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Denied Receptionist Application | JaydenLobo

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am very active on SchoolRP. On average I play around 10 hours a day, everyday. However, during the week, I will have college and normally don't come home until late-ish afternoon but will make the time to hop on in the evenings for a few hours, as well as on weekends as I have a morning shift on Sundays but will still be able to make the time to play in the afternoons.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I understand that if I am inactive for a certain period I can be demoted and lose my role.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A receptionist is the main character of the school faculty along with all the teachers of course. However this particular person is placed at the front entry of the school allowing students to easily know where to ask for help if they were lost to where their classroom was, or if they needed help with something like studying and be redirected to the tutoring room, or even for a spare notebook if they have forgotten theirs at home.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have experience in Schoolrp as I have been playing the server for about 5 to 6 years now. I have had experience on MazeRp as well, FamilyRp, GangRP, CrimeRP.. Pretty much any roleplay in general.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I became a teacher, a few years ago before the map had gotten changed, and i didn't really enjoy it, then i got accepted as a tutor, and even though i was inactive due to school it was a really fun RP experience for me and i would like to re-play that experience, and as well as having the experience to… try… and act like a responsible adult, since for the meantime i have been roleplaying as a student and wish to have the chance once again to experience something other than StudentRP

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
November 9th 2018
November 17th 2018
December 4th 2018
March 4th 2019
Role was taken
July 29th 2019
July 28th 2019
August 15th 2019
April 20th 2019
They didn't want me back.
August 31st 2019
February 8th 2020
February 17th 2020
Wasn’t given a reason as to why this got Denied.
June 10th 2020
November 5th 2020

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Currently I am a Highschool student. Grade-12


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Firstly I would remind the student of the language they are using, giving them a warning. However if they persist to carry on I will remind them that detention is still on the table if they do not stop using this unacceptable language. Once again if they still carry on using this type of language towards me, I will issue them with detention and remind them that if they don't show up SLT will be brought into the situation to have a lovely chat.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

First of all, if there were no other employees or teachers around the area I would mention the situation on the radio, allowing anyone who was available to come and help me break up the situation. In the meantime, getting up from my desk I walked over to the situation, raising my voice slightly as I asked them to break it up. If they continue to fight, and throw punches vigorously, id yell once more mentioning that detention may be given if they do not stop this instant and that SLT may also wish to see them after fighting on school grounds. This should then break them up, however if it is desperately needed i would split the individuals up by gently pulling them off each other and in which that time i would take them to a room, calling for another member of staff to help me out or a council member, to allow the students to explain the situation and hopefully get it resolved.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

In this situation, as having seen this employee acting very.. dangerously, I would pull out my radio before heading over to them. I would then invest in conversation, asking them simple questions like, How are you, are you okay, do you need any help or anything at all, as I watched their movements closely as well as the way they were speaking in case they were perhaps intoxicated… in school? How silly. After speaking, and observing the employee, id report my findings to whoever was on the radio as well as send a message to SLT staff and let them know what i had just witnessed, allowing them to take any actions necessary whilst keeping a close eye on the individual so they did not cause harm to themselves or to anyone else.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

She would act sensible, and polite towards her other colleagues, always speaking kind words and complimenting them in a friendly way eg. How's your day been, need any help with anything, you look lovely today, etc.. She does this to show others that she is friendly and is always there if they need a shoulder to cry on, or even just to have a work bestie to make the day more fun!

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Stretching her fingers out in front of her, her eyes squinting as her upper body leans back slightly, she’d exhale deeply, her whole upper body had been stretched all in the right positions ready for her to start the day. Shaking off her remaining sleepiness, she’d pull her chair out from underneath the desk, plopping herself onto it with her hands in front of her, fingers intertwined as she observed every student, listening to every word around her.

/me She’d cross her legs underneath the desk, as she flipped through chapters in her book before realising a student had shown up at the desk. Placing her book mark at the page she was currently reading, her hands closing the book quickly before placing it to one side as she put a smile on her face, cleared her throat and as she looked up towards the student she’d say “Good morning (Or afternoon), Is there anything i can help you with, my dear?”

/me She’d pull her radio out of her pocket, checking that it was on the right channel and the correct volume before pressing the side button and talking into it “There's a fight at the front gates, anyone free to assist me?”


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
Elvira Smirnova

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:


Art, Music


Known Languages:
Russian, Japanese


Elvira Smirnova was an only child, born on the 16th June 1998, in Russia, with a wealthy family. Her mother and father were always so busy with their jobs, keeping the house all paid for and ensuring that Elvira had everything she needed. However on the 4th of December 2005, Elvira’s parents went on a business trip to Japan.. leaving Elvira on her own for the next two weeks with the household staff. Nearing the time they were meant to return.. Police had shown up at the door of her mansion that afternoon, informing the household staff that Elvira’s parents had died, due to a plane turbulence malfunction that had caused the plane to lose power and crash whilst in the air.

Years went by, Elvira had to take care of her parents' company, however she had other dreams in mind.. Due to her being homeschooled and working for her parents company from the age of 14. Elvira barely left the house. She had always admired teaching or even just helping others in general. She had a very kind heart like that, helping her grandma as a child, as well as others she saw on her rare occasions out the house. Anyway, keeping those dreams in mind, she waited until her 18th birthday, before she gathered up all her money, clothes, and essentials, and booked a flight to Japan, Karakura, A small ish city and the last whereabouts of where her parents had been seen..

A year had gone by, Elvira was loving Karakura and everyone in it, apart from the few masked individuals you would see here and there. She had decided she wanted to take her final year in a public school and enrolled herself into Karakura High School, where she made lots of friends, especially with the faculty, a bit of a goody two shoes and teachers pet when it came to trouble and her education. In the end she had passed her final year, and needed to look for a job and with all the memories and friends she had made within the high school she studied at she really wished she could stay. She asked around and found out there were a few jobs available. Seeing the receptionist slot, she straight away applied, gleaming with joy and waiting anxiously for a response… hoping her once childish dreams may actually become a reality and change her life forever.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

My motivation for joining KHS is, I feel as though I am suited for this job, as I have been practising my whole life and it has been my dream to be able to be in an environment full of teenagers where I can teach them something new and help them with their education in any way possible. It is also the idea that i can change my career path, instead of taking over my parents' business, i get to live my life in the way that i want to, meet new people, make some friends, and maybe even one day have a long lasting career on my CV. I wish to gain experience from this job, experience that will help me in my future plans, and future career choices if I suddenly decide that a receptionist job is not for me.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

This would be my first job since moving to Karakura, and I have not worked in a school environment since being in school myself.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I believe that I will do well in this position, and I understand that everyone has a certain career choice that they want to take for a specific reason, or purpose. But I am very motivated and I have good faith in myself that I can do well in this job, and to make everyone's day in Karakura High School and the College just that little bit extra happier. I am very good at making educational relationships with students, one where they can feel like they can trust me, and allow me to help them in any way that I can, this is the same for my co-workers, I want them to be able to trust in me to help them out at any point, and in general just allow them to be happy and safe in their place of work.

I have great communication skills and I am very polite, which should allow the students and my co-workers to get along with me really well, I am also almost never sick, I am a very healthy individual so no need for me to take time off, or any reason for me to not be at work at all. I am very good at being on time for many things, meaning I will be sat at the desk from 7 30am, and unless I need to move around the school, perhaps go on a patrol if I have someone with me to watch over the desk, then I shall be doing that throughout the day.



Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?: N/A​
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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