions and actions written for players thus I have a decent understanding of what is SRP writing. As mentioned I am a writer in the Journalism club (Soi'jvu Ya I have already written few articles, that you can take a look at REPORT 1, REPORT 2 & REPORT 3). If you seek to figure out what else I hold as a writer, I advise you to interact with me to make clear ideas.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
I give my vows to follow Aania's and SRP presented rules during my time as a Reporter.

Why should we accept you over others?:
Is that really a question? I am the best target to bully and I do not fear ICLY criticism as a writer publishing papers. I love seeing both the positive and negative sides of play engagement. Just as serious I can be goofy and keep the atmosphere from boredom and I think in the game that is golden quality to have.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I do and I agree to make neutral papers.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I do, if anything happens I will append a break notice (cuz I have OOC studies and work starting soon) But I take my responsibility to remain active and follow given quota.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
While Officers and Detectives investigate the open streets, Reporters delve into the darkest pits of the city to find the truth! Just as said, reporters are publishers investigating Karakura's town life among citizens and happening factions. They inform and publish articles of dailly events or the general situation of the town, for instance, reports on commenced trials, gang attacks, assaults amongst gangs and police, weather, local shops and more. Like journalists, they make interviews, and polls reviewing people, the only exception is that they involve in everything but school. They have their own block in town and they get paid to an equivalent amount of written articles that don't exceed quota. Using Google Docs they get their reports reviewed and then publish in the News section of Forums.

IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name:
Yamaro Kurose Hamilton

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)

Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
During my time in Karakura as a highschooler and college student, I used to work for such stores as inventory staff/cashier Joyoung, La Casa Nostra, Lightning Electronics, Shizukesa & Shiawasena Konyu. These jobs were my main support for paying bills and going into the adult world. I alleviated my skills to communicate with people in the customer service area, understood the point of managing my own finances and how to build relationships with coworkers and outsiders related to work.

After graduating from Karakura's College I worked in Tokyo autistic care in Tokyo during my master's and PhD, I accomplished basic residential care related to the medical area. I can't share my experience in there due to privacy conduct, if you seek to find out more contact management via After my completion of degree and work in Tokyo, I moved back to Karakura. For some time I worked as Apprentice Professor in Karakura's college but left due to my poor appreciation of kids and diminishing hatred to younger generations. I prefer working in closed areas, keeping my life on coffee and a few hours of sleep. Filling my bills and sometimes going out to drink of my depression with coworkers. These is the basic of what I understood as an employee.

[!]You'd see attached Academic certificate table[!]

Place of study (School, University, College, etc)

Date From

Date To

Fulltime / Partime

Qualification with Grade, Class / Division

Subject Specialism(s)

Elementary Cambridge Homeschool program




Certificate of completing elementary program


XX XXXX'XX Male Academy




Grade record certificate


Karakura High-School




Highschool Diploma


Karakura College




College Diploma (2nd higher)

Educational Science

Tokyo University




University BSc Diploma (1st lower)

Neuroscience and Med basis

Tokyo University




University MSc Diploma (1st lower)

The****utic Training and Psychotherapy

Tokyo University




Doctoral diploma (Defended and awarded)

Psychotherapy and Advanced Prevention in Autism care

Nationality and born location:
French, Alp Mountains (1st Nationality)
Japanese (2nd Nationality)

Phone Number: 030-102-9420

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
Proactive, goal-driven, and meticulous professional looking to leverage skills in driving customer satisfaction, steering sales, and enhancing community engagement through psychology. Skilled in liaising with diverse teams to communicate objectives and meet targets. Well-versed in building community trust and improving engagement through strategically planned and project-managed events to increase knowledge about culture and history. Adept at managing inventory, administering administrative support, and programme development. Depressed psychologists with years of working experience in different fields, seek to blacken people's hearts by publishing truthful articles on town with no hate or preference chosen. Continue my life routine amongst ruined to see the concept of 'happiness and joy' adults and overly positive kids.
Expertise in:
Customer Service
Community Engagement
Programme Development
Autistic Care
Strategic Planning
Social & Healthcare Support
Administrative Support
Academic Writing
Leadership & Coaching
Project Management
Inventory Management
Book Writing
My personality is not to be shared, if you desire to know me talk to me. Words say one, but actions prove another.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
To begin with, I will clarify that I tend to leave my comfort zone to survive and live. I do not mind risking my life as I am active, I may be short but I was an ex-baseball team member of Karakura's School and College. I am not afraid to be hurt because I know it will be rare considering my expertise in researching. I will focus on news of mental health regarded publications giving statistical ****ysis and interviews with people. I will use the given equipment and ensure the security of participants when commencing my research.

What are your expectations for the job?:
Countless writing and demonstrating my interest in the city's growth. Interfering with diverse communities, sometimes facing actions involving physical self-defense, double-barreling interview targets, hiding and observing, and digging intel from both legal and illegal sides. Publishing articles that do not target anyone but open the town's situation ensuring citizens are aware what they need to be aware of and follow. I am not sure whether this is relevant, but I seek to publish a book in future on my perspective as a qualified psychologist and person contaminated by the old-reused system to open the mind of my readers to reality. Additionally, I have excessive knowledge in rapport building thanks to my academic years, I even have an apprentice in Karakura named Soi'jvu Ya who is a young growing journalist, whom I taught all basics.. even though he could work on what he says like most younglings.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
French (will reapply once approved), Korean, Japanese, JSL



#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing player’s about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

The Live Report-Transcript (Hypothetical-Transcript biased on recent event)

[!] Report Recording- Transcript begins *Beep, Beep Beep..* [!]
Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "Following my greetings, to the town's citizens, I hope you can all enjoy during this cycle of chaos. Currently, I am standing by the Town Hall, today we have been announced with new elections.. To newcomers, like traditional democracy-biased town, our town is no exception to periodical change of town hall overseers such as Mayors.. and it is always held by 'not-rigged' elections where all citizens and governor leaders decide upon a new leader whom takes to represent the face of Karakura and ensure our community to thrive in happiness and joy.. However, today we can witness something unusual.. to make a short background demonstration of what I mean.. let me direct mic to the town hall side.."

[!] ** Aggressive crowd yelling and noises would be coming on background, followed by taser shots.. ** [!]
Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "I have currently encountered a riot... raising within the public... apparently our beloved citizens and crazy children are not fond of happening changes.. I can myself see an immense amount of tomatoes being wasted at gates protecting the entrance to the town hall.. It has been known to the town that city's leaders were having issues maintaining town's economy and the happiness of citizens due to gang violations and questionable acts of Police Departments... however, this takes all the cake.. What could this mean? Is our town in need of actual help from outside? or will our city leaders resolve the unsettlement? From what I have gathered and researched the new Mayor has a few records of doing a good job.. Nevertheless, no official notes were published in the town's news or even Onrain posts."

[!] *Recording would be followed by hypothetical questions on happening with few citizens* [!]

The Chaos of Elections
Today's report evidenced a rising issue of the town. Citizens of Karakura are falling into chaos due to misconduct presented between Government and Town's people. The issue may resolve in more chaotic riots and disruption of town system, yet initiated KPD forces always manage to calm the situation. Presented in a highly anticipated election, tensions ran high as old mayor Sturm stood in front of the citizen crowd announcing a new candidate who vied for power - E. Akai. The campaigns were marked by fierce debates, scandalous revelations, and polarization within society. According to the viewed situation, this was an agreed decision remarked by the town hall's leads and Karakura's influential bodies. On the day of the election, citizens flocked to polling screams, hopeful for a peaceful democratic process as they were not agreeing with the decision. However, as the results began to emerge, discontent and anger brewed among citizens as it clashed in a fierce fight with KPD. As emotions reached a boiling point, protests erupted throughout the city and Town hall was shut with barricaded walls. Initially, peaceful demonstrations soon spiralled from governmental bodies asking for public to calm down, however, violent clashes between opposing factions did not stop. Rioters vandalized the set wall, and clashed with law enforcement which did not have a choice but to show firearms shooting it in the air. The city descended into chaos. What is most interesting to this, there were no bad records found of new mayor yet citizens did not like it and started clash, did ex-mayor Sturm make a correct decision? Or was she supposed to inform citizens on front hand before letting her duties to be passed onto another promising mayor? How will KPD resolves still unhappy citizens who were not supportive of their decision to use taser firearms at rioters? Follow the news page to find out more!

[!] *Given paper would be continued* [!]


#2 - Interview. It’s important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

The Polluted waters poison number of citizens, interview with Governor (Hyoptetical-case)

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "Good evening, my name is Yamaro. Emergency calls have informed of drastic events in town.... *sipping sounds* and today I have Governor XY with me, who will be covering recent incidents regarding suspicious pollution in Karakura water c****s. *minute pause* Respected XY could you please share with us... what are the main sources of water pollution in urban areas, and how do they affect the city's water quality?"

XY: "Pleasure being here, and whiteout a doubt we initiated the main KPD detective department and after a long time of wait, we received information of signatures registered that belong to certain gang groups around areas where the source was identified. As for the Source we have been provided with a clinical report registering immense amount of rat poison in water providing resources. This was identified as the main issue of the problem."

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "How interesting.. Have you identified of effect caused by the polluted water impact the health of residents living in affected cities?"

XY: "Yes we have been informed by EMS lab expertise, current side effects from infectious water are nausea, sickness, headache, potential skin rash and convulsive seizure."

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "What are current steps you have taken to compensate citizens that have ended up in hospitals? After all government did not ensure water resource station would be kept under protection."

XY: "We have extracted main issue of the cause and trying all we can to protect every citizen, ensuring no one ends up in EMS due to this reason, as for ones who ended up as victims of the act, we will provide all medical care that is needed."

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "What are the economic consequences you are facing? You have shut of all water in town and people are left whiteout showers, toilets and even water park has been closed."

XY: "We plan to do a lot. As for people who face issues, we ask to patiently wait, we have our water sources under inspection and cleaning, we ensure everyone to receive their water back in 5 days. As for now please understand the case and try to stay calm. If anything happens use 110 lines."

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "So you decided to let people live whiteout water source for 5 days? Even if it is an emergency level alert, have you thought of supplying citizens with water from Local Islands? You do realize human body is maintaining original water traits for 72 hours, meaning we cannot live more than 3 days. Not to mention our convenience stores being robbed last week."

XY: "We understand, we ask citizens to supply themselves with water that they can get now, we are still in the procedure to complete this task. We promise to provide water resources within the upcoming days. We still have vending machines working, so try to use those."

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "Vending machines have been demolished during city riot."

XY: "Then try waiting for the rain."
Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "It is middle of hot season, when the rain level has the lowest intake in our parts."

XY: ". . . *long pause escaped* Do you have any other questions?"

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: ". . . Do you plan to financially compensate our town for allowing yourself as city leaders end town in crisis?"

XY: "Well we plan to host public events where people can volunteer cleaning the town from this chaos and we will bring back pride month special, painting crossroads in rainbow. Additionally we will be handing out water badges for volunteering."

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "I will take the answer for a no. Next question, we have been provided with evidence recording of Town Hall getting a massive import from oversees with specific chemicals. 5 Reports to be exact, sent with pictures attached where men in chem suits deliver endless amount of creates in Plant Station and 3 Governors have been present in there, this happened before water break. Could you please clarify the happening of this?"

XY: " I am afraid I cannot share any of this information as I am not aware of what you are speaking of."
Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "Might I have forgotten to mention one of the present individuals was found to have identical facial characteristics to yours. But lets say it was fraud, if you claim not to be aware of happening. Moving to next question, you mentioned earlier in this interview that you have reports of gang activity, confirming that group of armed children poisoned all town where they live? Could you explain what is the benefit for them to sink down in poison streets and town where they live and thrive?"

XY: ". . . I . . . Well we do have evidence of their graffiti Initials on walls, down where poison gallon packs have been found and whilst we are not sure which gang it is we have ideas one of the gangs is trying to sabotage another with government on front hand. . ."

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "Sabotage? How are you so sure of it? Do you have physical evidence of them fighting with each other and threatening to take down all of town?"

XY: "Well we have identified, the delivery markings of poison.. which has close relation to the gang.."

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "And what was the main cause for gangs to cause this incident?"

XY: "To disturb the piece and law that we have created of course. To ruin hours of our hard work building this community for the best."
Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "I see. So you do admit that you are the cause behind this incident? I mean you have ... *censorship part would be added* ... in the end you have bribed an apprentice surgeon to silence, but they could not maintain silence and gave us all evidence of your activity in that incident. Which may I presume was connected with water break crisis as my colleague have covered in their newspaper."

XY: ". . . *Long silence would break before aggressive yelling covering the conversation* YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ACCUSE ME OF SUCH INTERFERENCE, I PLEAD TO LEAVE THIS ROOM NOW, THIS INTERVIEW IS OVER! *Censorship part* . . ."

Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "Accusations? *soft laughter would be heard, as calm voice pointed out* Please take look at these picture copies of everything I have mentioned *another pause* . . ."

XY: ". . ."
Yamaro Kurose Hamilton: "Thank you for your time, you may leave this room. I and citizens appreciate that you do everything you can, to ensure our safety as governor."

Last edited:


Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however, you have not been accepted this time around.
Please DM @Aania if you have any queries about the application

You are free to re-apply at any point in time!

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