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revamp the rolling system


Level 0
What's your Minecraft Username?: BurbRP
What's the title of your suggestion?: revamp the rolling system

What's your suggestion?:
My suggestion is to change the rolling system. Instead of rolling the same number for everything there could be different rolls like in RPGs. You could roll for strength, agility etc. In a combat situation you would roll mostly strength. But if someone is trying to run away from a fight they might roll agility, or there could be a unique roll for getting out of a fight. These rolls will be based mostly on species. While normal players might keep the usual 150 roll. A small animal might have a low strength, but a high agility score, for example they could roll 75 for strength and 150 (or even higher) for agility. Some ideas for rolls could be: Strength, Agility, Disengage, Grapple, Sleight of hand/Steal and possibly a raw luck check, where everyone rolls the same no matter what. Also, would this really be pay to win? I mean birds can fly and there is no problem with that. If animals simply roll lower on some things and higher on others I think it would be a lot more balanced.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think we should abandon rolling the same for every single action. Not everything should be decided by the same number. Take birds for example, they roll 75. Humans are much stronger than birds. But are we really supposed to believe that humans, rolling 150, have on average a 75% chance of catching a bird trying to fly away? Or catching a cat, with its great agility, trying to run away?
This would also allow bears to get the strength they need, while not rolling to high.
I would love to see some change happen to the rolling system, right now I think animals are very unbalanced. Humans are always stronger in every aspect. Animals should be able to escape, to slip away, like they do in real life.


Level 73
If you want to take these things into account, try suggesting /it p2l! There's no need to add a whole other rolling system that would just end up confusing players.


Level 43
As much as I love this idea, I just don't think it would work well for SRP. How would you allocate stat points? And in the long run, what would the actual outcome be? Humans Vs Humans wouldn't change at all if it were dependant on species, and if you could train your stat points, it would just be adding even more grind to SRP which burns people out incredibly quickly.


Level 73
I can see SchoolRP adapting well to a new rolling system if given the chance. The current one we have has been the same, unchanged and flawed one for the past 9 years.


Level 27
Community Team
Content Team
I think at the moment there is already a struggle getting newer players to understand when to roll and how to roll- I think this just adds on a whole new layer of confusion. Honestly, I like the rolling right now, I believe you could also choose to do this yourselves with other people if you want to make the rolling and roleplay more detailed. However, I do not think an entire system should be built around it because getting people to learn this will be tough.


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
I feel like updating the rolling system to become more complicated could just add more pressure on staff to help fix misunderstandings and arguments formed off of rolling, which (from what I've seen) doesn't happen because of the simple rolling system there is now.


Level 75
most people that roll are just cops or gangrpers. . . .BUT THE REST OF THE COMMUNITY DOES P2L!


Level 206
Oh, well, THAT is an interesting suggestion.

+1 ?

Overhauling or revamping the rolling system is something that I thought about suggesting too .... a few times ... but I never pulled through with a pitch. The reason why I even think about that is - because it creates a relationship between (a) a characters unique set of traits, (b) that characters progression, and (c) the characters actions in relation to other characters.

I've spent years playing all kinds of computer and tabletop RPGs. One thing that does regularly enhance the experience can be skills and attributes. Having specific rolls for abilities like strength, agility, and even luck (maybe with the command /roll ST, /roll AG, /roll LK, etc.) could improve gamism aspects. Attacking with Strength and countering with either Agility or Constitution might even introduce new approaches to skill development.

"You improve what you can measure."

In RPGs, tracking individual stats makes progression more intense, players love to compare themselves with each other, and it aids the feeling of having a fully personalized character.

Currently, SRP’s rolling system does provide a fair and unbiased method for determining random outcomes.
This is something that I cherish as well, but as you pointed out, it doesn't always reflect a characters traits on specific actions.

It’s hard to imagine that a human should always have a strong chance of catching a bird or an agile creature simply because they both roll similar numbers. Adding specialized rolls for certain attributes based on species (animal whitelist) or character types/classes (athlete, bookworm, etc.) would create more relatable scenarios, like a birds agility helping it evade, while a bears strength would be more advantageous in a brawl.

SRP already incorporates various systems..... athletics, fishing, cooking, swimming, and possibly endurance? (It's not really clear which skills impacts what and how they interact with elements in the world, unless they are very specific, like fishing or cooking) And currently they have no interaction with "/roll."
Maybe keeping roll disconnected from the characters skills and attributes is good? Maybe it could be more fun to give them more impact? I honestly don't know.

Also - many players already include RPG stats in their character bios: strength, dexterity, and even morality. I see that they are more descriptive than functional. BUT if these attributes could actually directly influence outcomes in specific situations, it would add a layer of gameplay and maybe even immersion to the SRP. (insert question mark here?)

TLDR; While I love the idea of these specialized rolls, I'm still a bit unsure of the exact mechanics and criteria that would govern each roll type. How would we determine which rolls apply and when? Could players customize which abilities matter most to their characters? Could they do this during character creation? Would they earn special qualities or flaws that interact with their attributes/skills during events or NPC quests? (Talking about an extended tutorial)

I don't know. (insert shrug here!)
There are also legitimate concerns when it comes to an attribute+skill system and all the ways it might complicate the jobs of staff - since it might create more edge cases? I... don't know.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- You can always P2L if all parties agree which would allow you to roll out of whatever everyone has agreed to. Nevertheless, we won't be changing the base rolling rules to avoid over complicating an already complicated system.​

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