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  1. ImYourManMyles

    Car Lost

    IGN: ImYourManMyles VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Cadillac SUV EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I paid 2.5 million Yen for this, kind of don't want to lose it. 
  2. ImYourManMyles

    Blocks in Apartment GLITCHED | ImYourManMyles

    USERNAME: ImYourManMyles APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): F2, 3rd floor, 358 (My coordinates aren't working correctly.) ISSUE: A few blocks are glitched in my Apartment ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you need to dm me - MylesMiranda#7517
  3. ImYourManMyles

    item changed into something else

    IGN: ImYourManMyles VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: FAKE.ID EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It turned into that weird blue thing, back as you can see it says FAKE ID and everything.
  4. ImYourManMyles

    Reporter App | ImYourManMyles2 (alt..)

    ImYourManMyles2's Reporter Application! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your in-game-name (IGN)...
  5. ImYourManMyles

    Denied Performing Arts Teacher Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: ImYourManMyles2 Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): @MylesMiranda#7517 Do you have a microphone?: Yes. How old are you? (Optional): 15 and I am a sophomore. What is your time zone?: CST Do you acknowledge...
  6. ImYourManMyles

    Apartment Edit mode is rude

    IGN: ImYourManMyles VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Lightning Phone, Skateboard EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The first photo the phone is in my left hand, the second photo the skateboard is in my hot bar!
  7. ImYourManMyles

    Can't break certain blocks in Apartment

    USERNAME: ImYourManMyles APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1588, 57, 678 ISSUE: Can’t break a couple blocks inside the apartment. (It says: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: N/A
  8. ImYourManMyles

    Journalist Application (Myles)

    [OOC Section] IGN (In Game Name): ImYourManMyles Previous bans: N/A Describe your activity on the server: 4-5 Hours per day. Do you have Discord? Yes, MylesMiranda#7517 Do you have a microphone? Yes List your current and past applications: School Employee Application (Chef) | SchoolRP...
  9. ImYourManMyles

    Journalist Application (Myles)

    [OOC Section] IGN (In Game Name): ImYourManMyles Previous bans: N/A Describe your activity on the server: 4-5 Hours per day. Do you have Discord? Yes, MylesMiranda#7517 Do you have a microphone? Yes List your current and past applications: School Employee Application (Chef) | SchoolRP...
  10. ImYourManMyles

    Denied School Employee Application (Chef)

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: ImYourManMyles Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): MylesMiranda#7517 How old are you? (Optional): 14 almost 15. (I swear I'm more responsible than my age shows.) What is your time zone?: Central...
  11. ImYourManMyles

    Denied School Employee Application (Chef)

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: ImYourManMyles How old are you? (Optional): 14(IRL) 18(IN-GAME) (I'm more mature for my IRL age, and way more responsible) Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): MylesMiranda#7517 Have you ever been banned...
  12. ImYourManMyles

    Denied ImYourManMyles's Chef Application

    Hello. I'm Myles and I would love to be a chef. I notice that not a lot of them are on all the time and I'm usually on every single day at any time. I promise to be active, work hard, follow ALL of the SchoolRP's rules, and obey the law of course. I really want this job because I feel like it'll...