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  1. Minobu

    Role Rank Request

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  2. Minobu

    Item glitched

    DENIED - The evidence provided does not display, try linking the evidence through a third party website such as Imgur
  3. Minobu

    Lost item

    DENIED - The evidence provided does not display, try linking the evidence through a third party website such as Imgur
  4. Minobu

    Frog Coin Purse

    DENIED - The item itself isn't glitched, the texture was removed from the resourcepack. I'd suggest discarding the item You may contact me on discord with any questions or concerns:
  5. Minobu

    Toy "Rick's Katana"

    ACCEPTED - Your item will be fixed and returned to you shortly
  6. Minobu

    Age Request

    DENIED - Grade-10 16 is the lowest applicable age for Journalist
  7. Minobu

    Glasses away

    ACCEPTED - Item will be returned shortly
  8. Minobu

    French Application

    ACCEPTED You are now authorized to speak French ➣ You may emote using said language in chat by using /lang, /langy, and /langw Your Language has already been applied, paste this link inside of /help if it's not working Contact me on discord with any questions and or concerns
  9. Minobu

    Bamboo Staff Glitched

    DENIED - Provide proper reasoning as of why the item has gone missing or is glitched
  10. Minobu

    My Fendie Backpack (AGAIN!?!?!?)- IT STILL WAS 80K!-

    ACCEPTED - Your item has been fixed to its original state Note: Right-clicking the item doesn't equip it, only putting the backpack in your off-hand. You may sell the item, though we won't directly give you a refund ourselves
  11. Minobu

    role request

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  12. Minobu

    Required Rank

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  13. Minobu

    Item glitched

    ACCEPTED - Your item will be returned shortly
  14. Minobu

    rose15xcs | Grade Glitch

    ACCEPTED - Following role will be administered shortly
  15. Minobu

    Glitched item

    DENIED - Use the correct format listed within the forums [CLICK HERE]
  16. Minobu

    Glitched Sprote

    ACCEPTED - Your item will be fixed within your inventory soon
  17. Minobu

    Toy "Rick's Katana" request

    ACCEPTED - Your item will be returned shortly
  18. Minobu


  19. Minobu

    bloqsh_ | Grade Glitch

    ACCEPTED - Your Role will be applied shortly
  20. Minobu

    frankses | role request #2

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...