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  1. Polar

    Item request

    IGN: PolarLoLs VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Crowbar and lighter EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The red line going down is the crowbar in my inventory i don't know why it looks so distorted
  2. Polar

    Karakura News | Karakura's first charity

    1/17/2022 Heng Yu Goodmorning Karakura! it's been a long week but we're finally here. Today we're going to interview a very young entrepreneur and creator of Karakura's first charity...
  3. Polar


    1/15/2022 Heng Yu I've been stalling on this report for a long time ever since I heard the news. I was shocked myself just hearing about it. Just a few days ago Sakuta Hanazono was reported to be murdered. We talk about this and what he left behind...
  4. Polar

    Re suggesting this because it isn't on the new rules, Adoption Suggestion.

    IGN: vnhkc or PolarLoLs DATE: 11/10/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'm suggesting for a set age gap to be put in place for when a character wants to or is trying to adopt another character, for example, I've seen situations where 18yo characters are calling other characters the same...
  5. Polar

    Karakura News | Animals of Karakura

    1/3/2022 Heng Yu Goood evening Karakura! This is Heng Yu with another weekly report. This week we'll be talking about how badly the animals around Karakura are being treated and how to stop it. This report will summarise what exactly goes on (from personal experiences) to a guide on how to...
  6. Polar

    Karakura News | Akihito Clan interview

    12/30/2021 Heng Yu Good evening Karakura! It's my first day on the job and I decided to do an interview! Today we'll be interviewing the Captain and Senior Administrator of the Akihito Clan. . Ryuu Tashiro! We discuss how things work behind the scenes and some more interesting information...
  7. Polar

    School Uniform Suggestion

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE: 12/25/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Require school attires to be worn on school grounds during school time. This rule can go deeper than you think, of course, players can re shade the attire to their fitting or style if they want to, they could also add...
  8. Polar


    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your in-game name (IGN)?: Polaroidss Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: Polar#3998 List your timezone and country: EST or GMT -5, Jamaica Describe your activity: To summarize it, I'm on the server for at least 8+...
  9. Polar

    An introduction

    Hi guys I'm Polar, here's a little more info about me, I'm 15 uhhh male man you know, they basically know me around here as a Detail RPer or an absolute lady attracter, i get all the ladies, totally. I reside in the Caribbean, race find out, real name find out, I play a couple characters, Sea...
  10. Polar

    I wanna go home

    I'm so bored I'm posting on peoples profiles
  11. Polar

    Adults rolling

    IGN: PolarLOLs DATE: Sun, Nov 28 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I've been thinking about this for a while and decided to suggest it. Adults should be able to roll higher than 18yos, adults in general have more experience than people younger than them, which would be the case IRL. Adults...
  12. Polar

    Polar's Preist Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Information IGN: BootyClap1000 (temp ign) DISCORD TAG: Polar#3998 PREVIOUS BANS: No DO YOU HAVE A WORKING MICROPHONE FOR DISCORD CALLS: Yes I do POSITION YOU ARE APPLYING FOR: Monastery Preist DESCRIBE YOUR ACTIVITY ON THE SERVER: My activity usually...
  13. Polar


    Lore Every flower comes from a seed During his years in Karakura Sakuta has been a part of the 'Akihito Clan' Karakura's biggest crime family to date, he stayed loyal as a thug under the patriarch for a few months, by the end of summer events started to unravel causing his behavior to change...
  14. Polar

    Adoption Suggestion

    IGN: vnhkc or PolarLoLs DATE: 11/10/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'm suggesting for a set age gap to be put in place for when a character wants to or is trying to adopt another character, for example, I've seen situations where 18yo characters are calling other characters the same...
  15. Polar

    Adjustment to fearing weapons

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE: 10/17/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest a change to the current rule that you have to FearRP anyone with a weapon of any sort, This rule has been and is being abused contantly on the server to the point where it's just not even roleplay anymore...
  16. Polar

    Weapon Request PolarLoLs

    IGN: PolarLoLs VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Dragon Sword Blade EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was running around and noticed i didn't have the 'Seathed" version which is the actual cane in my inventory, so i think i accidently dropped it and someone might have picked it up and i've tried asking...
  17. Polar

    Signs n Chests

  18. Polar

    Polar's Vehicle request

    IGN: PolarLoLS VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Chevy EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: game crashed same video from last time
  19. Polar

    PolarLoL's vehicle request

    IGN: PolarLoLs VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Chevy EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFO: lost at server restart