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    hope it remains that way

    hope it remains that way
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    oInfi | Disorder Authorization Application Suggestion

    what living in california for 2 weeks does to you
  3. dão aula e olham tudo

    oInfi | Disorder Authorization Application Suggestion

    I'm struggling to find a point in this suggestion. This would require a way for staff to be on track of people who have more than X disorders, meaning they'd need to have a system in-game or a list somewhere else to register and check people. Besides all that, this'd also bring yet another thing...
  4. dão aula e olham tudo

    oInfi | Disorder Authorization Application Suggestion

    -1, no. Since some people here are using the "psychiatrists would have more things to do" card; making people apply for disorders does not equal to more characters with disorders. Furthermore, SRP already limits its players enough by making them apply in order to roleplay things that they...
  5. dão aula e olham tudo

    Ban GangRP

    Absolutely not. GangRP is currently in a process of change (as you've probably noticed), mostly because the old generation of toxic players is gone due to the most toxic gangs on the server being disbanded, even though some of those toxic people are opening new gangs to replace the toxic...
  6. dão aula e olham tudo

    Rick's taser suggestion - 06-03-2022

    We can be more extreme. I'm completely against the fact that people can get KPS on cops for merely doing their job for a number of reasons, but that's how things currently work. I also don't agree with what Harriet said. GangRP does not (or at least shouldn't) revolve uniquely around the...
  7. dão aula e olham tudo

    KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura Crime

    who would've thought that disguising your gang as a bowling team but still committing crimes wearing the gang's jacket would blow your cover
  8. dão aula e olham tudo

    The Third Era of the Kai — Don’t Succumb to the Temptations

    Valkyrie walks by the side of the filled table. She feels the people's eyes glued to her rhythmic steps, until she takes her seat. Now, her eyes were attentive to each and every face present on that board. She taps the papers present on her desk against the wooden surface of it, before clearing...
  9. dão aula e olham tudo

    Disallow Full-Body Suit/Hooded Cloak Skins that Conceal Identity.

    I'm writing this on my cellphone, so forgive me if I spell something wrong. First: it isn't troublesome at all. -1. The reviewed feedbacks' sub-forum has proven that trying to moderate the usage of skins will never work, except for very specific occasions, such as +18 or inappropriate skins...
  10. dão aula e olham tudo

    Chat Autocolour

  11. dão aula e olham tudo

    Accepted IssuesIncluded's Lore Team Application

    IGN: IssuesIncluded List your discord name and tag (name#0000): Vroosi#7410 Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?: Yes, although I'm not always available for voice chats. Your time zone and current country of residence: -3 GMT, Brazil. Link any previous community...
  12. dão aula e olham tudo

    The Third Era of the Kai — Don’t Succumb to the Temptations

    Thank you all for the support. If you enjoyed the topic, consider applying. On the same note, the topic has been slightly polished.
  13. dão aula e olham tudo

    The Third Era of the Kai — Don’t Succumb to the Temptations

    (After the end of the interrogation, Jonathan Kirk was sent back to his temporary cell and waits for his trial.) Amid the presence of strong and consistent evidences, Jonathan is sentenced with Attempted First Degree Murder, and is expected to waste years in jail. After a campaign within the...
  14. dão aula e olham tudo

    The IC-lization of the Auction House (and making it player-driven) and the introduction of an IC advertisement system (a.k.a. Marketplace)

    IGN: IssuesIncluded DATE: January 22nd WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: In an interpretative environment where traders struggle to announce their properties or products In Character, a way of ICly announce/advertise an item deems extremely necessary. In fact, it's hard to believe that this...