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Recent content by RAYHM

  1. RAYHM

    New Whitelist

    nobody would want to spend money to stand still and /me going through photosynthesis
  2. RAYHM

    Cheer Pom Pom's Remodel

    REVIEWED - To keep it short, the old model is deleted and not returning. It was way too over-modelled and just a bunch of cubes sitting on top of another which doesn't even make it look like a pompom. - The colors of the new model were color-picked from the old model so I'm not sure what's the...
  3. RAYHM

    What was your first ever character?

    Datenshi Akihito
  4. RAYHM

    Fair Pricing suggestion

    REVEWED After reading through this feedback we have decided to deny this As mentioned above within the replies, Modellers work hard on every model that has been assigned to them, even if it's a few Kilobytes, you can't just judge the result and think it's an easy work that'll take a few...
  5. RAYHM


  6. RAYHM

    Resource packs || Ballistic mask, gas mask, weapons etc.

    REVIEWED There won't be another resource pack made to bring back the old models. These changes are being made to make the models fit with the same style as the game (Minecraft). All the old voxel models or unshaded overmodelled items will be remade eventually to fit the same style as the new ones
  7. RAYHM

    just a modeller now, nothing else

    just a modeller now, nothing else
  8. RAYHM

    KARAKURA NEWS | The fall of Hiroto Akihito

    yo wass going on with this family
  9. RAYHM

    Greater realism in GangRP

    but my question wasn't answered by those who put +1 I don't know what you meant by neutral_face
  10. RAYHM

    Greater realism in GangRP

    why do you want to take an eye to begin with?
  11. RAYHM

    Greater realism in GangRP

    just don't touch the eyes lol
  12. RAYHM

    college suggestions

    you don't need a building to make roleplay more fun, you can go on any place of the map and call it your characters hang out spot and do that there. If I were a team captain again hell I'd take over the family store and hang out there with my team daily and call it our hangout spot. A building...
  13. RAYHM

    Best Duo??

    2020 characters, i wouldn't be surprised if new players haven't heard of em! They're so cool
  14. RAYHM

    college suggestions

    No. Japan doesn't even have sororities and fraternities, just do clubs