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ProblematicRP | College Professor Application


Level 44
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
How old are you?:
(Due to Privacy you may leave this question as 'N/A' if you wish to not disclose your IRL age.)
Do you have any previous bans?:
Yes a ban for "ERP", a ban for "Spreading Erotic Literature", and a ban for "Bypassing" but I have learned from those mistakes and trying hard not to make anymore.

What Country are you from?:
United States

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I understand that if I'm inactive for a long period of time, without a reasoning that I will be demoted from my position as a College Professor for SRP.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
My activity for the server is very active. I tend to be "addicted" to SRP, as in I spend numerous hours on the game whenever I can. My activity on the forums is a decent amount of activity, I tend to do applications and to do feedbacks and ideas for the server.

How long have you played SchoolRP for?:
I have logged onto Roleplay Hub back in 2017 and made this forums account, after a few weeks of playing the game I quit Roleplay Hub for a few years. Then in 2020 around September, I got back into playing on SRP and have made some amazing friends as well.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
Shop Application #1|(Denied)
Spanish Application #1|(Denied)
Spanish Application #2|(Accepted)
ERP Ban Appeal #1|(Denied)
ERP Ban Appeal #2|(Accepted)
Italian Application #1|(Denied)
Italian Application #2|(Denied)
Staff Application|(Pending)
Shop Application #2|(Pending)
SEL Ban Appeal #1|(Denied)
SEL Ban Appeal #2|(Denied)
Bypassing Ban Appeal|(Accepted)
College Application #1|(Denied)
College Application #2|(Denied)
Police Application|(Denied??)
French Application #1|(Denied)
French Application #2|(Accepted)
Performing Arts Teacher Application|(Denied)

Current Role/Degree/Grade on SchoolRP?:


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:

My motivation for becoming a Professor on SRP, is to get more roleplaying experience. I have done DetailedRP, GangRP, Love/DatingRP, mainly all the roleplaying types you can be as a student. I would also love to experience what it's like to hold classes, grade students, and just be apart of the school staff. Another reason why I'm applying for professor is because of the lack there is, as in there are not as many professors as there are teachers, creating more options in the professor's field.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
As I said above, I have plenty of experience in roleplaying. Having much experience in different roleplaying types will make it more easier to roleplay as a teacher I believe, with knowing how to detailrp will give the classroom environment more life, and be able to actually visualize what is happening. Understanding GangRP with the rolls and perms, will help with bad behavior amongst the students and needing to assist and interfere to break up any fights. So with having much knowledge in the many fields of roleplaying helps a lot with roleplaying as a teacher or professor.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
The classroom logs is a system to show how many classes you have held, to determine your salary/paycheck. Depending on how many classes you host depends on the amount of money you make, and the only way to tell how many classes you held is through the logs. You must show proof of holding a class, so that it's just not saying you did one when you haven't done any.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
The strict rules for being in a class of mine are as followed;
1. No shouting or speaking out without being called on.
2. You must stay seated throughout the whole class period, only if told you may get up must you ever leave your seat.
3. No food or drinks in the classroom unless given permission.
4. You must never under any circumstances talk back to the teacher, or any school staff in the classroom at that time.
5. If given an order, you must follow that order.
6. Respect everyone and everything.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
My RP experience has always been a great opportunity in everyway for me. When roleplaying anywhere it leads to the friendships and multiple different friend groups. It also give knowledge of types of characters people play, and how they roleplay with them giving some ideas of how roleplay must be shaped and used. With my roleplaying experiences I always make amazing friendships with other players, which grows into an amazing community that can help with any problems you might have or questions as well. Just being apart of the roleplay community, shows how loving the community is and how you can find some amazing people as well.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?

The tasks a College-Professor must complete, are making sure the students are behaving and being a good role-model for the high schoolers, having college students showing bad behavior in front of the younger students will then make them believe it is okay, to misbehave like that. Also as a College-Professor you must act as an adult showing the students how to be a responsible and mature adult, for when they get to that time in their lives. A College-Professor must never have favoritism amongst any students, or classes. Showing favoritism will result in the students feeling as if they wouldn't need to try harder in class thinking they wouldn't be congratulated on their progress and upgrades. A College-Professors salary is determined on the amount of classes the hold, as a College-Professor you are expected to complete at least 15 classes a month, giving you ¥450,000 since that is the default salary. Say you complete an additional 10 classes that same month, your salary would add an additional ¥50,000, 25 classes, ¥500,000 and so on. Also keep in mind, that if you do not complete the required 15 classes, you will not be earning a pay-check that month and possible further punishment.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

The character I will be playing is Oscar "Oscy" Corbin. Oscar is a French gentlemen, with slick blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He has a deep charming voice that would make you shiver when angered. He wears casual clothing when off work and just hanging around his family, but dresses up when needed for any special occasion. His charming, bubbly personality makes you feel safe in his presences, he would not let anyone hurt or touch you if he sees it as a threat. He acts like a father to all, caring for everyone making sure they never get hurt.
Oscar's outlook on the students is that, everyone works and learns differently than others. As an example of this outlook, if he has a deaf student in his class, he will make sure someone can translate to them, what is meant to be done and completed. Oscar will also not rush anyone unless needed to, he will let everyone work and learn at their own pace and make sure to answer any questions students have a difficult time understanding. He would never show favoritism to any student, he will treat everyone the same and never single anyone out or compare anyone to anyone else, as that would show horrible teacher ship and create a horrible feeling towards the neglected student.
Oscar will view other teachers/professors as colleagues and helping hands if needed. He will not bring any relationships into the work environment and will keep that for outside of work hours. He will make sure to help any colleague he sees in need of helping, and will make sure to discuss what the other teachers are planning to do in his teaching field. Creating events for their students to attend, and have fun with.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?

Oscar would approach the team members, first asking what the problem was and thinking of how to approach the matter at hand. If seeing the same people messing around again, he will make sure to give the students a punishment as a warning. Finally if it happens a third time, he will make sure to get a higher staff member to deal with the situation and discuss the students punishments.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?

Oscar would first give the student a warning for misbehaving and causing a disruption towards his class. If the student still continues, he will give the student detention for after school. If after everything and the detention he would get a higher staff member to deal with the misbehaving student.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me He'd get up from his seat, walking over to the whiteboard writing down the lesson for today, before turning to the class and explaining what will be happening.

/me He'd make his way over to the copier, grabbing the individual scripts for each student to have. Oscar would then walk through the room handing each student a book and writing down the character they will be for that moment. After handing all the scripts out, he would head back to his desk sitting down and explaining what to do.

/me He would slam on his desk annoyed at the student disrupting his class "(Mr/Mrs) (Student's last name), I have asked you multiple times to sit down and pay attention. One more outbreak and I'll have you sent straight to the dean's office, do you understand me?" He would then sit back down in his seat getting back to the lesson.

/me He would call up two students to the front of the room "I would like you two to take this situation and act out a scene for the class to watch." He would pick up a stack of index cards randomly picking one before reading it aloud "One of you have broken your mother's favorite vase, and your sister has just seen what you have done going to go tell your mother. Action!"

/me He would hand out the student's homework while explaining what was needed to be done "Tomorrow during my class, I want this filled out and completed. You must first think of a situation you and the character you came up with today are in. Secondly, you must come up with dialogue and actions your characters portray, and emotions as well. Lastly, you will find a partner who will act out the scene you have made for tomorrows class, understood?" He'd hand out the last paper, before dismissing the class.


Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and his/her previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended. Make sure this is over 300 words. Remove this comment after posting.*/

Oscar was born in France with his mother and father. There he learned his native language, French. Even though learning the language caused in several punishments, he still learned from it. When Oscar turned 14, he was transferred to a school in Japan. There he learned the language of Japanese and it's history. One of Oscar's favorite classes was Drama. He loved the way, how you could pretend to be someone else, and develop them as well. He loved how you can create how the character you play shows emotions and actions. He loved everything about it, to the point he made sure to join any performing arts program there was. As Oscar got older, he went through relationships, depression, and the normal teenager things; but also at this time, Oscar was thinking about his future and what he wanted to become when he was older. He knew how much he loved theater and how he might want to become an actor, but he knew that was a far stretch. So when he was the age 20, he finally knew he wanted to teacher kids the wonders of theater and make them love theater as much as he does. He made sure to take all the courses he needed to become a Drama teacher, but at this time as well Oscar has an affair with a lovely lady who soon after found out she was pregnant. Oscar was so happy, with the news of having a child, he wanted to make them fascinated in theater as much as he was. When the time came for the baby to be born, the unexpected happened. The baby girl came into the world just fine, but the mother wasn't so lucky. After hearing the horrible news, Oscar made sure to care for his child with so much love, while also taking his education and future job serious as well.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Oscar Corbin
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Oscar and Oscy
Preferred Name: Oscar or Oscy, but by students Mr.Corbin

Age: 34
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Oscar does not have a set religion.
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: French
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 5 years
Working Experience (# of years): 4 years

Academic Degree: Bachelors Degree in Acting and Playwriting

Year of Graduation:
Major(s): Teaching Theatre Arts, Creative Drama, Shakespeare, Play ****ysis, History of Musical Theatre, Creative Drama
Minors: Acting Technique I, Development of the Theatre, Teaching Theatre Arts, Creative Drama, Acting Technique II, Acting Techniques III

Native Languages: French
Other Languages: Spanish and Japanese

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes, a CELTA.
Preferred Teaching Subject: Drama/Theater


Additional notes about your application (if any): N/A
Do you have any questions?: N/A​
Last edited:


Level 132

Congratulations your application as been accepted!
DM Alcidies#6666 for further information.

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