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Recent content by Kandu

  1. Kandu


  2. Kandu

    Suggestion Against Scamming 'Grade Seven' Players

    Neutral Good concept But let them learn from their mistake
  3. Kandu

    Codeine Smasher's Role add 1# |26/10/2021

    Of course it should be optional since a lot of people maybe dont want to get the role.
  4. Kandu

    Codeine Smasher's Role add 1# |26/10/2021

    IGN: CodeineSmasher DATE: 26/10/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Adding a new role for Builders aka. [Architect] HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will add more roleplaying opportunities with Shop owners, Tower members/owners and people who own Houses. This will benefit...
  5. Kandu

    Lost Car Request | Blue Hennessy

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Hennessy EVIDENCE: This is a very old picture but its the only screenshot i have of that car in my inv since i deleted my screenshot folder since it was over 10 gb
  6. Kandu

    Adjustment to fearing weapons

    -1.01 just get use to it its not that big of a deal, + just say it in /help, instead of do a whole ass essay on how this should be changed
  7. Kandu

    Buy it yourself

    Buy it yourself
  8. Kandu

    Hi 3dmodeler here

    Make cool stufg
  9. Kandu

    where go?

    Hey @mr ivanov I'm pretty sure Onrain was shut down due to a lot of people getting their password stolen, and it was really inactive. I hope this helps solving your issue
  10. Kandu

    school teams- lost

    Hey @jomama I suggest you join the Karakura academics discord, in there you will get announcements of when teams are hosting tryouts, Link to the discord:
  11. Kandu


  12. Kandu

    Lemme get 1# in most likes

    noob Sam
  13. Kandu

    School Uniforms

    1+ / -1 I think this is a good concept looking at the wardrobe plugin that have been added, I like the idea of realism with the outfits BUT people who are in certain teams like Football, Volleyball, Track, Baseball, Basketball, and Swimming are allowed to wear their jackets on grounds but only...
  14. Kandu

    Lemme get 1# in most likes

  15. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's more jobs suggestion | 8/1/2021

    IGN: CodeineSmasher DATE: 8/1/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I suggest adding more jobs to SchoolRP HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will benefit the community by making more players have a wide view of all the job opportunities, this could be Delivery man...