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Post a Screenshot of Your Inventory & Explain the Items Inside


Level 27
Let's have some fun, share what your inventory typically looks like and what each item means!

I'll start:



Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
oh jesus christ- ok, here we go

Default Ponytail

Apple of Eden, one of a kind event item on the serverA heart locket necklace that has a picture of her wifeAccessories themed to her characterA staff which a spirit also owns within her family lineMegaphone for causing riots (journalist lead)random ass furniture itemCustom bike themed to her characterReplica of wifes glasses gifted to herCollar for.... reasons
Faculty radios for when i switch to my deputy principal characterBinoculars for spyingTamashi Tankyu's mask for being associated closely to the spiritBat for beating the shit out of @elelmon Scissors (shes a senior hair stylist)Her diary (closed version, placeable) Second ponytail with crystal head ornamentRandom ass Scarf I carry but never wearIdentity Card
Broom for when I play the Spirit Hana-heMee-young's custom made bagA torch for exploration reasonsCelestial&Co brand straw hatHer Diary (open, wearable)Club leader arm bands (club lead and a club leader)Flowers because why notTamashi Tankyu Follower maskSpare phone for deputy principal

Custom animated phone with background of her and wifeTamashi's Katana which i forgot to give back to my ALTPencil for writing


Level 27
Thread starter
oh jesus christ- ok, here we go

Default Ponytail

Apple of Eden, one of a kind event item on the serverA heart locket necklace that has a picture of her wifeAccessories themed to her characterA staff which a spirit also owns within her family lineMegaphone for causing riots (journalist lead)random ass furniture itemCustom bike themed to her characterReplica of wifes glasses gifted to herCollar for.... reasons
Faculty radios for when i switch to my deputy principal characterBinoculars for spyingTamashi Tankyu's mask for being associated closely to the spiritBat for beating the shit out of @elelmonScissors (shes a senior hair stylist)Her diary (closed version, placeable)Second ponytail with crystal head ornamentRandom ass Scarf I carry but never wearIdentity Card
Broom for when I play the Spirit Hana-heMee-young's custom made bagA torch for exploration reasonsCelestial&Co brand straw hatHer Diary (open, wearable)Club leader arm bands (club lead and a club leader)Flowers because why notTamashi Tankyu Follower maskSpare phone for deputy principal

Custom animated phone with background of her and wifeTamashi's Katana which i forgot to give back to my ALTPencil for writing


Level 86

Okay... So... Erm...

Coffee CupHair PinSchool RadioSome School BagKagenouta kitsune tailsBible book (idk who gave it to me)Kid running over motorbikeAriel Bow
MicPink Paper UmbrellaKagenouta FanButterfly bowKagenouta Kitsune MaskKagenouta Bokken (NOT KATANA)FlourTurtle
SeaweedWatergunPhoneFancy Jackal x

So, I don't really 'have' and lore items (yet) to say the least besides the Kagenouta customs (love them, finna preform with them eventually)

Tbh, most of these items were randomly given to me, like the butterfly bow, coffee cup, turtle plushie, etc.


Level 27
Thread starter
So, I don't really 'have' and lore items (yet) to say the least besides the Kagenouta customs (love them, finna preform with them eventually)

Tbh, most of these items were randomly given to me, like the butterfly bow, coffee cup, turtle plushie, etc.
That's alright!! Still a fun little thing to do :) also I LOVE the customs!!


Level 117
shoot. wrong inventory. that's build inventory.


Head: Scarf.
Top Row: ID, Gucci Glasses, Umbrella, Nice Fan, Asogi Fan "Keitsu Siru" (Custom), Flower Crown, Daisy Earrings (most of my characters wear them), School bag
2nd Row: Book
3rd Row: Wreath, Book, ID, Bamboo Staff, Chancla (Custom), Seinaru Ikimono (Custom), Fungal Staff (Custom), ID
Hotbar: Flip phone, ID, Snowman, ID, Fishing Rod, Calendar, Lantern, Pocket knife.

Seinaru Ikimono
A strange golem made of clay.
Fungal Staff A staff covered in fungus, plants, crystals, and charms, a relic belonging to a cult.
Asogi Fan Asogi Fan.
Chancla A weapon of choice for a character that no longer exists. Retconned completely. Idk what to do with it.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

Hotbar/Wearing; Eli's Motorbike(Orange Carlos, My Custom), Irish Smartphone(My Custom), Honeycomb Umbrella(My Custom), Newspaper(Sold at The News Station), Binoculars(Sold at Daisuki Yohin), Bracklet "Intertwined"(stormii__'s Custom for Eli/Abeni), Majime Aviators(NoZinth's Custom, I love these things dearly)

Left side; Tsuyosh Tomohiro ID, Black Flip phone(Sold at Oto-Nashi, Tsuyosh's Phone), School Radio(School Faction), Wooden Cane(Forgot where this is sold at, Lore wise on Eli; It was a ex of his item. Tsuyosh; He uses it now and again because of his hip), Whistle(Sold at Rotasu Music, Tsuyosh uses this around his Grandkids)

Right side; Macara(Sold at Rotasu Music, Given to my by OInfi), Red Disposable Lighter(Sold at Daisuki Yohin, Given to Eli from Jim), Eli Hanazono-Zennix's ID, Pink Slipper(Sold at Umisachi, Eli's choice of weapon), Milo's Journal(Journal made by one of Eli's Ex's that was played by Addy!!), Hanazono Family Pin(Golden, Old Clan Pin but repurposed for Family, Gifted to me by Sinn!), Hanazono Clan Pin(Silver, New age Hanazono Clan Pin, was gifted to me by SkyFantasyWorld!)


Level 47
Community Team
Hotbar/wearing: Kintsugi Black Sunglasses, Hanazono Family Pin, and cellphone.
Left Side: Zaniel's Car (4-Runner/Black Bull), Yamato's Motorcycle, random book I got from Souta Fujimoto-Komorebi, Anarchy Duffle Bag, Newspaper, laptop.
Right Side: Zaniel and Yamato's ID's, Red Ruby from mountain, Hanazono Clan Pin.

Rich+ RippedZan - TIMIDDADI
[College] Zaniel "Zan" A. Zennix
[Grade-12] Yamato Caldèron-Munakata Hanazono​


Level 27
Thread starter
View attachment 60816
shoot. wrong inventory. that's build inventory.

View attachment 60817

Head: Scarf.
Top Row: ID, Gucci Glasses, Umbrella, Nice Fan, Asogi Fan "Keitsu Siru" (Custom), Flower Crown, Daisy Earrings (most of my characters wear them), School bag
2nd Row: Book
3rd Row: Wreath, Book, ID, Bamboo Staff, Chancla (Custom), Seinaru Ikimono (Custom), Fungal Staff (Custom), ID
Hotbar: Flip phone, ID, Snowman, ID, Fishing Rod, Calendar, Lantern, Pocket knife.

Seinaru Ikimono
A strange golem made of clay.
Fungal Staff A staff covered in fungus, plants, crystals, and charms, a relic belonging to a cult.
Asogi Fan Asogi Fan.
Chancla A weapon of choice for a character that no longer exists. Retconned completely. Idk what to do with it.


Level 24
oh jesus christ- ok, here we go

Default Ponytail

Apple of Eden, one of a kind event item on the serverA heart locket necklace that has a picture of her wifeAccessories themed to her characterA staff which a spirit also owns within her family lineMegaphone for causing riots (journalist lead)random ass furniture itemCustom bike themed to her characterReplica of wifes glasses gifted to herCollar for.... reasons
Faculty radios for when i switch to my deputy principal characterBinoculars for spyingTamashi Tankyu's mask for being associated closely to the spiritBat for beating the shit out of @elelmonScissors (shes a senior hair stylist)Her diary (closed version, placeable)Second ponytail with crystal head ornamentRandom ass Scarf I carry but never wearIdentity Card
Broom for when I play the Spirit Hana-heMee-young's custom made bagA torch for exploration reasonsCelestial&Co brand straw hatHer Diary (open, wearable)Club leader arm bands (club lead and a club leader)Flowers because why notTamashi Tankyu Follower maskSpare phone for deputy principal

Custom animated phone with background of her and wifeTamashi's Katana which i forgot to give back to my ALTPencil for writing
I will beat you instead @Customable


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
im not taking a ss of my inventory but u can have my word that i carry around the following:

- editmode helmet
- rotten flesh
- leather boots
- a stack of bricks
- a brick (not in a stack)
- 47 snow shovels


Level 64
View attachment 60619

Okay... So... Erm...

Coffee CupHair PinSchool RadioSome School BagKagenouta kitsune tailsBible book (idk who gave it to me)Kid running over motorbikeAriel Bow
MicPink Paper UmbrellaKagenouta FanButterfly bowKagenouta Kitsune MaskKagenouta Bokken (NOT KATANA)FlourTurtle
SeaweedWatergunPhoneFancy Jackalx

So, I don't really 'have' and lore items (yet) to say the least besides the Kagenouta customs (love them, finna preform with them eventually)

Tbh, most of these items were randomly given to me, like the butterfly bow, coffee cup, turtle plushie, etc.
How are you gonna judge bordieee when your inv looks like that :skull:


Level 64
Guess Ill start now

to explain, From left to right in the top row we have an omamori for my character Ken 'Endo' Nescu who carries it everywhere he goes then we have the trust AMOG US phone I bought for 15k after that we have the cat ears Jason wears for whenever his girlfriend Min wears her cat ears cause he wants to match with her second we got the glasses that just kinda make them look hotter Fifth is the Osiris family duffle bag (Join the Osiris fam) then even more sunglasses to look cool when need be there's also the guitar that Ken's dad had gifted him there's the dragonfly duffle bag that belongs to Ken then there's Ken's ID thats self explanatory there's also a water gun for goofy fun times in the second row there's also a red hood helmet that goes with the red hood cosplay after that is Jasons ID a custom breath of the wild fierce deity sword from Majora's mask an umbrella that Jason uses Min gifted to him and then a Yanmega plushie Jasons lore childhood plush that he loves so much

And I had to put my GUI scale to 4 to get this clear image fr


Level 146
i'm actually tilted, december 2022 i discovered a way to glitch snowball items into your inventory so they wouldn't disappear when you took them from your main hand, and either i don't know where i stashed them or staff cleared them from wherever i was hiding them and didn't have the decency to be like "haha heehee we found your secret, get bent loser"

You don't know the amount of trouble I had to go through to get those 18 stacks of snowballs, this was the one time i was going to show them off and everybody was gonna be like "what the heck how the heck philbertman42 is hckacker what??" but now i have nothing to show for it. Oh, the two stacks of trophy items items i smuggled from an event in summer 2022? my random collection of miscellaneous glitched tile drops? my retro fish collection? My 185 reward tokens, all of which I got legitimately but nobody believes me because I've been in the teaching faction (mostly) since 2019? Asuka Deguchi's collapsible metal chair? nobody cares about that crap, because everybody has stuff like that. but a half inventory FULL of snowballs? In MARCH? That would be AWESOME.

This has genuinely ruined my evening. Here I am, after having found the perfect post to flex my silly amount of glitched snowballs, only to find them all robbed from me. I didn't even get to throw them myself. I imagine the staff member who did it didn't throw them, either. They just deleted them, boringly, and without mercy. They robbed not only me, but the world of that joy. They could have shared the snowballs with their friends, with random people at spawn, and had a snowball fight. Really, it would have lasted a decent while. But no, they probably just erased them from existence.

You know, perhaps, if I wasn't robbed of my snowballs, I would have reported the exploit required to duplicate them to the server, and it would have ended there. But no, we're past that point. See, this could have been a mutually beneficial experience for us, but you, staff member responsible for this, were the one who forced me to do this. Mark my words, come December 2024, I will duplicate so many snowballs, and I won't be satisfied with just stashing them. Heavens no, that wouldn't be fun, would it? No. I will distribute the wealth, strategically hiding snowballs in every corner of the map, giving them to every player, all while hiding the method for their production. I will be the sole distributor of these snowballs, and the server will be overrun by them.

I did not start this war, but I will certainly be the one ending it. That isn't a threat, it's a promise.

! salty

Level 51

HEAD: Senova glasses because they look hot asf

- comically large television to slam into peoples' dome
- fish
- some random ass church sermon
- family books (???)
- cane to beat the shit out of people
- cool sword because it looks cool
- bandaid because it looks cool
- hat because it looks cool
- bat to beat the shit out of people
- duffy because it looks cool
- credit card i never use
- anarchy phone for yelling into peoples' ears
- watergun to snipe any innocent citizens


Level 15
i'm actually tilted, december 2022 i discovered a way to glitch snowball items into your inventory so they wouldn't disappear when you took them from your main hand, and either i don't know where i stashed them or staff cleared them from wherever i was hiding them and didn't have the decency to be like "haha heehee we found your secret, get bent loser"

You don't know the amount of trouble I had to go through to get those 18 stacks of snowballs, this was the one time i was going to show them off and everybody was gonna be like "what the heck how the heck philbertman42 is hckacker what??" but now i have nothing to show for it. Oh, the two stacks of trophy items items i smuggled from an event in summer 2022? my random collection of miscellaneous glitched tile drops? my retro fish collection? My 185 reward tokens, all of which I got legitimately but nobody believes me because I've been in the teaching faction (mostly) since 2019? Asuka Deguchi's collapsible metal chair? nobody cares about that crap, because everybody has stuff like that. but a half inventory FULL of snowballs? In MARCH? That would be AWESOME.

This has genuinely ruined my evening. Here I am, after having found the perfect post to flex my silly amount of glitched snowballs, only to find them all robbed from me. I didn't even get to throw them myself. I imagine the staff member who did it didn't throw them, either. They just deleted them, boringly, and without mercy. They robbed not only me, but the world of that joy. They could have shared the snowballs with their friends, with random people at spawn, and had a snowball fight. Really, it would have lasted a decent while. But no, they probably just erased them from existence.

You know, perhaps, if I wasn't robbed of my snowballs, I would have reported the exploit required to duplicate them to the server, and it would have ended there. But no, we're past that point. See, this could have been a mutually beneficial experience for us, but you, staff member responsible for this, were the one who forced me to do this. Mark my words, come December 2024, I will duplicate so many snowballs, and I won't be satisfied with just stashing them. Heavens no, that wouldn't be fun, would it? No. I will distribute the wealth, strategically hiding snowballs in every corner of the map, giving them to every player, all while hiding the method for their production. I will be the sole distributor of these snowballs, and the server will be overrun by them.

I did not start this war, but I will certainly be the one ending it. That isn't a threat, it's a promise.
this... this was beautiful. truly took me on an emotional roller-coaster. what a tragedy. i cant even express my feelings about this horrible tale of woe. brought me to tears. i hope that this story ends just as it should, in a huge snowball fight throughout the server that leaves the perpetrator of this vile offense against philbertman42 baffled and at a loss. this is truly a mark of the times, a testament to what our community works for. snowballs for all, with no way for any mods to stop the spread of this unadulterated joy.

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