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What really annoys or gets to you with SRP?

Style of character skins, players shouldn’t feel pressured to conform and have their character’s face looking like a pot of slop where one could barely distinguish their eyes from their actual face??? If you don’t know what I mean, just press and hold tab and you will see. If you want your character like that, no problem, but why pressure others to have this specific style? If people want realism, this certainly isn’t it, because last time I checked, my eyes weren’t melted into my face and had taken on the pigment of it and had become barely distinguishable from my actual face. I miss the old days when skins were actually unique.


Level 0
Players roleplaying out mental illnesses incorrectly, or to some standard at all.

Something that really bugs me is; people roleplaying out their version of 'Autism', coming from someone who has struggled with Autism since I was a child. Players adding this little 'quirk', in their eyes to their character isn't funny, and I can't grasp why anyone would WANT their character to be Autistic. I honestly believe disorders like Autism, or psyhcopathy; etc should be applied for and accepted upon the consideration they've done genuine research, it irks me to see their version of Autism is age regressing, and labelling themselves as 'cute', because of it. Pyschopathy, Autism, Schizophrenia, BPD, and so on is too glorified in this community, (in my opinion).

Also, adults romancerping with minors, in CRAZZZZYYYYY detail, or at all tbh, (knowingly), puts me off. Even if it's all IC.
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Level 116
When poeple order skins just to remake them or reshade them in the end
as someone who ordered skins from 5 people and hated every one . . . this actually means nothing
we're just not satisfied, we don't hate anyone or anything


Level 116
Style of character skins, players shouldn’t feel pressured to conform and have their character’s face looking like a pot of slop where one could barely distinguish their eyes from their actual face??? If you don’t know what I mean, just press and hold tab and you will see. If you want your character like that, no problem, but why pressure others to have this specific style? If people want realism, this certainly isn’t it, because last time I checked, my eyes weren’t melted into my face and had taken on the pigment of it and had become barely distinguishable from my actual face. I miss the old days when skins were actually unique.
why is this actually real

like at this point, i can't tell literally anyone's eye color just from their skin, because it's literally their skin tone
Then tell the tailor the changes you want, im boutta js start blacklisting ppl for doing ts
what . . .
sometimes we're just not at all satisfied with the final product, and the changes we need would be too much/ too specific for you to do

it's not that deep


Level 104
Remind me to not waste my time making skins for anyone here cuz yall are actually chronically insane


Level 3
People that are dry AF in conversations, like when I’m talking to someone new and I wanna know stuff about them so I ask questions like “Where are you from?” or “What are some of your hobbies” and they respond with one word answers and expect me to carry the entire conversation, like bro I get that some people are introverted but like it’s not that hard to respond with an answer and another follow up question, you know?
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Level 0
people gatekeeping a whole bunch of stuff, im grade 11 and barely know anything about anything on this server! ;ccc

i wish people were more friendly aswell! i could ask a question and get ignored so i dont even bother using chat nm


Level 81
another thing: elitism based on detailrp, or being in a faction, or being in a certain family. its minecraft roleplay. you're not the top 1%, humble yourselves


Level 146
another thing: elitism based on detailrp, or being in a faction, or being in a certain family. its minecraft roleplay. you're not the top 1%, humble yourselves
I'm not the top 1%, I am number one, I am the greatest there is was and ever will be (I have not logged on in two weeks)

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