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Shimizu's KPD application

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous bans:
I have no previous bans

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m most likely on the server around 5-6 hours everyday if I’m not busy or doing family things.

Which timezone are you in?
My timezone is EST.

Do you have Discord?
Yes I do. It is currently Luna | T.V#0301

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
I do have a microphone and feel comfortable using it if needed.

List your current and past applications:
(All 3 of these are my different accounts)

Noot7s_Property’s applications:

Shimizu's Counselor application | SchoolRP

Teaching Assistant application | SchoolRP

ABurningSword's Sous-Chef application | SchoolRP

Shi's Doctor Application | SchoolRP

ABurningSword's Spanish application | SchoolRP

Zinnia14’s applications:

Zinnia14's Nursing Assistant application | SchoolRP

Lunar_eclipse17’s applications:

Lunar_eclipse17's Korean Application (redo) | SchoolRP

Lunar_eclipse17's Korean Application | SchoolRP

Lunar_eclipse17's French Application | SchoolRP

Lila's New JSL application | SchoolRP

What is your motivation for applying?:
I want to become part of the Karakura Police Staff to further my roleplay experience and to help the city become a better and safe place for the students and adults who live in it. I also want to set a good example which might also inspire more people to join the Police Team.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I completely understand.

What are the Police ranks?


What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
In terms of on-hand experience, I have none. I do have a basic understanding of what the police on srp do. I do also have a few friends who work for the police department on srp, one even being my other character's aunt, Amalia Fawcett. They have told me some of the basic’s that they do but with some proper training and practice I am sure I will have a full understanding of everything that they do.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The Karakura Police department is important because they help keep the citizens of Karakura safe. They handle emergencies calls, such as murder witnesses, underage children drinking, Natural disasters, and so many more. Without the Police Department, Karakura would not be the same. There would be no control over anything such as killings, assaults, etc. Karakura as we know would be completely destroyed without them.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I fully understand that and will comply.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I am completely aware that I am 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role and will not do anything to jeopardize that.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
I am fully aware that if there is training being held while I am online and do not attend I will be punished accordingly.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I fully acknowledge this and will not take anything OOCly when dealing with training and situations and that I am subject to IC harassment.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how they looks, what makes them unique?

The women in front of you would be a petite woman around 4’11 and 100lbs. She’d have a slim figure with light green eyes and luscious dirty blonde hair. She’d also carry a strong scent of Daisies. Shimizu would also have scars all over her body due to her father.

What they're like on and off the job?
In the employee room Shimizu presents a sense of humor and warm feelings, while still being professional. Often conversing with her co-workers about their day and their daily life. She believes the better she knows her co-workers the easier it will be to get along and work with them. When out patrolling Shimizu tends to be very serious and being very cautious of what she is doing and when she is doing it.

Off the job Shimizu is usually seen with her twin sister Rebecca. Shimizu is also very playful and enjoys helping her nieces and nephews outside of school.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
As stated above Shimizu tries to get to know her co-workers well to make it easier for them while working together. Shimizu would see her co-workers as a family and would protect them like one but again would still keep things very professional while doing so.

Shimizu’s plans are to move through the ranks and help improve the Police department and its staff. Shimizu would also like to help many people stay safe along the way.


(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Shimizu Dot was born in Barcelona, Spain with her twin sister Rebecca Dot. Though Barcelona was a place of a great community and known for its beauty and history, Shimizu's life was not. Growing up Shimizu did not know the meaning of love, nor will she for a long time. Shimizu and her sister sadly faced many hardships, for their family life was not as great as the city they lived in. Both their mother and father were not kind people. They never treated their children as their children and instead saw them as pests and just another mouth to feed. Her mother never wanted them, as they were only born due to one unfaithful night. Her father wanted to keep them, and was able to convince their mother to not abort them, however he was never kind to them either. While their mother always disliked them and despised them living, their father did not. Their father at first did try to raise them in their younger years, doing what he could for his children. Cooking, cleaning, and tending to their needs, knowing that if he did not their mother wouldn't do anything at all. He cared, however he had a temper that could easily be triggered. Growing up their mother neglected them, leaving their father to take care of them. Though they were both working parents their mom rarely did try to help with raising them, the only times being when their father fought and forced her to. Due to all of this their father went under heavy stress, having to basically act like an only parent. Growing up Shimizu stayed close to her sister Rebecca, like two peas in a pod. They protected each other, being each other's support for as long as they can remember. When one was hurt the other would become the caregiver, which was often due to their home life. Since their father worked later at nights and was the main parent, they often were left on an empty stomach due to their inconsiderate mother. When they asked to be fed the mother would come back at them, yelling and screaming at them. She told them that they were worthless and that they barely had any food left, which was untrue, as she only answered in rage and disdain at the two. Due to this, the children became frightened. They were not able to correctly process the situation, and instead stayed silent with their heads down. Their father when he came home was tired, saw that they usually did not eat, or that they were not asleep. He knew why, and tried to talk to his wife, but nothing improved, so he took it into his old hands, however that was at the cost of his own mental health. While taking care of them, he tried to keep his anger at bay, but it just almost never seemed to work. It might've been the factors of everything combined, the stress, home life, kids, a job, the wife that was all getting to him. Whenever Shimizu and Rebecca started to cry when they got hurt, or were being loud, he snapped at them. Telling them to shut up and be quiet, and that they shouldn't be crying and will be fine. Since they were often used to the emotional abuse from their mother, they responded in the same submissive tone, as they hung their heads low and nodded as they listened. It never got so bad as they got beaten and hurt, sometimes, due to their usual response, which seemed to satisfy their parents. The only times they would've gotten beaten would've been that if they broke something, or were too loud, but those were rare occasions.
As they became teenagers they both agreed to move out. Somewhere away from their parents' abuse. They didn't know where but they needed somewhere to get out. Somewhere where they can be free from all this pain and suffering they endured. Time kept going on till they could find a place to move to. They set their hopes on Karakura, Japan. But they needed to get more things to be able to move. They needed money, supplies, legal documents, passports, and more. It seemed near impossible to happen, so they gave the dream up. Till one day when their father came home, drunk and angry, he noticed the papers and plans that were left on the kitchen table. Furious he confronted the two about the papers. He called them ungrateful brats, who did not care for him or their mother. In rage Shimizu finally snapped back. She took Rebecca and herself and moved to Karakura and started pursuing her dream of becoming a Karakura Police officer.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name: Shimizu M. W. Dot

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss

Given Name(s): Shimizu

Preferred Name: Shimizu prefers to be called either Shimizu or Shi.

Age: 25

Gender: Shimizu is a female.

IC Phone number: 834-664-600

Religious Denomination: Unknown

Marital Status: Shimizu is currently single.

Nationality: Shimizu is Hispanic.

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: 4 years

Working Experience: Shimizu worked at the school for 2 years both as a Sous-Chef and assistant nurse.

Academic Degree:
Masters Degree

Year of Graduation: 2009

Major(s): Criminology

Minor(s): Law

Native Languages: Shimizu’s first language is Spanish.

Other Languages: Shimizu also knows German

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Level 135
We appreciate you applying, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Please refer to the Karakura Emergency discord upon seeing this​

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