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  1. ilovemyplane


    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): ilovemyplane Discord Name & Tag: the sewer rat guy#4200 Previous bans: I have no previous bans. Describe your activity on the server: I am usually extremely active unless OOC matters catch up to me, especially on weekends. Which...
  2. ilovemyplane

    More Questions! [Specifically for the KPD]

    Ok I have a few questions regarding the application since I'm looking to, well, apply for the officer role. 1) If you have two characters on one account, let's say, and one of them is involved in Gangrp, can the other one be an officer or are they unable to due to the single account? 2) With...
  3. ilovemyplane


    ignore this...
  4. ilovemyplane

    Karl being an idiot

    If I end up in jail icly I feel like certain people would riot against that and ykw I love those people for it VERY aimed at yesterday’s situation
  5. ilovemyplane

    Two Questions

    1/ Is it possible to have two characters with two different roles (on the same account)? Such as an Officer and Surgeon. 2/ Can I post multiple characters’s bios in the character section or just one?
  6. ilovemyplane

    Another Question Because I'm not the Smartest Person on Here

    Am I allowed to have more than one character on a single account? I have another character I'd like to add but that would be later on if my current one dies or is otherwise out of the picture (due to things such as leaving the town for a certain amount of time) and I'd like to know if I am...
  7. ilovemyplane

    College Application Help

    Where exactly do I go to sign up for the next college exam?
  8. ilovemyplane

    Hello! :]

    I've been here for about two weeks now, but figured I should do this anyways. If anyone wants to actually rp in game or wants to join an on-going one with me and some of my friends, just ask! Usually we'll let you unless you're rude to any of the people involved. As for who I am? Well, my name...