From reading the above responses, it's very clear that everyone has the idea this suggestion is in favor of KPD to not get involved, but that's not the case. There's nothing wrong with police wanting civilians to leave for their safety, but to threaten everyone at an open event at a large public location is unfair and not exactly okay. There were people still being attacked and in the middle of SeriousRP, it's not easy to just force EVERYONE to drop the situation they are in. Keep in mind, this event was held in the forest, a public place where ghosts often reside, to threaten every player to leave this area is about the same as laying down crime tape over the forest due to 'spiritual activity' and threatening to arrest anyone who trespasses, at this point the forest may as well just be removed. A lot of these comments are showing hints of hostility when this was a simple suggestion that should allow event team members to be able to get through their events.
Yes, it is safe to assume that KPD will almost always get involved in planned events, even if they aren't informed of said event. But the main focus here is that they were threatening players with being arrested at an open gathering in which characters were made up for the event, were only just finally getting scary and interacting with everyone. This does not mean that the force cannot tell people to leave, that is completely fine, it's realistic even, but there is no reason to arrest them, they are not obstructing as a genuine crime was not committed, there are spirits that go out of their own way to search for players on their own, even if you tell players to leave the forest, these spirits have the capability to seek out and torment these players once again, arresting them is only going to put it on their character record only because they wanted to see an event out until it's end? These 'ghost' characters were made for this particular event, so they most likely aren't going to be around for very long, people are going to want to interact with them as much as they possibly can before they are no longer used.
Once again, I will make this clear, there is NOTHING wrong with asking people to leave out of their own safety, but threatening to arrest them for not leaving is. I understand that it is to build up a scene and cause players to get scared, but to force people to leave an event that has only just begun and cut it short and risk the event team not even being able to do everything that they may have been planned, it's going to cause players to believe that events are dry and they'll feel less obligated to go out of their way to show up to these events if they are simply going to be told to leave within the first 30 minutes. They should continue to protect and encourage people to leave the scene to keep them safe, but I believe they need to go about it differently, perhaps by escorting people out on their own, but to threaten with arrests is just a bit far in my opinion.
I believe the event started off a bit slow and at first I wasn't sure where the event was going. I thought maybe we'd get to purchase jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, or items related to a pumpkin patch. Once I had noticed the 'Pumpkin People' I grew excited, I often try to actively participate when a spirit approaches a group I'm in because I want that interaction for my character and I'm often being left out of those situations and it can be somewhat frustrating to watch the same people receive attention whenever we encounter a spirit. So to be focused on in that type of RP for once was refreshing, it was a new experience, but then it was unfortunately cut short because we were being threatened to leave or our characters were going to get arrested. Had we been escorted rather than threatened and perhaps there was something waiting for us at the exit of the forest, I believe it would have been more thrilling and would have encouraged more people to leave and see what was happening on the outside rather than the inside.