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  1. Arocatula

    Suggestion :D (Real)

    My suggestion is adding a Benjamin Franklin NPC in-game because he’s hawt. This helps the server because he’s hawt and will attract more people
  2. Arocatula

    I got bored.

  3. Arocatula

    Think about it.

    25 - 25 = 20 - 20 5x(5-5) = 4x(5-5) if both (5-5) = 0 4 = 5 2 x 2 = 5
  4. Arocatula

    How to become a chicken nugget

    How do you become a chicken nugget? Well this little guide is helpful for you! I did not put this in the "guide" section in the forums because you all are weird to think I really would. Anyway here are the steps 1) You actually like or upvote videos or pictures you like 2) You follow me (tf) 3)...
  5. Arocatula

    Grade Change

    IGN (Minecraft Username): LeAxoGamer WHAT ROLE DO YOU NEED?: Grade 12 or at least 11 WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ROLE?: Grade 9 EVIDENCE: (I used to be grade 12 until I switched to teacher and later on decided to quit so now I'm at grade 9) (I don't have discord btw)
  6. Arocatula

    Forums suggestion

    IGN: Mxnkss (im still off of srp but i'm just chilling on the forums) DATE: Aug 22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I've dealt with many situations where I get likes on different posts, so I'd like to suggest a way to where if someone likes 15 of your posts it shows a notification saying...
  7. Arocatula

    200 B)

    I reached level 200 because I'm SO cool and I'm SO special and life revolves around me and everything Nah just kidding I reached 200 so that's cool B) But I'm still off of srp I'm just on the forums because I'm bored and cannot lose memories here. Don't ask.
  8. Arocatula


    Hey, I have a sad little announcement, that I am quitting SRP for a good while. I am just extremely busy oocly and I can't help myself. It was wonderful getting to know you all and it was great making friends. I'll maybe be on the forums occasionally but other than that, goodbye, until we meet...
  9. Arocatula

    Custom Signatures B)

    Hello! I've thought of doing this since about 5 seconds ago, and I thought it would be cool if you guys wanted custom signatures that look like mine! And it's free in yen (Definitely IRL money, too.) Format (Because yes) Discord, if needed: What shape do you want your signature to be? (It is...
  10. Arocatula

    Favorite song (I'm bored :\)

    What's yo favorite song? I'm bored so I'm asking this question. And yes, I'm always bored. But please answer if you can because I'm a curious blundering idiot. I have no clue what mine is, so don't ask me :|
  11. Arocatula

    Accepted Teacher Department Switch | Art | Arocatula

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft Username?: Arocatula Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Arocatula#4075 Do you have a microphone?: I do, as said in my previous application! What is your time zone?: MST (Recently changed due to moving) Do you...
  12. Arocatula

    Favorite GangRP activity?

    Now, as far as I'm concerned, there are different things that gangs have done. Though I don't really know almost any of them, I'll let you decide! Just say your favorite GangRP activity because I'm curious :) I just know that gangs do evil things owo
  13. Arocatula

    Suggestion | Windchill

    IGN: Arocatula DATE: 5/1/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Adding a windchill to SRP, maybe just show up near the temp or using a command HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I mean, it adds more realism to the game, right? Adding this would show the windchill and what it feels...
  14. Arocatula

    Memes of your childhood 3 (Look at how dumb I am lol)

    Memes of your childhood 1 Memes of your childhood 2
  15. Arocatula

    Literally the smallest forum suggestion to ever exist

    IGN: Arocatula DATE: 4 - 23 - 2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Adding a sunglasses emoji on the forums (Not in-game, it already exists I think) HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I mean it's the smallest suggestion about the forums in existence, so I don't think it would be...
  16. Arocatula

    Memes of your childhood 2

    Memes of your childhood part 2. Part 1 (Link)
  17. Arocatula

    Favorite School Employee

    Again, some may be outdated and I can't fix them. Good day. Oh, I also put what employee role each person has, so no one gets confused or anything. Also, some may be demoted, I'm not sure. I just looked at the accepted applications. Please do not judge. This is the last favorite school...
  18. Arocatula

    Another question by stupid ol' me

    SO! I've been seeing some media team applications, and thought some recordings around Karakura are good! My question is how people do it. How do they somehow have a 20+ block radius up high and record all of Karakura. It would be really helpful for me because I'm useless and thought it would be...
  19. Arocatula

    Memes of your childhood

  20. Arocatula

    Level 100 :)

    YEEEE I'm level 100 now! I kind of have nothing else to say here except... nothing. I don't know. Yay on level 100 :)