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  1. Polar

    School Uniforms

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE: Thu, Aug 5 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I want to suggest that it be mandatory to wear the school attire on school grounds during school time. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I think this could benefit the RP more and create a more realistic setting...
  2. Polar

    OOcly Deals

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE: Sat, July 31 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I want to suggest that when making an Icly deal you cannot go OOcly and ask "Are you scamming me?" since it's an icly deal and you wouldn't know, I will admit I have used it to my advantage before but when you think about...
  3. Polar

    Popular languages

    So from what I gathered these are the most popular languages on SRP, not ordered btw French, JSL, German, Russian, Wich do you use the most?
  4. Polar


    Hi I'm polar and I like writing and skin making I'm currently practicing making heads and I write character backstories My char is Sakuta Hanazono with split purple and red hair and has no friends If you want a free head just dm me on discord Polar#3453 I've been playing SRP for longer...
  5. Polar

    Polars age up req

  6. Polar

    I want to write backstories for people

    I wrote all of @Veganlaser accepted language application backstories and his teacher backstory and was wondering if anyone else would lie me to write backstories for them Polar#3453 I'll do this for free since I don't have an account yet
  7. Polar

    Major perms

    IGN: Veganlaser DATE: The, jun 22 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I feel like removing a limb just for knocking someone out is a bit much and a little in realistic since all they did was knock you out so I was thinking one thing they could change cutting a limb to is breaking a bone...
  8. Polar

    user permission for apartments

    IGN: Daddylaser DATE: Fri. June 11 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Basically I'm suggesting that when we're adding user to our apartments we have the option give them build permissions or not because we'll be able to edit our own rooms and other stuff in the apartment with the owners...
  9. Polar

    Am i dyslexic

    Bro I've been trying to find dyslexia tests for aaaageessssss because I've been showing dyslexic symptoms for a WHILE now please help autocorrect is my life support rn
  10. Polar

    Community Support Role

    IGN: Daddylaser DATE: Fri, June 11 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: This is a suggestion for the discord, So I'm suggesting a Comunity Support role, this role doesnt have benefits it just allows players to help other Players in the help channel with any questions or problems that don't...
  11. Polar

    Another new job

    IGN: Daddylaser (shared) DATE: Wed, june 9 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: So this one if specifically for the school but shops could use them too, Security Guards they could be useful on school grounds to stop fights and patrol the school so we don't have to go bother teachers and...
  12. Polar

    New Job?

    IGN: Daddylaser ( we share accounts) DATE: Wed, june 9 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: So I've seen lack of actual fun job opportunities, kpd just walks around searching Poeple and patrolling, Hospital staff barely get any action as anyone barely injuryRPs and school faculty they're fine...
  13. Polar

    Is schoolRP dying

    Is schoolRP dying out? It seems so because most of my time consists of running around the plaza and if you don't engage in RP your're just there gangRP is dying a bit, we use the same mechanics day and day again idk why I'm writing I'm just bored asf
  14. Polar


    IGN: (I don't have my own account I'll be getting one soon but for now i use) Daddylaser DATE: Sunday, June 6 2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: So we've all played either football, basketball or baseball or experienced players playing it so we've seen how the plugin adds dyed leather...
  15. Polar

    funniest song lyrics

    This song lyric is so funny omg heres the lyric it's mainly at the end of the song from Lil darkie Shoot poeple you don't like: Hey kid Ay, listen, kids If anyone ever steps on your shoes or looks at you funny I’ma tell you what you do alright? What you do is you pull out the strap Then you aim...
  16. Polar

    Best way to advertise your gang

    So a gang i oversee.was recently put on the gang roster but were getting more bystanders than actual applicants so whats the best way to advertise it ICLY or OOCLY idfk I'm dumb plz help. (btw R.I.P to unforgiven and.demeji they took some FAT Ls)