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Recent content by ZekesHB

  1. ZekesHB

    Accepted ZekesHB | Lawyer Application 2 Electric Boogaloo

    ♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖ PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: ZekesHB Previous bans (include appeal links): The two links below have been two of my previous bans appeals, the first being an unfair ban which was rectified after. Despite this there is no excuse for my previous actions, whether or not I...
  2. ZekesHB

    Denied ZekesHB | Restaurant Application II

    ♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖ Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: ZekesHB Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): zekeshb How old are you? (Optional): 19 What is your time zone?: BST/GMT Describe your activity on the server: I've consistently done...
  3. ZekesHB

    LORE: The Tachitsu Family

    I think this is words, and readable, and is definitely a Taichitsu Family Lore document, thanks for bringing this into the world.
  4. ZekesHB

    ZekesHB | Light block issues

    USERNAME: ZekesHB APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1517 18 715 ISSUE: Unbreakable light blocks ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There are several light blocks I'm unable to break, and it wont let me place blocks in their place.
  5. ZekesHB

    ZekesHB | Housing Region Issues

    USERNAME: ZekesHB APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): X: 1539 Y: 19 Z: 701 ISSUE: Unable to build in the dirt region and up on the balcony above ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  6. ZekesHB

    Denied ZekesHB | Restaurant Application

    ♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖ Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: My main account is ZekesHB, the account I'm applying on is ZekesHB2 (Original I know) Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): zekeshb How old are you? (Optional): 18 What is your...
  7. ZekesHB

    Animal Shop/Vet combo

    I think a pet shop would be nice, could make for some very interesting furniture ideas and something to fill a space on the server. Having a vet clinic could also be very fun, gives more jobs even if it's only a small part of the hospital for example, as long as people aren't doing more animal...
  8. ZekesHB

    SynergYTime's Suggestion

    +1 I used to enjoy the old greenie houses, always full of fun people to RP with, really helped me get into the server
  9. ZekesHB

    Custom Music Disks

    If anyone chooses dance money, I'm choosing death -1
  10. ZekesHB

    Accepted Lawyer | ZekesHairyBalls

    ♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖ PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: ZekesHairyBalls Previous bans (include appeal links): The two links below have been two of my previous bans appeals, the first being an unfair ban which was rectified after. Despite this there is no excuse for my previous actions, whether...
  11. ZekesHB

    ZHB - Lost car again, my bad

    IGN: ZekesHairyBalls VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red Lancer EVIDENCE: Posted Below ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I drove it out of the school yesterday, with LilyMaay and Destinsed, to the forest but I forgot to pick it up and its no longer there, i have tried /qav callback 100000 but it's not here, I...
  12. ZekesHB

    ZHB - Lost car

    IGN: ZekesHairyBalls VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red Lancer EVIDENCE: Posted Below ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I accidentally left my car on the side of the road and logged off before picking it up. My car is now no longer there as it has been several days and it is not in my inventory or chests. I...
  13. ZekesHB

    Accepted ZHB - Librarian Application II

    Out-Of-Character Information ♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖ What is your Minecraft username?: ZekesHairyBalls Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Zeke's Hairy Balls#6370 How old are you? (Optional): 18 What is your time zone?: GMT Describe your activity on the...
  14. ZekesHB

    Denied ZHB | Doctor Application

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION ♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖ Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): ZekesHairyBalls What is your discord name & tag?: Zeke's Hairy Balls#6370 Previous bans: The two links below have been two of my previous bans appeals, the first being an...
  15. ZekesHB

    Denied ZHB | Librarian Application

    Out-Of-Character Information ♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖―♘―♗―♕―♔―♖―♗―♘―♖ What is your Minecraft username?: ZekesHairyBalls Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Zeke's Hairy Balls#6370 How old are you? (Optional): 18 What is your time zone?: GMT Describe your activity on the...