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  1. Bqeno

    I'm sad :(

    Hey! I hope you feel better. If you still need someone to talk to here is my discord DM me whenever you want. :) Raee#7908
  2. Bqeno

    glitched head band

    You need to appeal for your item back. Make sure you use the format here is the link: Vehicles/ Item appeals If you still need help I recommend DMing a staff member on the discord.
  3. Bqeno

    School RP question-

    No, you should be playing 1.13.2 and up. I play on 1.17 as that works the best for me. :)
  4. Bqeno

    I want to go school

    boy what the hell boy
  5. Bqeno

    Star Signs / Because I'm Bored

    Sagittarius <3
  6. Bqeno

    Tailoring Feedback

    Thank you :D
  7. Bqeno

    Tailoring Feedback

    Thank you! :)
  8. Bqeno

    Tailoring Feedback

    Hello! I have been very bored. So I have been trying to make skins for a while and I wonder what you guys think of them. Please let me know what I can do to improve. These was all made by me from the outfits to the skin itself. However I have had some inspiration from Unkissy's skins and her...
  9. Bqeno

    Accepted Teacher Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Bqeno Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): FuckingBqeno#7908 Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do How old are you? (Optional): 15 What is your time zone?: BST [British time] Do you acknowledge that if...
  10. Bqeno

    Denied Nurse Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Bqeno Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): FuckingBqeno#7908 How old are you? (Optional): 15 What is your time zone?: BST (British time) Describe your activity on the server: I have been playing this...
  11. Bqeno

    GoreRP/SadRP/Permissions | Suggestion

    Totally agree with this. There is rules on how people can gain perms on your character therefore just avoid those thing and you won't get killed. It will completely ruin gangrp since the only fun to it is to do gory detailed kills.
  12. Bqeno

    Chocolate pocky stick

    IGN: Bqeno VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Chocolate pocky stick EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It just glitched while I tried switching it with my glasses.
  13. Bqeno

    Bike disappeared

    IGN: Bqeno VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pink bicycle EVIDENCE: (Screenshots are too large so DM me for them Bqeno#0069) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It was no longer in my inventory the day after I bought it.
  14. Bqeno

    Item glitched

    IGN: 14RP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kpop earrings EVIDENCE: Look on attached files ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Its hard to see me wearing them in the screenshot provided but I don't really have any other evidence. It just disappeared out my hand.
  15. Bqeno

    Lost item

    IGN: Peachy_vibes- VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Nezuko’s bamboo EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was trying to use the ice coffee and then my bamboo just disappeared
  16. Bqeno

    Lost item

    Hey I lost my umbrella due to the server reset here is proof I had it. In game name: Peachy_vibes_
  17. Bqeno

    Grade glitch

    Minecraft username: Peachy_vibes_x Grade I am now: grade 8 Glitch photo: