players online

Recent content by adalynoc

  1. adalynoc

    Tablist Update

    Not Possible.
  2. adalynoc

    no bedrock edition, java only

    no bedrock edition, java only
  3. adalynoc

    Dad jokes.

    The Curtains were drawn, but the rest of the room was real.
  4. adalynoc

    gonna go read all your past posts now, thanks for pointing them out.

    gonna go read all your past posts now, thanks for pointing them out.
  5. adalynoc

    Discord Bot | User Safety Improvements

    This is like, a massive loophole to permitting bypassers/banned players back into the community. there should be no option for this.
  6. adalynoc

    Discord Bot | User Safety Improvements

    I've spent some time compiling ideas that can lead to more user safety, again not solve this issue, but it will significantly help. 1. In all public SRP related discords hide all channels unless you have verified role and have a zero tolerance on verifying users because they do not/cannot link...
  7. adalynoc

    Discord Bot | User Safety Improvements

    I'm dismissive because you're creating false hope and lying to people. You know as well as I do that something like this will do absolutely nothing, and if anything it'll just encourage people to move to alternative discords/sites to continue their malicious actives. How is this discord bot...
  8. adalynoc

    Discord Bot | User Safety Improvements

    Okay, so here is the thing. This will solve literally nothing. You cannot and will not prevent users from being exploited or sensitive information being released. It's virtually impossible to do so. No matter how many discord bots you make, how many people you ban, there will always be bad faith...
  9. adalynoc

    Drinks do nothing. (excluding alcohol) I wanna change that

    -1 why do you need incentive to use items? this is roleplay not factions bro
  10. adalynoc

    Phones Price Decrease/new phones

    by this logic phones on SRP are insanely underpriced, considering karakura is in Japan.
  11. adalynoc

    What are the WORST IGNs you’ve gone by?

    i remember cringing anytime you'd type in ooc.
  12. adalynoc

    What are the WORST IGNs you’ve gone by?

    Worst ign: "Sterioids" Best ign: "Mars"
  13. adalynoc

    Crovantist Introduction

    welcome to SRP !
  14. adalynoc

    An "Official IC School Rules" Document on the "Roleplay Documents" Thread

    realest shit i've heard to date.
  15. adalynoc

    revamp the rolling system

    -1 if it aint broke, dont fix it.