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  1. wezyl

    so whats changed since 10 months ago??

    I haven't been able to play so I'm curious.
  2. wezyl

    anyone else already read solo leveling??

    or is it just me
  3. wezyl

    Whats the funkiest names you've seen while online

    ign or usernames
  4. wezyl

    someone please

    play bloons tower defence 6 with me
  5. wezyl

    I need songs to listen to

    Gimme songs to add onto spotify ty
  6. wezyl

    shrek. hot or not

  7. wezyl

    Lost Items (Editmode Glitch)

    IGN: Kurooo__ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: CAR Buick GNX Reaper < ITEMS - 7 cigs - a box of cigs < - my custom hat - my smartphone (red) < - hydrocodone - a samsung mask < - Kitsune Mask < - Prescription (cant get back ik) - ID Card < EVIDENCE: As shown in the title I lost them due to an...
  8. wezyl

    One memory from your days on SRP

    What is the most memorable memory you've had on SRP!!!!
  9. wezyl

    Lost Items (Editmode glitch)

    IGN: Kurooo__ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: CAR Buick GNX Reaper ITEMS - 7 cigs - a box of cigs - my custom hat - my smartphone (red) - hydrocodone - a samsung mask - Kitsune Mask - Prescription (cant get back ik) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Yonio can confirm the Kitsune mask as i walked...
  10. wezyl

    Yen Display Suggestion

    IGN: Kurooo__ DATE: 25/10/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: How does a little icon at the bottom of the screen next to the hot-bar that displays how much yen you have. For example in the image. It would save people from having to go and do /balance every time they want to check. With this...
  11. wezyl

    Im having a brain goodbye moment

    I cant choose if the water wets itself when it comes into contact with a wet surface or if it wets the surface more. Can water even be wet? Or does it wet things? Can an already wet object be more wet or is it already as wet as can be? Can water become wet or does it just grow in size? If a...
  12. wezyl

    Car went poof

    IGN: Kurooo__ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Buick GNX Reaper EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I drove it into a fountain accidentally woopss i lost control, my bad will pay more attention next time <3
  13. wezyl

    Kuro finally arrested....

    It took them 3 years to finally arrest him for something. Its been a good one but im now one with the criminals. o7 May we remember this moment as a time of history that Kuro Z. Sakura got arrested for the first time in History. May we also have a moment of silence for Krit's leg. It is my goal...
  14. wezyl

    Favourite songs?

    Tell me your fav songs I wanna see what people listen to nowadays!!
  15. wezyl

    Possibly bring back this weapon

    IGN: Kurooo__ DATE: 5/09/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I understand quite recently gangrp has changed somewhat for the best but also some things could have stayed the same. I feel like there should be more of a variety of different weapons!! I spoke with someone about this and they...
  16. wezyl

    Glitched block i think

    USERNAME: Kurooo__ APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1784 24 1190 ISSUE: A trapdoor floating in my apartment says "You try to open the door, it does not budge" whenever i try to break it ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: First one is in the office, Second is in the kitchen, third is doors to the office...
  17. wezyl

    Player Blocking Feature on SRP

    IGN: BuniIsTheBest DATE: 29/06/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I suggest adding a feature where you can block people OOCLY on the server so you don't have to be insulted on OOC chat or have them constantly harass you LOOCLY. ICLY is fine but it gets annoying being harassed, Nobody...
  18. wezyl

    Need chests broken

    USERNAME: Kurooo__ APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1228 36 755 ISSUE: Chests in apartment need breaking ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  19. wezyl

    Disown apartment

    USERNAME: Kurooo__ APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1226 36 746 ISSUE: Someone has been offline for over a month and i was wondering if i could get their apartment disowned :D also the signs on the chest inside need to be removed ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  20. wezyl

    Accepted Kurooo__ | Caretaker Application

    ◥◣◆◢◤ Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft Username?: Kurooo__ Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Kurooo__#0001 What is your time zone?: AEST GMT+10 Describe your activity on the server: Over the past 3 weeks, I have been on nearly every...