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  1. MushyRP

    Accepted MushyRP || Professor Application

    What is your Minecraft username?: MushyRP What is your time zone?: My timezone is GMT+3. What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats) My discord username is @redsinsanity2 Link all previous applications you made on the server: Describe your activity on SchoolRP: I am fairly active...
  2. MushyRP

    Forums Drafts & Post saving

    What's your Minecraft Username?: MushyRP What's the title of your suggestion?: Forums Drafts & Post saving What's your suggestion?: Today, I've gotten access to my PC again, and went to check if my shrine application was not deleted (it was a draft.). Sad to say, it was deleted. The forums...
  3. MushyRP

    my very late introduction

    hi, im mushyrp. (un)professional roleplayer, been here since 2020. I like playing random stuff, shooter games, etc. im NOT short. i like both cats and dogs, NO ARGUMENTS here professional geometry dash hater (i am addicted) i play some sillies: Kano Eto-Zennix, Sól Flores, Alain Erikson...
  4. MushyRP

    Denied Councillor Application - MushyRP

    Highschool Council | Kano Eto-Zennix OOC SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft Username?: MushyRP Past warns/kicks/bans?: Chat flood. What is your timezone?: GMT+2 - Israel Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001): redsinsanity Link(s) to all past and...
  5. MushyRP

    Animals and shoes | MushyRP

    IGN: MushyRP DATE: 24/10/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The ongoing issue with animals just starting havoc with shoes. Animals have been going around lately, with absolutely no perms or motive whatsoever, and just trying to take people's things such as shoes, etc. HOW WILL THIS...
  6. MushyRP

    Twin character removal suggestion - keep reading. MushyRP

    IGN: MushyRP DATE: 8/7/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Make it so when characters get major'ed and people do not want to do the recoveryRP time and create so called "Twin" Characters, make it so it's not allowed. It just doesn't make any sense that a twin will suddenly appear right...
  7. MushyRP

    Asterisk * Suggestion - MushyRP

    IGN: MushyRP DATE: 19/6/2023 What do you want to suggest: Make it so the * (Asterisk) makes THE SAME COLOR as the /emotecolor color. How will this benefit the community: No more having to use the hexes for colors in a regular message, a /me, etc.
  8. MushyRP

    Denied MushyRP | Nurse Application.

    OOC SECTION. What is your Minecraft username?: MushyRP Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): theshadowodevil How old are you? (Optional): N/A What is your time zone?: GMT+3 Describe your activity on the server: I think I am considerably active - 5-6 hours per day on...
  9. MushyRP

    MushyRP's good suggestion!!

    IGN: MushyRP DATE: 15/6/2023 WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Ban the use of fishing rods inside of the school. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE COMMUNITY: No more annoying FRP'ers coming to you and saying weird ass stuff and then putting a rod on you so you cant see a thing! Basically, it would...
  10. MushyRP

    [ Chén Yao ] - Biography

    !THIS IS NOT TO BE TAKEN ICLY! Teaser ♬────────────♫¸¸ ,¸¸♫───────────♬ Allow me to introduce to you Chén Yao, a person of impeccable clothing taste and a presence that commands attention. Standing at a height of 180.34cm (5'11"), Chén's stature exudes confidence and poise. His brown hair...