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  1. Minobu


    ACCEPTED - Will be returned shortly
  2. Minobu

    Removal Request

  3. Minobu

    Kart again

    ACCEPTED - Your vehicle will be returned shortly
  4. Minobu

    Black and Blue Lamborghini Gone :(

    DENIED - Posted in the wrong section, alongside incorrect formatting. You may post another Item Request here
  5. Minobu

    grade glitch

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  6. Minobu

    lost items

    DENIED - Provide proper reasoning as to how or why you lost the following items
  7. Minobu

    yBonnu's 2nd Item Request

    ACCEPTED - Your item will be returned shortly
  8. Minobu

    Lost Customs

    DENIED - Video evidence is required for weapons, though if it's your custom item in specific you can try reaching out to MikeShotZ in regards to getting them returned to you
  9. Minobu

    MelloRP age 20 request

    DENIED - Twenty is typically not an applicable age for the Expelled-Tag, you can try DMing an SLT such as Alcidies, KimiNoUso, Oph, and WiffyBanter in regards to possibly having the tag fixed for you
  10. Minobu

    Glitch item

    ACCEPTED - Your item will be returned shortly
  11. Minobu


    ACCEPTED - Your item will be returned shortly
  12. Minobu

    Rank Request

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  13. Minobu

    grade up

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  14. Minobu

    Rank Request

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  15. Minobu

    Rank Request

    ACCEPTED - Your role has already been applied
  16. Minobu

    Bamboo Staff Glitch

    ACCEPTED - Will be returned shortly
  17. Minobu


    ACCEPTED - Your item will be returned shortly
  18. Minobu

    top hat <//3

    DENIED - You need valid reasoning as to why the item had disappeared, as items typically don't randomly vanish in thin air. If you discover proper reasoning as of how the item disappeared, feel free to drop another Item Request
  19. Minobu

    Grade up help

    DENIED - Post another Rank Request with proper evidence of why your grade/age is glitched or requires that specific jump. You may use alternative websites such as Imgur to upload your images and link them here. As the following image does not load upon being clicked on You may also contact me...
  20. Minobu

    Rank Request

    DENIED - Post another Rank Request with proper evidence of why your grade/age is glitched or requires that specific jump. You may use alternative websites such as Imgur to upload your images and link them here. You may also contact me on discord (aesthetic#1400) next time you are online, and...