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  1. Popo


    [!] You are seen browsing through the web, as a certain link intrigued you; gathering your full attention. You'd click on the link, labelled as "Secrets beyond the Underground.", bringing you over to a new web page that goes in brief detail. [!] THE SEWAGE SYSTEM. As we all might know...
  2. Popo

    If you could sum up your character in one photo, what would it be

    He's going into the padded room buddy.
  3. Popo

    「 ✦ J. ‘Karl’ M. P. Stark ✦ 」

    Homeboy forgot the iconic Matsuo M. Togomi
  4. Popo

    Backpacks suggestion

    I understand the reasoning behind wanting backpacks to return to SRP, however they were removed for a multitude of reasons if I remember correctly. The biggest of those reasons was duping, which was a fairly common occurrence in-between 2019-2020. (One of my old acquaintances that used to still...
  5. Popo

    KPD having to roll to tase when in range of a weapon

    This just feels like a suggestion cased for both GangRPers and KPD to go back and forth at each other, here are my four cents to dedicate per this suggestion: A Taser is a very effective weapon, all that's needed is to actually raise it slightly upwards (like a centimeter, or two) before sending...
  6. Popo

    Suggestion regarding IC motive

    I agree with this very much. I am gonna go on a bit of a rant here, ever since I came back to SRP after four years of playing other RP servers or subservers, I have noticed that SRP's GangRP side of things has completely lost its most essential counterpart— roleplay, there's not much roleplay...
  7. Popo

    Emergency/Town suggestion

    I can honestly see why you would disagree with this, however keep a note of a few things. First, there are psychiatrists who aren't in demand as much as other hospital workers (overall, the implementation would benefit the psychiatrists PLUS any other kind of EMS/KPD worker), since Psychiatrists...
  8. Popo

    Emergency/Town suggestion

    I very much agree with this, when you as an officer/hospital worker tend to go off-duty — the last thing you would want is to be bombarded with emergency calls (at least in my opinion). This is a useful, and optional implementation that'd benefit the emergency factions alike. +1
  9. Popo

    Did your character come out how you wanted them to? Or could things have been different?

    My GangRP character from 2018-2019 had no specific outcome, yet he managed to die under the hands of his best friend which is a very satisfying one to say the least. I wouldn't have wanted any other outcome in the end, and since this wasn't even planned, it made the RP even juicier in the end...
  10. Popo

    GangRP Staff Q&A Logbook

    You made a mistake, you might have misread how the question was answered by both BMDs. The first BMD said you'd need to action to text or call anyone if you're in a combat scenario. The other BMD said you'd not need to action if you're already on call and want to speak, so he didn't defy or...
  11. Popo

    Accepted DarkxWalker | Psychiatrist Application

    DarkxWalker's Psychiatry Application IGN (In-Game Name): DarkxWalker What is your discord username? darkx_.#0 Describe your activity on the server: My activity on the server has definitely lessened over the past month due to me starting to go to college, alongside focusing on my...
  12. Popo

    Who’s THE most iconic SchoolRP character? (You can have multiple answers)

    Mike Akihito, Lucius Herrington, Annabell Sturm (how's she still alive?), and one of Toto's other characters but I can't really recall the RPname. Iconic IGNs: Im6 DragonBloodEater (Nolan was by far my favourite receptionist, still got one of his schedule books going as far back as 2019)...
  13. Popo

    change bail prices

    Quitting GangRP just because you are going to have to spend a hell lot of money to bail out your character sounds like you're just taking IC into OOC, and complaining about it even though this is a you-problem. You do the crime, you do the time. I didn't quit GangRP in 2019 when my GangRP...
  14. Popo

    What moment in SRP, made you actually cry a bit, and the most happiest one.

    I never really cried on SRP for any sort of inconvenient events but here's a few: 1. My recent SRP character, Itu, getting arrested with an unbailable life sentence. 2. My old GangRP ('Gas') character from 2018-2019ish attempted to betray his best friend and died to him an hour later...
  15. Popo

    Less creativity needed for applications

    Language applications don't have to be unique, there are thousands of them that pretty much every creative reason behind learning a language has been mentioned multiple times before. If you can't write a unique background for your character, then you shouldn't be applying for a faction, or you...
  16. Popo

    DarkenSensei | KPD Application

    DarkxWalker’s Police Application IGN (In-Game Name): DarkenSensei (originally; DarkxWalker) Discord Name & Tag: darkx_.#0 Which timezone are you in? GMT+3 List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: I can not list my past faction applications, mainly due to the fact that...
  17. Popo

    37454's suggestion.

    The first good idea coming from Jayney Wayney, +1