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What really annoys or gets to you with SRP?


Level 108
See for me its the fact that community team members or staff members cant make friends without the thought of that person doing it just for popularity purposes.


Level 146
The number one thing that drives me crazy with SRP is that nobody pushes themselves out of their comfort zone. I'm not complaining about individuals being afraid to try new things, but rather a lack of ambition and innovation around most corners of the community.

I'll use events as an example; most large-scale SRP events follow the same format, where you organize a few booths/diversions in a pretty area, then let 300+ players roam free for an hour or so. I'm not saying this can't lead to good events, but over time it gets very stale. I'm definitely tooting my own horn with this one, but last year's "School Swap" event that the council did was a great example of an ambitious event that turned out phenomenally well. It was mostly coordinated by the former HS President (MuziekAapje / Lara) and myself, and we were able to organize 40+ players and managed to keep the event going for a full school day. The result was not only a banger event, but an opportunity for players that otherwise wouldn't interact with one another to form friendships, an opportunity for people interested in school faculty to get a taste of what being faculty would be like, and it served as a good learning experience for those of us who organized the event.
Note, I'm not just complaining about events, it's just the most convenient example for me. Next on the chopping block was skin tailors and how most people don't deviate from the standard style, but I'm trying not to write a 10 paragraph essay here.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure people are definitely trying to fulfill their respective roles as best they can, and most are doing a perfectly fine job. I just wish more people would be less afraid of innovating, y'know? Try new things and fail, there's nothing wrong with taking the L every now and then.


Level 81
i'm very against the "sweep it under the rug" type mindset that a lot of people have here. i'd give examples, but thats neither here nor there :)


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Fake social standards that players seem to force upon each other that go absolutely nowhere and doesn’t impact your roleplay experience at all. This ranges from whatever “palette stealing” is and the detailrp norm that you must have x amount of words in your actions to be considered a good roleplayer.

those things aren’t real

if everyone was just kind to each other then we wouldn’t ever have these problems to begin with


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
The number one thing that drives me crazy with SRP is that nobody pushes themselves out of their comfort zone. I'm not complaining about individuals being afraid to try new things, but rather a lack of ambition and innovation around most corners of the community.

I'll use events as an example; most large-scale SRP events follow the same format, where you organize a few booths/diversions in a pretty area, then let 300+ players roam free for an hour or so. I'm not saying this can't lead to good events, but over time it gets very stale. I'm definitely tooting my own horn with this one, but last year's "School Swap" event that the council did was a great example of an ambitious event that turned out phenomenally well. It was mostly coordinated by the former HS President (MuziekAapje / Lara) and myself, and we were able to organize 40+ players and managed to keep the event going for a full school day. The result was not only a banger event, but an opportunity for players that otherwise wouldn't interact with one another to form friendships, an opportunity for people interested in school faculty to get a taste of what being faculty would be like, and it served as a good learning experience for those of us who organized the event.
Note, I'm not just complaining about events, it's just the most convenient example for me. Next on the chopping block was skin tailors and how most people don't deviate from the standard style, but I'm trying not to write a 10 paragraph essay here.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure people are definitely trying to fulfill their respective roles as best they can, and most are doing a perfectly fine job. I just wish more people would be less afraid of innovating, y'know? Try new things and fail, there's nothing wrong with taking the L every now and then.
Underrated reply. Players don’t realize that they do have the power to suggest and put together their own events if they seek guidance from an event team member or Tippie. Tippie is always looking for fresh events


Level 26
The things that annoys me a lot is when greenies failrp, and rude players, and hackers also annoy me and also when people steal skins


Level 185
News Lead
(Posts like these)

Mildly kidding.

Ungratefulness. It truly is one of the few things that annoys me about this community. Yes, things break and stuff goes slower occasionally. But staff, developers and so on. We are all only human.

We give the community something that's been worked on, which we believe is going to benefit it. And it is criticized and ridiculed and it's honestly heart breaking. Or even, if something is added, immediately you see the shit-storm of people asking when xy and z are going to be fixed.

It's demotivating and sad to see :(


Level 18
Breathes. Inhale. Exhale. I might hurt a few nerves here
1. The constant reloop of corruption in some factions, and other places on srp. Can we not live with peace for once? Maybe a new story? A new era?

2. Lore Families (I’m in one myself)
Now, lore families specifically dont erk me(maybe).But, the popularity and the attention some get from not being apart of one to being apart of one. People eventually would/need to realize is just because your character is friends with a Saiky does not mean your character will become popular, not even some people in lore families are popular. We’re just regular families.

3. People seeking character approval
- Having a great character is the time, story, and character development you’ve put into them. Remember, you are creating a story and the server is just one big book. Some people will enjoy it, some may not. It is your character, your story. Stop seeking approval from people who don’t care, have fun and roleplay and you’ll find your people. It just takes time

4. Popularity of Mental Illnesses -
Mental Health, Disorders, and the etc will ALWAYS be normal. we know people around us who have it, hell maybe you have it.
but this is more for the people who just have it and don’t truly put the work into researching behind it. What pros and cons that could happen in your characters life, and the etc.

Mental Illnesses aren’t a silly joke, it’s not something to use for character attention or anything else of the sort. If you are going to diagnose your character with something, make sure to research, and be open minded when someone comes to you and explain their concerns.

5. how an above comment said, no one pushes themselves.
The more you push a story, the less you’ll get those awkward silent moments. Remember this is, Roleplay.
Don’t be nervous of your character accidentally making the wrong move on their crush, don’t get scared if you’re character is about to do something they might regret.

Go take the first step and tell your chars icly friends ‘let’s go skateboard into the bowling pins and the bowling alley’ or ‘let’s go get drunk on the beach and be silly!’

The more you take a more initiative. the more you can create these icly bonds, relationships, roleplay moments you either found incredibly sad, happy or simply ones out of no where. You can also gain some really really good friends out of it.

6. Being weird.
Ill explain. What URKSSSSS me is when people will just casually answer things in looc.
look, I do NOT care that you don’t know how to split you’re character from yourself but I will not interact with you if you cannot understand that what my character does to yours, is not ME PERSONALLY wanting to do it. My character will react, interact, or vocalize in the way I made them to be, none of them are ME. Do not get your feelings hurt oocly because my character called yours a rotten booger.
(It just annoys me that I have to vocalize sometimes that it’s just icly rudeness and im not being oocly resentful/rude)

7. Maybe the Last one
Normalized Toxicity in some places, I get it maybe you find being rude to others is funny and all but from outside of the box. You aren’t cool, you’re not funny, and you won’t get actual true friends who will direct you in the right way.
if you surround yourself with toxicity, you are only gonna get the outcome of it.
- yes, you are going to get banned. No ‘free’ you.
- yes, you are going to lose friends because not everyone has the energy to be rude 24/7
There is nothing wrong with being kind, just because you can.
there is nothing wrong just not answering to someone’s attitude, at the end of the day they are the ones with a bad day. Not you.
and there is nothing wrong with just blocking, ghosting and deleting people to protect your own peace. Yes, this is “online” but you never know how far just being a cool kind person can get you.

8. Staff Hate
Some may have genuine reasons, others may not. But, they are the ones going through everything just so the server is capable of running properly.
Just a Reminder.
Staff can be reported too, and they most likely do have consequences on the other side regarding their actions.
we’re ALL human, and another reminder that some staff are barely even over the age of 21. Their not going to be professional at all times, their not going to solve every issue properly all the time.

they are learning, as much or at the same level as all of us. Also, another reminder they applied to be staff. And so can you. If you think you’re better go for it, but don’t complain about the ones we have now because in reality we srsly could have some of the staff from before eras that weren’t .. the best role models or examples like the staff we do have now.

anyways, thanks for reading my Yap.
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Level 118
There’s no specific shading style honestly dude, Minecraft shading mostly came from NameMC, and someone just said “Let’s edit it a little.” So editing it a little calling it “SRP shading” it ain’t shit.

SRP shading is all based off NameMC Planet MC, SkinDex. Everything.


Level 121
gatekeeping things

I'm not sure if gatekeeping is the proper word but I hate it when something cool happens and people wont tell about it & only keep it to a certain group.
yes I understand our characters arent supposed to know that your character is rambo but can you atleast tell it OOCly so people can atleast know about the roleplay? Its a roleplay server yet some roleplays are being kept hidden.
Metagaming isnt allowed and just by telling few details of the amazing adventure you just had wont let others instantly know about the things you did, if they do, report them.
its alright if its a small thing that doesnt affect much but if its actually something interesting, whats the harm in sharing that?

idk correct me if im wrong

edit: oh yeah also I hate delinquent gangs, its been overdone guys, move on or make something proper.


Level 50
Regarding the beauty standards with SRP, I know some people will just be like "What the hell??" with this on what I'm writing but when I click on every single description I hate seeing the same things. "6'5 strong, muscular male" or "5'3 slim, hourglass figure female." I know this can also be taken as social media with all of that counting down back to oh how does the perfect body look but I would just like more difference than just the same old descriptions of characters being that everyone in real life is different and everyone looks different and that's perfectly okay! I have probably done it myself while I was starting with roleplay but I have attacked myself for it and told myself to stop. Thanks for reading!


Level 89
People can be a_holes wihout having sociopathy or psychopathy. Evil doesnt need to be "oh my view of the world is distorted" or "I am evil becuase sociopathy".

There can be moments when characters need to deal with what must be done and what they want. Other views on inmorality can be when a character does a not very bad action but the situation gets out of control too fast, leading to very harsh conflict.

I am someone who is very interested in understanding wicked ess. However, I dont explore that on SRP but other proyects unrealated with this.


Level 102
1. FAILrpers. Do I even have to explain this? I realize some just don’t understand or make mistakes, but when they don’t acknowledge your help to correctly roleplay, that ticks me off.
2. People taking ICly things OOCly. It’s just not that deep.. this is a BLOCK GAME- Unless the person genuinely did something ban worthy to your character, keep it icly.
3. SRP in its current state..
I might as well be honest (srp don’t ban me I still love chu) But SRP sucks right now. I know it’s going to be fixed, and I do love the new church and forest.. but all I need is auction house and /f and I KNOW you’re getting to it, but why didn’t you do it first?- more people complained about/f than anything else I can think of. And /me and /it and OOC is broke now- ;-; ily but why


Level 81
People can be a_holes wihout having sociopathy or psychopathy. Evil doesnt need to be "oh my view of the world is distorted" or "I am evil becuase sociopathy".
This is literally it. People are always so caught up in their black-and-white views of the world, when it's only rarely like that. It's more so a blurry line. Everything has its reason - everything is explainable, but not necessarily justifiable.


Level 116
gangrpers (i am not talking "gang roleplayers" i am talking "gangrpers" they're two different kinds of people)

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