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Denied HS Council Application | literalworm


Level 3

What is your Minecraft Username?:


Past warns/kicks/bans?:


What is your timezone?:


Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:

-worm- #0333

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):

In order from oldest to newest

Describe your activity on the server?:

On a scale of 0/10 its around 7/10, I'm normally on every night for at least an hour or two if not more (just depends on how I'm feeling), as long as I don't have any ooc matters to attend to like my job or family events.

List your accounts and roles on this server?:

literalworm - [Grade 12] High School Student
hahgetbonked - [Bird]

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:

I'm well aware that I could be removed if inactive.


What is student council and what do they do?:

Student council is a group of students, whom are picked (normally by the supervising teacher or higher ups of the student council), and put together to help make the school a more engaging and safe place. Student council members have many different ways to engage in the school, they may help prepare school events such as dances, or help to create school assemblies to bring awareness to certain topics (ie: Bullying). Student council members also help school faculty by being essentially an added layer of 'safety' during school hours, student council help enforce the rules at school and try their best to keep other students out of trouble.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

I've debated applying for a while but have been putting it off due to not having as much time on my hands, however recently I've been a bit more active and figured it was time to apply, and enhance my RP experience.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

I'm well aware! I work retail IRL so I understand how important it is to have good teamwork in order for everyone to get along and just work well together in general. I have a decent enough imagination to help come up with some events!

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

President: Lead of the student council, has the most leverage over what goes down in the council (ie: organizing events), they're essentially the 'face' of the student body and must well represent the council in order to keep good reputation. The President helps develop the council to be the best it possibly can be.

Vice-President: Second hand man in the council, while the President is not present the Vice-President may take their place to keep order in the council / organize and plan events in their place. On top of this they also do essentially the same thing regular council members do they just have a bit more responsibly.

Council Members: Council members make up the majority of a student council they provide communication to the Vice-President and President on what the students want / would like to have for events etc. They wander the halls, helping to enforce rules and regulations of the school.

Faculty Members: Faculty members include, teachers, professors, receptionists, essentially all staff in the school as well as SLT. Faculty members may be called upon for feedback on event ideas or backup in certain situations (ie: a student is misbehaving and not listening to student council members).


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?:

Step in-between the two and try to diffuse the situation by asking them what their problem seems to be (ie: getting both sides of the story), if the problem can be resolved then and there due to it being a simple misunderstanding or a easy compromise, they can be sent on their merry way. However if they continue to argue or the verbal harassment turns to something worse (ie: a physical fight), a threat for detention or calling a faculty member to help may be necessary.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?:

Report their general description to a faculty member and ask them to put a notice over the radio to alert other faculty of the troublesome student. Reporting them to other councilors may also help if they need to be searched for in the school, this would hopefully result in them being found and given a proper punishment.

There seems to be a councilor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?:

I would approach in a calm manner stepping between the two, quickly informing the councilor that I had heard / seen everything that went down and would have no issues reporting their actions to the council president or a faculty member as it was extremely disrespectful of them to act that way towards another student. I would then ask them to leave the area and wait with the student. After the councilor were to leave, I would inform the student that the councilor would be talked to and punished for their actions, reassuring them it wouldn't happen again. As soon as possible I would explain the situation to either a council higher up or a faculty member (whichever is nearest / more available), and have them held responsible for their actions.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?:

I would find a fellow council member after the meeting and ask them if they would be comfortable reexplaining the information I was missing, to hopefully gain a better understanding of the meeting and what was went over. If they also didn't quite understand or were also missing information, I'd go straight to the source of the presented information, either the vice president or president of the council as they would be able to explain the best out of anyone.

A teacher/receptionist has told you or done something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?:

I'd politely inform the teacher / receptionist that what they want me to do, goes against what I was taught, explaining that I'm only following orders from the higherups of the council, and that rules must be followed and enforced if we want to have a fully functioning council. If they had any concerns they could speak to the higherups themselves during their own free time. In a scenario where a faculty member is misbehaving or abusing their powers I would simply report them to higherups of the faculty (SLT).

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):

Faculty Appreciation Day:

As many of us know, the teachers and faculty members of our school work extremely hard to keep us safe and entertained throughout the school year, I’d like to take the time to propose a day where the students instead take care of our lovely school staff! I'm certain many of the school staff would love a whole week of appreciation however, a day (or afternoon) would be fairly simple to accomplish compared to week-long activities. Although this all depends on the set IC time for the event.

Different activities could consist of:

- Awards of recognition assembly, ie: 'Best Teacher' 'Best Nurse' 'Longest Running Staff Member' (etc.) certain awards such as 'longest running staff member' would be decided by SLT, other awards may be voted on by the students of Karakura as well as school staff (though they cannot vote for themselves!)
- A dinner / lunch prepared by the schools cooking club, if the cooking club isn't active school staff can attend a afterschool all expenses paid for dinner at one of the local restaurants
- Students can create cards / notes of affirmation for their favorite faculty members (carefully reviewed by members of the council. . due to the possibility of. . not so kind messages), which would be hand delivered to each faculty member by members of the student council
- Group photo of all attending school faculty members, group photo of longest running staff members, and different faculty divisions (teachers, professors, nurses, librarians, tutors, chefs, caretakers)

Other activities could certainly be added later on however these would be the 'main' activities for the event. This would be taking place in the school, a voting booth for the staff awards could be strategically placed near the student council room, as well as a booth for the collection of cards / notes of affirmation for staff members. At least two members of the council would be present handing and receiving books, as well as making sure each book is school appropriate / a valid vote. If the staff dinner is possible, like stated above it would be hosted by either the cooking club in school or a specific IC restaurant at a later time (most likely decided on by SLT).


Character Name:

Camille 'Cam' R. Corvid

Character Gender:


Character Age:


Character phone-number:


Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:

Camille is a bubbly and overall positive person, she’s always tries to do the morally right thing, and keep her friends and family happy. She’s very honest and a generally likeable person, she gets along with almost everyone she meets. Camille doesn’t hide her emotions / how she’s feeling, she’s a fairly expressive person.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

Camille stood at 5'3 with a ectomorphic body build. Her curled blonde hair fell gracefully off her shoulders, a barely visible pink hue lie on the ends of her hair. She’d always have a soft welcoming smile resting on her face.

She often wears a mix of casual or business casual attire, consisting of a variety of pastel and tan / neutral colours.

Screenshot 2022-08-13 at 23-36-33 PMCSkin3D Free Advanced Minecraft Skin Editor Planet Minecraft.png

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

"I've had the opportunity to learn the many roles and rules of the school through my father Neo Corvid, I already have a strong understanding of how the school council should operate because of him really. I may not have as much experience as other students applying however I'm extremely motivated to become a member of the council, I'll do whatever it takes!"

Why do you want this position?:

"I decided I needed to do something for myself, to make me feel sorta fulfilled I suppose. There's certainly many different after school activities at our school, but as soon as I saw the council I knew I needed to apply. Our school isn't the safest place, as most of us know, I’ve even witnessed a few situations.. mainly students getting bullied on school grounds or even attacked, but I want to do whatever I can to make our school a better and safer place for students. There’s so many people suffering because of lack of rule enforcement in our school.”

What interests you the most about student council?:

“The opportunity to make new friends and meet new people. The council is a very diverse group of students and everyone has completely different personalities and backgrounds. It will be very interesting to see how everyone can use their differences to help the council grow, and help increase the schools reputation as well.”

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

"I tend to have fairly good morals, I believe everyone deserves a second chance and a say in their own punishments. I'd like to be able to communicate with other students on a personal level and create a bond if possible. Everyone should be treated as equal! As for a fun environment, I can certainly try my best to help plan out entertaining events for students and faculty to enjoy!"


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Unfortunately, we have decided to deny this application, thank you for taking the time to apply.

If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590

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