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  1. Polar

    KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura Hotspots

    Goro Tachitsu 8/6/2023 Karakura has many known spots around the city where people tend to stay the most, whether it’s the students causing trouble along their houses, adults conversing under the Family Store; these spots are some of the few bustling with activity during the day or night...
  2. Polar

    Floor Numbers

    IGN: P0L4RS DATE: 7/27/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Number the floors of apartments/elevators HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Just more convenient and causes a little less confusion when determining what floor you're going to and which floor you're on, not that big of a...
  3. Polar

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: P0L4RS VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kylac EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I randomly lost the vehicle when i logged onto the server
  4. Polar

    Poloroidss Reporter Application

    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?: P0L4RS Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: poloroidss List your timezone and country: Jamaica, EST GMT -5 Describe your activity: Around the summer of 2022, i took a long break from this...
  5. Polar

    Accepted Neko Helmet Copy Request

    Username: Polar What is your Minecraft username? PolarLoLs Was your custom model completed after April 2023? No What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Neko Helmet What type of item are you requesting? Plastic Masks / Helmets (10,000) How many copies are you...
  6. Polar

    How yall doin

    Whats good with y"all
  7. Polar

    Polar's discord profile suggestion

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE:31st of August 2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'm suggesting that the rules for the rph discord or any rph discord be changed regarding user profiles and the contents that exist within them. Discord profiles are costumed to the users liking, their preferences and...
  8. Polar

    Links on sprays

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE: 7/15/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Being able to add discord invite links to signs for gang invites when you spray a location to put it simply, I'll go into more detail. Whenever you go to spray locations there should be an option to add a discord link to the...
  9. Polar

    Denied Governor | Poloroidss Application

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: Poloroidss Previous bans (include appeal links): None Discord Tag: Polar#5623 Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Timezone & Country: EST GMT-5 Jamaica Links to any current & past applications: Shop Application | DENIED Staff Application | DENIED Club...
  10. Polar

    Major Consequences for Major Permissions

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE:Jul 3 2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: When @Toto replied to the "Kill permissions Re- evolution" thread he pointed out that there should be some temporary consequence of getting majored other than you losing a limb or such. when you lose a limb forcefully or not...
  11. Polar

    Motorcycle suggestion

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE: 6/28/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Remove one of the public cars and replace it with a public motorcycle that can be bought by players HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: There really is no need for 2 public cars and due to the recent update one of them...
  12. Polar

    Denied Poloroidss | Shop Application

    Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: Poloroidss Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Polar#5623 How old are you? (Optional): 15 What is your time zone?: EST GMT -5 Describe your activity on the server: My general activity or player behavior mostly...
  13. Polar

    Polar's Property suggestion

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE: 31/5/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The recent event with the sewers exploding and the departure of of Prosthettics the idea of companies owning different parts of un-used/old parts if different lands such as parts of the sewers, powerplant, the small stores at...
  14. Polar

    PolarLoLs | Cosmetology Club Application

    INFORMATION IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name): PolarLoLs RPName of Club Leader: Goro Murphy Discord Tag (Discord#0000#): Polar#5263 Permanent Discord invite to the club discord: Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas...
  15. Polar


    | 現実 [00-07-2020] "Become fear." "Genjitsu" was established recently in Karakura but some say the gang is Korean either way the organization is established in a way where it follows some Korean ethnicity and a mix of American gang culture. Their members are said to wear a unique set of masks...
  16. Polar

    Changing the way clubs work

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE: 4/5/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Now I've been watching the 11 clubs that are on the roster for the past month now and realized, not a lot of activity is coming from most of these clubs or any activity from any of them at all, the most active clubs I've seen for...
  17. Polar

    Polar's weapon and car requests

    IGN: PolarLoLs VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: DMC Delorean, Tactical dagger and hunting dagger EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lost the car due to right-clicking a door with it in hand, didn't know it would...
  18. Polar

    Polar's shop Application

    IGN: Polaroidss Discord: Polar#3998 Describe your activity on the server: Talking about overall play time/hours on the server mine is about 8+ everyday from 2pm to 9pm and in the mornings 7am to 10/11am. In rare cases I get to play on weekends so a general playtime isn't needed on weekends...
  19. Polar

    KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura Crime

    Hello Karakura! It’s your favorite person, Sea KIrigaya! Today we’ll be going through the different gangs and organizations and the KPD's view on them, along with an interview with the mayor THE FUEL Crime is nothing new to Karakura due to its already raw and normal nature, to us that is. If...
  20. Polar

    Mobile storage

    IGN: PolarLoLs DATE: 2/16/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'm suggesting the addition of a rule that restricts players from having any items on them that cannot fit in their clothes or be stored on them without having extra storage on them. For example, A player has a katana and is...