Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
1 - 2 Hours | 1 - 2 Hours | 1 - 2 Hours | 1 - 2 Hours | 1 - 4 Hours (extended basis next day holiday) | 3 - 6 Hours (Depending if i am working or not) | 4 - 6 Hours |
I do try to play atleast 10 hours in a week since I am a working professional.
What is your timezone?:
GMT +5:30HRS
List your current and past applications:
Professor Application [Accepted]
Maiden Application [Denied Twice] [1] [2]
Government Application [Denied Thrice] [First lawyer app] [Second Lawyer app] [Judge app]
Reporter Application [Denied]
Hospital Application [Denied Thrice] [1] [2] [3]
KPD Application [Denied Twice] [1] [2]
(All apps linked in numbers)
Maiden Application [Denied Twice] [1] [2]
Government Application [Denied Thrice] [First lawyer app] [Second Lawyer app] [Judge app]
Reporter Application [Denied]
Hospital Application [Denied Thrice] [1] [2] [3]
KPD Application [Denied Twice] [1] [2]
(All apps linked in numbers)
List your current roles on the server:
Professor [QP] - Zayven J. Hartono (Alt account)
Grade - 12 - Angel Yamashita(Alt account)
Grade - 7 - Kai Arya(Alt account)
Grade 12 - Valor 'Val' Andreas
Grade 12 - Mako Akage Sidorov
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
Most of my experience in roleplaying has been related to SRP. However recently I have attempted to play quite a bit of Dungeons and dragons. It was very very interesting.
In SRP I have interacted with almost every faction in all capacities possible. Having played a professor for a year, I learned what to do and what not to do. Recently I have been having rather engaging detailRP sessions with most of the people I RP with.
Recent Activity -
Mostly active on Zayven - He has a habit of socializing with everyone across town. He runs up coffee to some hospital staff occasionally and also helps them whenever he can. He has friends in KPD as well as town hall, mostly due to his involvement in the investigation of the Occult Club curse this Halloween. He is a scientific guy who has OCD. You can learn more about him in this bio (clickable) I made of him.
Angel - She is a difficult one to play, her personality is very dark. I have detailed her disdain for all humankind alongside her need for power and control. The feedback has been decent for her.
Kai Arya - So I wanted to play someone ridiculously young, just to experience a different kind of roleplay. He has a few things working for him, high energy, he is a twin and he is surprisingly very manipulative in nature using crying and everything to get his way alongside his twin.
What is your motivation for applying?
I have been denied across many factions for reputation, and I understand why at some level. However I hope with all the changes I have made I could attempt once more to see the needs and goals of my characters met.
Character growth.
Mako is my character who was meant to be a positive influence and the******. I do not see him go any other way. It's also having a certain kind of inability to grow my character without moving him up into things he really wants to do. His high school arc is over. He has a real dream now.
A different flavour
Don't get me wrong, I love being a professor for my character Zayven, but Mako is meant to be a psychiatrist and this allows me to grow myself further into RP'ing around this server. I wish to experience the hospital faction and see for myself if my character fits.
Loads of psychiatry knowledge
So apart from my professor character teaching psychology, I have extensive knowledge and research done in this field mainly for two reasons. One, I was applying for additional certification in psychology however, I decided not to pursue it, but it left me with tons of knowledge. Second, my partner is an actual the******, so I tend to consult her a lot for any accuracies or inaccuracies.
Which role are you applying for?
What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
I have applied before, however I want to clarify the roles by myself in a format that is pretty.
Hospital Director | ||
Clinical Manager | ||
Doctor Department | Psychiatry Department | |
Clinical Lead | Clinical Lead | |
Clinical Supervisor | Clinical Supervisor | |
Attending Doctor | Attending Psychiatrist | |
Senior Doctor Resident | Senior Psychiatrist Resident | |
Doctor Resident | Psychiatrist Resident | |
Doctor Trainee | Psychiatrist Trainee |
Outside of this you can get additional certification for PARAMEDICS and VETERANIANS
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:
*he walked into the room, with a lightness to his step, his red hair looming into fringes right in front of his face, and his eyes bright and blue with curiosity. He bowed formally towards the interviewer and then grinned at him and said*
My Name is Mako Akage Sidorov!
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
*he laughed lightly, his face brightening up as he sat on the chair*
I think I identify as a man, I do prefer he and him!
*he nodded a bit too eagerly at that*
Character’s Age (if accepted):
*he looked at himself wondering if the interviewer would believe him*
I know I look very young! But I assure you I am 27 years old!
Character’s Academic Background:
(OOC: He is in Grade-12, would have moved him for college tag however my account was frozen)
*He seemed to straighten up, trying his best to look professional as he calmly said*
After finishing medical school, I got into Moscow state Medical University for my 2 year residency in General Psychiatry. After that I was qualified to be a Psychiatrist.
*he paused taking a bit of a breather before he continued on*
I decided to do an additional 2 year residency in Trauma Focused Therapy, and Personality disorders due to personal reasons.
*he seemed to look surprisingly serious as he spoke, noting that he did often change his demeanor based on the situations around him*
Character’s Nationality:
Technically speaking I am russian, however! I was adopted by my mother in Tokyo and brought to karakura!
*he smiled warmly*
Character’s Marital Status:
I am unmarried! but I do want to marry my boyfriend Xiiiii~ someday!
*he had a dreamy look to his face, absolutely smitten*
Character’s Religious Denomination:
*he seemed confused as he spoke very slowly*
I think I am Christian, but.. I don't really know!
Character’s Spoken Languages:
I speak Japanese, Russian, Korean, and of course JSL!
*he smiled*
Character Backstory (Optional):
*he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, almost as if he was preparing himself to speak for a long topic*
I was born in Tokyo to a single mom.
*he said a little nervously as he continued forward almost forgetting to breathe*
She used to always blame me for her problems.
*he laughed lightly, the laugh was so hollow*
When I was six years old, after a somewhat bad day, she was... unpleasant to me for hours.
*he laughed lightly almost trying to brush off that unpleasant feeling he got speaking about his biological mother*
That was the day I decided to fight back and told her she was a bad mom. In response, she [Redacted] herself right in front of me, leaving me scarred forever.
*he gave himself a breather as he decided to let what he said sink in. It was long in the past now, it did not matter. When he looked up he simply continued, seeming calm and better*
Unfortunately, something similar happened with one of my doctors later on. They did the same thing, and it always made people suspicious of my true intentions, as if I had something to do with it. I mean.. look at me.
*He gestured towards his 6'4ft self, the man looked far from a killer*
Eventually, I came to Karakura, where I befriended a lot of people and rediscovered my love for music. I tried to brush off my own issues and always made time for anyone who needed me. But one day, while I was with a friend, I got kidnapped. The gang that took me marked me and used me to get to my friend. I couldn’t forgive myself for being too weak to protect them. I decided it was time I really do something to help people here.
After that, I left for Russia to study medicine, hoping to find a way to move forward.
What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
*he grinned a little as he shook himself out of his serious zone and said*
I specialize in Counselling Psychology, with a heavy focus on trauma, neurodivergence as well as most disorders listed in the DSM 5. The reason I chose this is due to the nature of karakura itself. My experience here taught me that there is a lot of violence here, and people live in a state of constant fear. I wanted to like help them by knowing how to provide them with comfort and coping mechanisms for the same.
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
*he nodded eagerly as he said*
Ofcourse! I did my residency in Russia for two years! I needed to be more experienced to handle something as delicate as the citizens of Karakura!
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
(Switching to third person due to the nature of the questions in this case)
Mako is hopelessly optimistic, even when faced with a traumatic scenario. He is usually rather perky and speaks in a calm yet querky manner. He is 6'4ft tall,and has dyed red hair that fall as fringes on his forehead. He wears very campy yet stylish clothes. What makes Mako unique is that he is always positive and does not judge anyone. He truly believes that love and hope can solve all the problems in the world. He is usually perceived as an excitable person, who is pleasant to be around. He entertains people with his great guitar skills and is greatly passionate about it.
How does your character act around the hospital?
Mako would be seen running around the hospital finding some work to do at all times. He wants to help and is very very eager. You will find him stealing patients off other psychiatrists only because he wishes to help more and more people. He would be professional, yet extremely friendly with everyone, almost to the point where everyone might think of him like an oddball.
Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Mako is all about people and teams and family. He functions the best when he is surrounded by people. His main drive is the need to be social and would absolutely be a team player when it came to his work. However the only time when he functions best is when he needs to give advice to a patient. he prefers being alone in therapy sessions to ensure he focuses on the clients needs more than his own.
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