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  1. philbertman42

    Accepted Teacher Application v3

    OOC Info What is your Minecraft username?: WeeabooTrashlord How old are you?: I’m 16 years old Do you have any previous bans?: One was a 1 hour temp ban for a reason I can’t recall, and one was for fly hacking. The latter was a misconception, and I was unbanned shortly after. What Country are...
  2. philbertman42

    Accepted Chemistry Teacher Application

    OOC Information: IGN: WeeabooTrashlord How old are you?: I’m 16 years old Do you have any previous bans?: I have two bans. One was a 1 hour temp ban a few years back, don’t remember why. The other was for fly hacking, but it was a misconception, and has been resolved. What Country are you...
  3. philbertman42

    Accepted French Teacher Application

    I just realized I can edit this still, so I'll use this to say: I re-read this application and I'm dying please don't read it I hate my old writing so much oh frick oh heck please im begging ): ): ): ): ): Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username? WeeabooTrashlord (Alt is...
  4. philbertman42

    Denied WeeabooTrashlord's Private Tutor Application

    In Game Name: WeeabooTrashlord School Employee Role you are Applying For: Private Tutor How often do you log onto the server?: I usually log on at the least every other day. I, like some other people, come on simply to check the time / day. I usually prefer roleplaying during the day, during...
  5. philbertman42

    Into thingy. . . :D

    Im new to the server, but I really like the concept, so I am going to stick around and see how much it develops! Anyways, my IGN is Alimonino, shorten the name if it is confusing :P I am male, and 14 irl, I live in the United States, and I enjoy anime (though im not a weeb). I am active in...