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What really annoys or gets to you with SRP?


Level 200
Community Team
Lore Team
There are a lot of things, that as a community we CAN fix but people need to get over somethings.

1. Gatekeeping, THIS is a BIG thing that I, personally, had happened to me on a few occasions. The biggest one is GangRP/CrimeRP, YOU DO NOT OWN GANGRP!!!!! There have been many people(Either talking to others OR myself) that will say 'oh you can do xyz because this is what abc does!!', like. Okay? And? There can be a lot of people who can DO the SAME thing as another person/group. The whole reason the Crime community has such a bad rep is people who aren't willing to teach the NEW generation and then complain about 'oh new gen' this or 'oh new gen' that, bla bla bla. Just, if you see someone who might need help/wanting to get into crime/etc, help them out!! Don't just push them away because 'they are new', we all were new to it once. Help them like someone might of helped you in the past.

2. Ignoring New Players(Greenies), You do understand that you were a 'greenie' once? and that you did the same mistakes as others are doing? Its best to help new players understand the server and have a stable contact to know more about the server than just pushing them away. HELP them instead of ignoring them, as that is how we make the community better as awhole.

3. People complaining about things that are in the works, running a server as large as SRP occasionally has bugs and issues with plugins. Imagine you have a computer problem and you don't have the internet or someone else there to help you fix it. Sometimes Plugins break and the Devs have to figure out WHY it broke or WHY it doesn't do what it was programmed to do. It takes TIME to look over like, hundreds or thousands of words that make up ONE plugin to see what that ONE mistake might have been to cause it to break. You can't PROPERLY test plugins without putting it through a stress test, and that is with it on the server and seeing how it holds up. If it works, COOL AMAZING! If it doesn't, Devs have to go back in and figure out WHAT part of the code didn't work. For those who are like 'but what about-' stop there, you try learning a coding language for a block game and have it work on a server with 100-400 people on it at one time without it breaking and can only properly test it with many people. OR IF YOU DO know how to code and stuff, GO APPLY FOR DEVELOPER to help the server!! People constantly asking staff about 'when is x coming back' or 'when is y coming out' and you get angry at them for no reason just blows my mind, like. They are people like you and I, they are staff on this server BECAUSE THEY WANT TO, they aren't paid to do what they do. They do it because they love the server(This leads into my next point).

4. Complaining about Staff not doing their job, Staff have to deal with A LOT when it comes to SRP and its community. They get endless reports, messages, questions, suggestions, etc ON A DAILY BASIS. You all need to chill when it comes to staff checking something you posted and JUST because staff don't message you RIGHT AWAY doesn't mean they are ignoring you. They are busy people, they have lives outside of SRP. They have work, school, families, holidays, etc. Put yourself in their shoes, can you answer 100+ DMS in a matter of 3 seconds before they blow up your DMS asking why you are ignoring them? You might not be able to handle it, staff get messaged 25/8 about MANY things. Just, chill out and give staff some time to read and review what you have submitted. If they didn't react or message you back, just bump the DMS every other day or so.

There are a lot more that pushes my buttons but theses are some of the major ones


Level 101
1. Gatekeeping, THIS is a BIG thing that I, personally, had happened to me on a few occasions. The biggest one is GangRP/CrimeRP, YOU DO NOT OWN GANGRP!!!!! There have been many people(Either talking to others OR myself) that will say 'oh you can do xyz because this is what abc does!!', like. Okay? And? There can be a lot of people who can DO the SAME thing as another person/group. The whole reason the Crime community has such a bad rep is people who aren't willing to teach the NEW generation and then complain about 'oh new gen' this or 'oh new gen' that, bla bla bla. Just, if you see someone who might need help/wanting to get into crime/etc, help them out!! Don't just push them away because 'they are new', we all were new to it once. Help them like someone might of helped you in the past.
why does this kinda sound like some people in
“alternative/non mainstream” community

NOTE: I put alternative in quotes since I’m pretty sure it’s a music genre but I’m using it to describe scene and emo or even goth cause I don’t exactly know how to describe them all!! Not meant to be offensive but please point out any mistakes

anyway it reminded me of this
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Level 116
The number one thing that drives me crazy with SRP is that nobody pushes themselves out of their comfort zone. I'm not complaining about individuals being afraid to try new things, but rather a lack of ambition and innovation around most corners of the community.
This checks out.
As a very basic roleplayer, most RP is literally just "hi how are you let's hang out"
but when most of your ic friend group acts like that, there's not much room to break the mold.
we need innovation, but it doesn't seem to be a priority


Level 35
Community Team
I KNOW you’re getting to it, but why didn’t you do it first?-
Devs are completely separate from builders and any other community team. We don't decide when map updates go out based on plugin features unless we're adding new content with the map update.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
1. FAILrpers. Do I even have to explain this? I realize some just don’t understand or make mistakes, but when they don’t acknowledge your help to correctly roleplay, that ticks me off.
2. People taking ICly things OOCly. It’s just not that deep.. this is a BLOCK GAME- Unless the person genuinely did something ban worthy to your character, keep it icly.
3. SRP in its current state..
I might as well be honest (srp don’t ban me I still love chu) But SRP sucks right now. I know it’s going to be fixed, and I do love the new church and forest.. but all I need is auction house and /f and I KNOW you’re getting to it, but why didn’t you do it first?- more people complained about/f than anything else I can think of. And /me and /it and OOC is broke now- ;-; ily but why
we have been working on the forest update since January. The build team puts countless hours into creating these updates to be overshadowed by bugs that are ACTIVELY being worked on. Auction house and f msg were in working condition throughout the project. Also builders aren’t responsible for fixing developer related issues.


Level 15
1. GangRpers- GANG roleplayers... Who only want the gang part. Instead of actually roleplaying they just want perms perms perms... And if they don't have perms they start getting toxic..

2. Jocks - Those certain jocks that think just because they are in a more popular plugin in based sport, think they can get away with anything and failrp and fail to actually roleplay out anything or refuse to roll because "Sports members don't roll"

3. Failrpers - People who constantly failrp and refuse to roleplay right even after you have given them pointers on how to roleplay.

4. Metagamers - Those metagamers who constatantly take the information from a situation they have no knowledge about icly and oocly ask questions about it in order to metagame..
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Level 101
Devs are completely separate from builders and any other community team. We don't decide when map updates go out based on plugin features unless we're adding new content with the map update.
You’re right about that, should of thought that through on my part honestly.


Level 101
2. Jocks - Those certain jocks that think just because they are in a more popular plugin in based sport, think they can get away with anything and failrp and fail to actually roleplay out anything or refuse to role because "Sports members don't roll"
literally yes, not sure why they acting so entitled sometimes

(also I gotta stop commenting on this thread man)

Ocean Man

Level 50
There are a lot of things, that as a community we CAN fix but people need to get over somethings.

1. Gatekeeping, THIS is a BIG thing that I, personally, had happened to me on a few occasions. The biggest one is GangRP/CrimeRP, YOU DO NOT OWN GANGRP!!!!! There have been many people(Either talking to others OR myself) that will say 'oh you can do xyz because this is what abc does!!', like. Okay? And? There can be a lot of people who can DO the SAME thing as another person/group. The whole reason the Crime community has such a bad rep is people who aren't willing to teach the NEW generation and then complain about 'oh new gen' this or 'oh new gen' that, bla bla bla. Just, if you see someone who might need help/wanting to get into crime/etc, help them out!! Don't just push them away because 'they are new', we all were new to it once. Help them like someone might of helped you in the past.

2. Ignoring New Players(Greenies), You do understand that you were a 'greenie' once? and that you did the same mistakes as others are doing? Its best to help new players understand the server and have a stable contact to know more about the server than just pushing them away. HELP them instead of ignoring them, as that is how we make the community better as awhole.

3. People complaining about things that are in the works, running a server as large as SRP occasionally has bugs and issues with plugins. Imagine you have a computer problem and you don't have the internet or someone else there to help you fix it. Sometimes Plugins break and the Devs have to figure out WHY it broke or WHY it doesn't do what it was programmed to do. It takes TIME to look over like, hundreds or thousands of words that make up ONE plugin to see what that ONE mistake might have been to cause it to break. You can't PROPERLY test plugins without putting it through a stress test, and that is with it on the server and seeing how it holds up. If it works, COOL AMAZING! If it doesn't, Devs have to go back in and figure out WHAT part of the code didn't work. For those who are like 'but what about-' stop there, you try learning a coding language for a block game and have it work on a server with 100-400 people on it at one time without it breaking and can only properly test it with many people. OR IF YOU DO know how to code and stuff, GO APPLY FOR DEVELOPER to help the server!! People constantly asking staff about 'when is x coming back' or 'when is y coming out' and you get angry at them for no reason just blows my mind, like. They are people like you and I, they are staff on this server BECAUSE THEY WANT TO, they aren't paid to do what they do. They do it because they love the server(This leads into my next point).

4. Complaining about Staff not doing their job, Staff have to deal with A LOT when it comes to SRP and its community. They get endless reports, messages, questions, suggestions, etc ON A DAILY BASIS. You all need to chill when it comes to staff checking something you posted and JUST because staff don't message you RIGHT AWAY doesn't mean they are ignoring you. They are busy people, they have lives outside of SRP. They have work, school, families, holidays, etc. Put yourself in their shoes, can you answer 100+ DMS in a matter of 3 seconds before they blow up your DMS asking why you are ignoring them? You might not be able to handle it, staff get messaged 25/8 about MANY things. Just, chill out and give staff some time to read and review what you have submitted. If they didn't react or message you back, just bump the DMS every other day or so.

There are a lot more that pushes my buttons but theses are some of the major ones


Level 331
when people think its funny to quote the most horrendous and disgusting things in ooc thinking it's funny and to get a reaction (its not, it'll just get you warned)


Level 108
Thread starter
Really don’t! I got scammed multiple times by them (oocly) I’m waiting for tailors to give me my prepaid fits that I’ve been waiting for months!

(edit: 7 months)
bump it or dm them. if not complain to the head of the tailoring server


Level 16
I've seen literal friend-group get torn apart due to some of the friends casting away other people due to the pursuit of being popular or just petty reasons, it's really not that serious, it's a Minecraft server to roleplay on. There is no need to cut off your friends over such trivial things.


Level 104
Poeple who dont dstop making a million forum posts for no reason at all

When poeple order skins just to remake them or reshade them in the end

Poeple who got them shitty ass keybinds and think its funny too

Poeple who wont stop absolutely yapping about their problems publicly

gold fish

Level 286
Breathes. Inhale. Exhale. I might hurt a few nerves here
1. The constant reloop of corruption in some factions, and other places on srp. Can we not live with peace for once? Maybe a new story? A new era?

2. Lore Families (I’m in one myself)
Now, lore families specifically dont erk me(maybe).But, the popularity and the attention some get from not being apart of one to being apart of one. People eventually would/need to realize is just because your character is friends with a Saiky does not mean your character will become popular, not even some people in lore families are popular. We’re just regular families.

3. People seeking character approval
- Having a great character is the time, story, and character development you’ve put into them. Remember, you are creating a story and the server is just one big book. Some people will enjoy it, some may not. It is your character, your story. Stop seeking approval from people who don’t care, have fun and roleplay and you’ll find your people. It just takes time

4. Popularity of Mental Illnesses -
Mental Health, Disorders, and the etc will ALWAYS be normal. we know people around us who have it, hell maybe you have it.
but this is more for the people who just have it and don’t truly put the work into researching behind it. What pros and cons that could happen in your characters life, and the etc.

Mental Illnesses aren’t a silly joke, it’s not something to use for character attention or anything else of the sort. If you are going to diagnose your character with something, make sure to research, and be open minded when someone comes to you and explain their concerns.

5. how an above comment said, no one pushes themselves.
The more you push a story, the less you’ll get those awkward silent moments. Remember this is, Roleplay.
Don’t be nervous of your character accidentally making the wrong move on their crush, don’t get scared if you’re character is about to do something they might regret.

Go take the first step and tell your chars icly friends ‘let’s go skateboard into the bowling pins and the bowling alley’ or ‘let’s go get drunk on the beach and be silly!’

The more you take a more initiative. the more you can create these icly bonds, relationships, roleplay moments you either found incredibly sad, happy or simply ones out of no where. You can also gain some really really good friends out of it.

6. Being weird.
Ill explain. What URKSSSSS me is when people will just casually answer things in looc.
look, I do NOT care that you don’t know how to split you’re character from yourself but I will not interact with you if you cannot understand that what my character does to yours, is not ME PERSONALLY wanting to do it. My character will react, interact, or vocalize in the way I made them to be, none of them are ME. Do not get your feelings hurt oocly because my character called yours a rotten booger.
(It just annoys me that I have to vocalize sometimes that it’s just icly rudeness and im not being oocly resentful/rude)

7. Maybe the Last one
Normalized Toxicity in some places, I get it maybe you find being rude to others is funny and all but from outside of the box. You aren’t cool, you’re not funny, and you won’t get actual true friends who will direct you in the right way.
if you surround yourself with toxicity, you are only gonna get the outcome of it.
- yes, you are going to get banned. No ‘free’ you.
- yes, you are going to lose friends because not everyone has the energy to be rude 24/7
There is nothing wrong with being kind, just because you can.
there is nothing wrong just not answering to someone’s attitude, at the end of the day they are the ones with a bad day. Not you.
and there is nothing wrong with just blocking, ghosting and deleting people to protect your own peace. Yes, this is “online” but you never know how far just being a cool kind person can get you.

8. Staff Hate
Some may have genuine reasons, others may not. But, they are the ones going through everything just so the server is capable of running properly.
Just a Reminder.
Staff can be reported too, and they most likely do have consequences on the other side regarding their actions.
we’re ALL human, and another reminder that some staff are barely even over the age of 21. Their not going to be professional at all times, their not going to solve every issue properly all the time.

they are learning, as much or at the same level as all of us. Also, another reminder they applied to be staff. And so can you. If you think you’re better go for it, but don’t complain about the ones we have now because in reality we srsly could have some of the staff from before eras that weren’t .. the best role models or examples like the staff we do have now.

anyways, thanks for reading my Yap.
So real, i did not get instantly popular when i joined Tsu, Niibu got popular because he is an iconic babe priest and he slays..

! salty

Level 51
2. Jocks - Those certain jocks that think just because they are in a more popular plugin in based sport, think they can get away with anything and failrp and fail to actually roleplay out anything or refuse to roll because "Sports members don't roll"
i remember this one dude from a team who just did '/me weaves' w/o rolling while i tried to engage combat..

buddy you are not jesus pipe down

gold fish

Level 286
How people treat other people because of their characters. My character dyno is dumb, plain and simple but he’s also a complex creature with emotions. He’s animalistic and ive had people tell me how fucking weird he is in looc. Yea, he’s weird, i know. Because he’s my comedic relief. There are obviously bounds to put on character making but seriously? All he does is sound like a squeaker toy and attack people. Let people have charcaters that srent just normal ass people. let them do the fuck they want WITHIN REASON. none of our characters are real.

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