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  1. Arocatula


    Duck chain. I'll start
  2. Arocatula

    Me rating random games because why not

    Fortnite: 6/10 | Pretty fun but there are some pretty stupid or sweaty people Minecraft: 10/10 | Pretty fun game that I cannot see why people would dislike the game. Roblox: 4/10 | Can be fun depending on the game, but there are some pretty stupid games out there, has the worst moderation, and...
  3. Arocatula

    Favorite Professor?

    Hello! As you saw in the Favorite Teacher thread, I was also going to do a Favorite Professor one! Next is favorite Employee! So yeah... just vote here :) Again, some may be outdated on the RP names or IGNs, so if you happen to be one please try voting a different one and remind me to change...
  4. Arocatula

    I want to get hungry :)

    By looking at the title, you might think: What does this have to do with art? Well, I want you to show me some possible food art because I want to be hungry! :) (: Lion Spaghetti (Not mine lmao)
  5. Arocatula

    Favorite Teacher?

    Who's your favorite teacher? Next is favorite professor and after employee! I didn't list all the teachers so if none of your's is on there then chose "Other"! I didn't include myself because no. If you're one of the teachers on here, trying choosing one besides yourself! (Because... I don't...
  6. Arocatula


    Ok... this is not a free bobux advertisement. But... I'm here to say some thing about blockbench. It... it... rickrolled me. Damn. RESULT
  7. Arocatula

    Suggestion | Add Rugby

    IGN: Arocatula DATE: 2022 - 29 - 3 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I suggest adding rugby to the server and somewhere in the map! HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I have recently searched it up, and saw that rugby is a really popular sport known to play in Japan. I think adding...
  8. Arocatula

    I'm proud of myself :)

  9. Arocatula

    3D model collection

    Hello! As you all know, I'm here to show you my first 3D model! (That I just finished) It's pretty easy, if anyone can guess what/who it is! Also, please tell me your rate on a scale from 1 - 10! (Please be honest I don't mind!) UPDATE SECOND MODEL: Bear hoodie :3 Side note: Thanks...
  10. Arocatula

    Most annoying thing that's ever happened to your character?

    Hello! It's me again! I'm just wondering... What's the most annoying thing to ever happen to your character? Mine is probably... arguing with 7th graders... in school... and having to put them in detention... Greenies...
  11. Arocatula

    (#3 suggestion) Spoiler suggestion

    IGN: Arocatula DATE: 3 / 19 / 2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I want to suggest and mention about the spoiler thing, almost every time I do a spoiler (mainly on signature), and save it, there would be extra spoilers in the middle of the main spoiler. I don't really like that and wish...
  12. Arocatula

    Whitelist GangRP

    IGN: Arocatula DATE: 3 / 18 / 2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I think we should make a whitelist or something like that based on GangRPing. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: That is form - @Caxan (Sorry for tag) and I could totally agree with him. But also, whitelisting...
  13. Arocatula

    Small dodgeball suggestion

    IGN: Arocatula DATE: 3 / 13 / 2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I think that you should be able to catch a flying dodgeball in mid-air, probably using right or left click on the ball or something like that. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: If I'm not mistaken, these are basic...
  14. Arocatula

    Kiyoshi Saito | Biography

    █▓▒░⡷⠂Kiyoshi Saito⠐⢾░▒▓█ Kiyoshi Saito was a Teacher, a P.E., and an Art teacher. In late 2022, an unknown date, Kiyoshi Saito went missing and was never found again. He is now forgotten by most people of Karakura, probably never to be seen again.
  15. Arocatula

    Apartment disown | Deputy

    USERNAME: Arocatula APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1633, 44, 680 (X, Y, Z) ISSUE: Owner offline for about 30 days, may I own the apartment? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  16. Arocatula

    Poll question

    Question: If I end up getting demoted or I quit being a teacher, (which I hope I don't) which do you think I should go for next? Just wondering for the future and I sometimes like to plan ahead.
  17. Arocatula

    Deputy's teacher and professor suggestion (another one)

    IGN: Arocatula DATE: 03 / 03 / 2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I suggest a command for teachers/professors to teleport the whole class (or a certain student) to either you current location during a class or in the classroom, because some people decide to leave the classroom or class...
  18. Arocatula

    My very late introduction.

    Hello! My name is Dylan. So, how to start this very late introduction... Oh yeah. To start off, I like playing video games and playing sports in my spare time. But, when I don't have spare time, I would be doing my school. I am currently 17 years old. I've played SRP for a long time because I...
  19. Arocatula

    Don't click this thread.

    Why'd you click on this thread?!?!? Alright, well you clicked on this thread. That's all. But you cannot scroll down unless if you want more consequences. I said STOP SCROLLING DOWN Do you even listen to me? stop...
  20. Arocatula

    Bicycle glitch

    IGN: Arocatula VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Green bicycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There was an announcement on this recent bug, so when it is fixed, may I get my vehicle back? It doesn't work when I call it back, then it disappeared.