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Naddi_ || Reporter Application


Level 5
OO (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:


Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes, I do! Nadi#2358

List your timezone and country:
Canada : MST

Describe your activity:

Online about 3-4 hours everyday, sometimes even more depending on how busy I am. I try to get on as much as I can to hangout with my friends and fool around. I’m pretty busy in real life but I always make time for gaming which usually ends up with me playing minecraft building or on srp.

Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:


Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

Only significant application up as of right now is my builder application which hasn’t been reviewed yet, though I have been a part of the Journalist Club and Track Team in the past. I’ve also been a chef though the applications are almost 2 years old, and I feel like I need a fresh start.

Applications (From more recent to oldest):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
What's my motivation? Well, to be honest, I've always had a thing for writing. Most of the time, I go overboard with my projects in order to use my talents and let readers appreciate them. There are always stories to be told, and the majority of the time, they are not told to the public. Writing takes time, and perfectionism comes with repetition. I can learn from others and develop my writing talents by receiving advice from other reporters, which is one of the benefits of becoming one. Conducting interviews and communicating news and events with Karakura players is a fantastic opportunity to meet new people. Additionally, I enjoy writing on a wide range of issues, and working as a reporter allows me to do that.

I also want to broaden my roleplaying options and am open to the notion of playing a reporter and penning articles about Karakura. I want to try something fresh because I've been playing srp for a while. Since I can remember, I've been a student exclusively.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

Yes, I do have some experience with writing and I’d say I have a pretty strong relationship with it. I’ve always enjoyed writing about several different topics. One of my favorite things to write about would have to be about World events or crime! Along with that I write stories and essays on the daily for my classes in real life, helping friends with their assignments.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
I am aware and will follow the rules provided to me

Why should we accept you over others?:
I believe I should be accepted over others because I’m a team player and am willing to learn from others and take advice. I want to hear both sides of the story and listen, trying to get an understanding no matter what. Along with that I try my best to improve my skills both icly and oocly. I do this by writing applications, detailrping and telling different or exaggerating stories. I’m also kind of a grammar police but in a good way I promise.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.):

Yes, I understand that I must remain neutral.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I do believe that I will be able to remain active and complete the monthly quotas. Stories have always been my thing and with the many events that are hosted across SRP, I believe I’ll have the sources and help I need to fill out the quotas. As well I’ve become pretty active lately and always try to take part in different events and hangout with people.

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:
As a reporter I know there will be many ups and downs to the job with finding sources and people to talk to and get stories from but I imagine being a reporter means hearing many different things from different people, whether that is an interview about life or an event that has happened in Karakura. Being a reporter can also mean you might end up in the lines of danger depending on the situation or how you get your information

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:
Adeline Élise DuPont

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr):

Miss. DuPont

Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
[Model] DuPont Tailoring in Euphoria
[Reporter] in Lyon France

[PH.D] in Language and Literature
[Masters] Public Relations and Communication

Nationality and born location:

French, I was born in Lyon France

Phone Number:
(030) - 580 - 7767

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
Describe myself? Hmm. . .To begin, I would describe myself as an extremely open-minded individual who is constantly absorbing ideas and attempting new things, with guidance of course! In addition, I am a family person who moved to Karakura a few years ago to live with my sister and her children. Now that I'm in Karakura, I'd like to be able to support myself and meet new people. Growing up, I struggled to find my place in the world, but now that I'm older, I'm a very open and happy person.

I've always been a mentor to my family members, and I try to teach my family's children about different cultures and traditions. As well as growing up in a strict household, I believe in manners and proper etiquette.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I hope to write about a variety of topics, primarily events in Karakura, and to solicit feedback from the public so that we can learn from their suggestions and make everything more enjoyable for everyone. I am fine with stepping outside of my comfort zone, but I would like guidance and feedback on how I can improve in these situations.

What are your expectations for the job?:
I don’t have many expectations other than to expect a semi safe work environment and a good community. I hope that I can become friends with my fellow co-workers and help one another out when needed. I want to learn about everyone the best I can if they allow me to get to know them! Along with that I imagine that we’d always be coming up with ideas of what to write about next and maybe have some sort of board of discussion and have who’s working on what on it.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
No, as a child I grew up in a strict household and was always taught to set a good example for my siblings, nieces and nephews. As well I’ve always been somewhat of a rule follower and never really wanting to get into trouble.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
French, Russian and Japanese


#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing player’s about an event or significant issues to Karakura.
Onrain, an online social media platform for both young and old to communicate and share their day to day lives but what is the toll it's taking on the people around us?

Social media has a significant amount of influence, however it can also lead to conditions such as depression or other types of disorders. On a daily basis, we see the younger generations around us communicating with one another via phones, computers, or any other type of device. Their eyes are glued to the screen, waiting to see what the next biggest trend around the world is or what the latest news on their favourite athlete is. The toll that social media may take on you is also affected by your position. Whether you are famous, a member of a sports team, or hold a higher position in society. You may face a variety of threats or be blackmailed into doing something you should not.Or even give away money to those who are blackmailing you.

Many people can experience depression as a result of attempting to understand and deal with the issue on their own; they may force themselves to live on the edge of life, always fearful of what will happen next. There will always be some way to spread hate on social media, no matter what people try to do to deescalate these situations or create ways for people to report blackmail or hate. With many different types of websites deep down in the dark web that provide these small cracks of openings for it to spread and be gotten away with. The dark web has many different names and uses for it but the platform is mainly known for spreading hate and share some of the darkest things in the world to whom some may call psychopaths.

With that being said I do urge you to look for the support you need and no matter what is said still speak up and report those who may be harming you through social media, Even if it is only one small action, it can still help in some way. Social media, like anything else, has its risks, but it is still a platform where people all over the world can express themselves and share their ideas with others. Sharing ideas and adventures is another great advantage of social media, and it can inspire many others to try new things. Challenge yourself to try new things and do what you want, learn from others, and take on the adventures that life throws at you while remaining safe. The ability to influence others comes with a great deal of responsibility.

With that being said, how will you influence others on social media?

#2 - Interview. It’s important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

[The tape recorder would be turned on and begin to play]

[DuPont] ‘Good day ladies and gentlemen of Karakura, my name is Adeline DuPont and today I’m here with Ezzelin. Who has kindly taken some time out of his busy schedule to answer a couple of questions. Now Ezzelin, you have many roles in society, correct? What may some of those roles be?’

[Ezzelin] ‘Good Morning Miss DuPont, don’t worry, I gladly took some time off for this interview. Regarding my roles well… I am indeed a very busy person. Besides being the Co-Captain for the College Male Basketball Team, I also work for two other shops (being a secretary on one of them and Senior Employee on the other), and there was even a time I used to work for three, but since Flora Bust is now under new ownership, I don’t work there anymore. Besides this I’m also the Vice-Leader for Photography Club, and I also participate as a Manager on the Speculation Club.’

[DuPont] ‘Do you ever get stressed out because you play so many important and diverse roles in society?‘

[Ezzelin] ‘Since I don't always have good luck with my schedules, there have been occasions when my days have been extremely busy and stressful. Therefore, it's normal for stress to manifest itself occasionally.’

[DuPont] ‘Oh, yes, that is very true; stress is something that everyone experiences, and with such a hectic schedule, how do you manage to maintain your social life?’

[Ezzelin] ‘It’s not that difficult surprisingly. Since I’m available most of the time, I keep adding more stuff to my schedule. Shops are only open sometimes, so I can manage to work in more then one place, plus, on weekends I manage to have time to have events for the clubs or just meetings overall. Besides this, nothing coincides with practices or anything, so I can be with several people doing several things across the week.’

[DuPont] ‘Interesting! I'm not sure I could manage that hectic of a schedule, so kudos to you for doing so at such a young age. With all of your accomplishments, which one are you most proud of?'

[Ezzelin] ‘Probably my studies, and if that doesn’t count (considering I’ll maybe be moving to PHD soon) then I would say Co-Captain of the team for sure. I’m proud of people telling me they feel like I am responsible and a good team leader, therefore it’s definitely one of those that will forever be in my heart, I’ve been on that team for almost 2 years, and it’s good to finally have that recognition.’

[DuPont] ‘'Of all your options, why would you say your studies are your most proud achievement?'

[Ezzelin] ‘Well, because it’s essentially what I’m going to base my future off. I am studying business and I can definitely say I have enough research on the area to consider myself more experienced then a lot of people studying the same course. Since we’re talking about working and managing stores which are essentially my jobs…’

[DuPont] ‘Then would you say you've achieved all of your goals, or do you see yourself striving for something bigger and better?'

[Ezzelin] ‘I’m not done with anything, of course I will always be trying to reach for something bigger and better, but especially when it comes to my studies. I am definitely not going to stop now.’

[DuPont] ‘And what would that something bigger and better be?’

[Ezzelin] ‘Taking my PHD and opening a business of my own, preferably something related to a gift shop, in Karakura or maybe even back in my country Italy. Besides that, I hope to one day become the Basketball Captain and help everyone as much as possible, but that isn’t limited to Basketball only.’

[DuPont] ‘I see... I see... So, Ezzelin, do you consider yourself a role model for others?'

[Ezzelin] ‘In a way, I guess so? Even though it’s something I don’t like to show off to others, what I try to do is help others achieve what I’ve achieved. It’s not difficult, it just requires determination and a lot of hard work.’

[DuPont] ‘Would you mind going into further detail about that and providing some pointers and tips to our listeners?'

[Ezzelin] ‘My advice would be to work hard, even if you're tired, but don't overwork yourself because that won't be good for you either. 'Study, but most importantly, study something you enjoy and are certain you want to pursue in the near future.'

[DuPont] ‘That is certainly one way to look at it. I don't think I have any more questions for you right now, except for one: 'Do you have any words of wisdom for everyone listening in today?'

[Ezzelin] ‘Be happy, be yourself, but most importantly, work hard to achieve your dreams, and your dreams will come true.’

[DuPont] ‘Well thank you for being here today and taking time out of your busy schedule Ezzelin and thank you to you people of Karakura for listening in to todays interview! Have a wonderful rest of your day everyone and try to be the best you can be!’

[The tape would go quiet and then turn off]

Additional Information:

All I want to say is have a good rest of your day​


Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead
Upon reviewing your application, you have been deemed fit for the reporter role!
Please DM Aania#0117 once you've acknowledged your application!

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