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ScaryBook's Reporter App


Level 9
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
ScaryBook (Account applying for), PrizeBox, Stresscat, and JoyPill.

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
yes, my Discord is, and I also have a working microphone.

List your timezone and country:

EST, United States

Describe your activity:

I started playing SRP in early February 2020, I have been an active user ever since with my main faction being the school faculty starting with a Teacher role for around 5 months and later on moving to Professor for the rest of the majority of the time. I have just returned from a long break being around 4 months.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
Event Team
Art Teacher
Lore Team
Media Team

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?

Since I resigned from the faculty faction and have returned to SRP, I've been looking for a different engaging faction to join. A friend of mine in the faction seems to enjoy it, and it's a faction I've never paid much attention to, but after looking into it caught my curiosity.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

I've learned about story writing in the past year within film studies, some of the major skills that are applied to writing are research, Critical thinking, complexity, and depth.
Writing has become a more common activity this year with my side hustle, and the research I've been doing lately, I would like to use these skills in a more leisurely way during my free time, such as writing reports for SRP.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

Yes, these rules won't be an issue for me.

Why should we accept you over others?:

I'd like to make the faction something much bigger and sought after by the players, and of course, it's going to take more effort. That's why I would like to introduce a set of film skills into the community along with my ideas of sharing news in a more engaging way that retains attention, especially for those who aren't readers, but viewers. I have a few ideas I would like to share and experiment with the approval of the faction once I join. One of my main ideas is an audio format of news, edited into a more thrilling experience for the listeners these can be reports and/or interviews, the interviewee won't have to record their response it would be 100% optional, but text-to-speech can be used, and taken in-character to conceal their identity. These would help players get out of their comfort zone little by little. I have recorded the requested report for this application in this audio format as a demonstration. This isn't going to be applied to every report, but a once in a once-in-a-while thing, so much can be done with this format, perhaps giving the new radio furniture a use in the future, as well as a reason to have a recording booth in the news station that will incite RP between other reporters in the station.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)

I understand what it means to be neutral, I won't have a problem with it.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

yes, as well as putting some extra effort into other ideas I would like to try within the faction.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:

Gathering information about anything that the town will be interested in or other events that occur where more context is needed for the public to understand along with talking about issues and trending interests.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:
Neo Corvid

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)


Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
Art Teacher and Criminology Professor in Karakura, Japan

Art Bachelors, Education Masters, and Criminal Justice Doctorate.

Nationality and born location:
Italian, Born in Venice, Italy

Phone Number: 030-

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:

I'm a very mature adult compared to most of the ones in this town, I don't have any obligations since I don't have any kids, I retired at a very early age thanks to my job in the educational institute and my previous business in this town. I had left for Italy and the UK for some time, but my childish wife wanted to return to teaching in Karakura, we didn't need the money, but she enjoyed teaching that much. So I have now returned to this town and am looking for something to entertain myself, that's what brings me here today. One of the most exciting moments of when I was a criminology professor was going to the streets and doing my own investigations on the criminal areas of town to teach my students, back then there were a lot more criminal areas and hideouts, im glad the government became more established in my absence. Now im here because I want to head back to the streets, but this time as a reporter, I believe it will be a more than suitable job for me in this town.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:

When I was younger, there were a lot of strange occurrences around town, many involving crime, some about other "beings" if that's what you would call them, im sure stuff like this still happens every now and then, but im sure that there's more to this town then what we see, and I want to know what exactly happens in this island, and everyone will know, its going to be interesting. now when it comes to my comfort zone, that's the least of my worries, I'd actually love to be put in a position that will make my blood pump.

What are your expectations for the job?:

I do not have any expectations, because I will get what I work for, however, It would be nice to have a bit of freedom to experiment and try new things with reports, I have this high-quality camera and a tape recorder I would like to put to use, and if not, ill just try different ways to make things interesting.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

Weapon trafficking

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

Italian, Japanese, and French

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

Topic: Phycology of Karakura citizens (Tape recording)
Test Tape #1

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

Context: This is an interview with an inmate arrested for assault and gang affiliation
"So first things first, let's remain ethical, you can share as much as you wish, this will go out to the public so keep that in mind when answering some questions, because you might still get affected by what you choose to say during this interview, alright? my name is Neo Corvid, I requested a visit with you today, as you know we'll do some general questions, you can answer with as many as you like, let's start with your name and tell us, what is your background in this town?"

Yuta Numora
"My name is Yuta Numora, I was born on the main island, near Tokyo, I moved here about 3 years ago and began high school here in Karakura when I turned 18 I met the others that were with me the day I got arrested, they are the ones I've been working with and for, my team"

"You are still very young to have gotten into all this trouble, especially for being charged with gang affiliation, but you call them your team, what can you tell me about said team and why were you in it?"

Yuta Numora
"Because I had to, they needed me as much as I needed them, my team isn't bad as you folks think, we just have our way of hanging out and making jokes, and others just get too sensitive about it or just like to start something with us, that's when we fight back, and I was with them because it was the right thing to do, at the time, things just got way overboard and out of control and when we tried to get things to calm down, that's when the officers arrived"

Mr. Corvid
"the officers claimed to have been out on patrol when they saw the big fight going on, but what made you think it was right to join a group of friends that ended up being a bunch of criminals and how did you join them in the first place?"

Yuta Numora
"They were not criminals, they were my friends, the only ones I had in this town that I knew I could count on, because they were the only ones who didn't run away when the other dude ran up on me with a bat all the people around just stood there and watched us fight for our lives, all because we were in their claim, they thought we were taunting them"

Mr. Corvid
"so you were just a normal group of friends just hanging out at the beach, why do the people make it sound like it was a gang fight and why do you think your group of friends got confused by a gang?"

Yuta Numora

"The other groups, they somehow saw us as a threat and began attacking us one by one, we couldn't just stand there and let them hurt us and humiliate us, we had to do something, so we began doing the same, we didn't know how dangerous those people were, but then we became just as dangerous without knowing when we knocked most of those people out, that's when things got over our head from the sudden rush, and next thing we know, we each got dragged away by the officers, some of us even got shocked by them"

Mr. Corvid
"After all this happening and seeing your friends getting handcuffed, Do you regret any of the actions that you and your friends have done so far after being placed in a cell?"

Yuta Numora
"no... none of us was gonna let some dude hurt one of our friends, we were hanging out together, so we fought together because we look after each other, and if I wasn't in here, I would be gathering as much money as possible to get the others out, because that's what we do"

Mr. Corvid
"Its loyalty that you guys have, I understand the situation you got into, not sure I would have done the same but I still see where you stand. Alright, let's move on to what's happening now, have you thought about your family and are you worried about yourself now?"

Yuta Numora
"All my relatives live in Tokyo, and im not worried about myself, I lost the game, and now I have to just... be here until someone bails me out"

Mr. Corvid
"But all your friends are in here with you, do you think someone else is going to come pay your bail?"

Yuta Numora
", I guess not, maybe, but it's fine, all my friends are here, we'll look after each other in here"

Mr. Corvid
"Well you aren't going to be here forever, your time will be up eventually, but what's your view in the future from here on out?"

Yuta Numora
"I think im just gonna settle down, I'll be tired of all this when I get out anyway, so there's no point in making plans for that much time ahead, I might go back to school if im allowed to, and try to get into college, that was my main plan when I had just moved here."

Mr. Corvid
"Well are there any other aspirations that you have, like seeing your family or staying in touch with your friends once you all get out? I might be the only visitor you get in a while"

Yuta Numora
"I do wish I could have made my parents proud and explained to them what happened, they were the reason why I moved here in the first place, to get away from the big cities and be in a calm town where I can just focus on building myself, I wonder if they will see this"

Mr. Corvid

"These news reports don't tend to get that far from the island, but Just in case they do, What would like to say to them and to all the people in Karakura?"

Yuta Numora

"I want to make things right, that's why im staying here with the people that got me here, hopefully, everyone else will remember that they got a family to look after and that they don't end up making a mess out of themselves over a good time with their buds, gotta remember what's right, I still think I did the right thing and if im wrong, then I'll have to find out the hard way."

Mr. Corvid
"Standing strong to your decision, if it really is what you believe then there might be some that agree with you. Well, That was the last question I had for you today, thanks for taking this interview, Numora, it was quite enjoyable, and I think it's going to clear up a lot of confusion that happened, it will be posted in the news in a few days, alright?"

Yuta Numora
"Yeah, all good"

Additional Information: A written version of the first prompt can be provided if needed, as well as a new link if there's any issues with it.​


Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however, you have not been accepted this time around.
Please DM @ aania on Discord if you have any queries about the application

You are free to re-apply at any point in time!

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