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  1. Gunna!

    KM turf suggestion

    IGN: Veganlaser DATE: Sat, Jun 3 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A new Karakura Crime turf HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I feel like all the current turfs are getting a bit old and with the asylum being turned into some kind of office I think we could use some more places for...
  2. Gunna!

    Apartment Inactivity

    USERNAME: Veganlaser APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): ISSUE: Apartment owner gone for 30 days ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: this apt belongs to someone who has perms but the owner quit and they cant get on early enough so im claiming it for them
  3. Gunna!

    Browser Poll

    What web browser do you use and if you could only use 1 web browser for the rest of your life what would you choose either Chrome or Microsoft Edge
  4. Gunna!


    can we get 69 likes on this thread totally not farming points
  5. Gunna!

    Server resource pack thread

    IGN: Daddylalser DATE: 6/10/20201 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: So I used to have this problem where every time I load in the server to try and get the resource pack loaded it just disconnects me and I have to start the process all over again, I tried the common fixes but it just doesn't...
  6. Gunna!

    Lagged Bat

    IGN: Daddylaser VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Wooden baseball bat EVIDENCE: DITIONAL INFORMATION: i lost the bat when i was constantly lagging and logging on and off im still having the same problem
  7. Gunna!

    Denied Art Teacher Application

    What is your Minecraft Username?: Veganlaser Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Veganlaser#6323 How old are you? (Optional): What is your time zone?: EST Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes I do not wish for that to happen so I...
  8. Gunna!

    Im6 Memorial

    Welcome to the Im6 memorial post your best Im6 memories here (i have nothing else to do since i cant get on)
  9. Gunna!

    Connection issues

    Whenever i try to connect to the server it doesn't et me join it just gives me the disconnected screen like always i cant even connect to FRP with out it doing the same thing i have tried various ways to fix this such as Using a different client, using a different minecraft version, relaunching...
  10. Gunna!

    BlackMArket Tokens

    (i made this suggestion when i was 2 months into playing and sent it to minobu but i haven't gotten back any results so i just decided to post it here) Black Market Token The Explanation: The B.M.T (Black Market Token) is a reward token type item that could be used by giving a B.M.D (Black...
  11. Gunna!

    Shopping disdtrict faction discord?

    IGN: Veganlaser DATE: 6/3/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: So I've been playing SRP for a few months now and barely know any of the shops and their locations and I think it could be complicated for new players too. So what I'm suggesting is a shopping district discord server kinda like...
  12. Gunna!

    Help with character biography

    So I've been wanting to create the biography of my main character for a while now but I dont know how to make it look good or to make the formating better if anyone has any ideas lmk or if anyone could drop a good looking format for me to use anything would be appreciated
  13. Gunna!

    Glitch flamethrower

  14. Gunna!

    MY bicycle glitched again

    IGN: Daddylaser VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Bicycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION; my bicycle glitched again for the same reason I made an item request for yesterday you can look on the forums post here and see that I did receive it I'm only gonna use evidence of buying it because I don't want...
  15. Gunna!

    Veganlaser's Vehicle req

    IGN: Daddylaser VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Bicycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: the first image you can see I bought it from the auction house my game froze and i got disconnected but when i connected back and did /have a callback i lagged and disconnected again then i logged back on it...
  16. Gunna!

    Drunkness Reducer

    IGN: Veganlaser DATE: 5/17/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I don't know what name to give it yet but I think there should be some sort of medicine or pill or a way to reduce your drunkness level without drowning yourself or waiting long hours, I think it's needed so mainly KPD, can...
  17. Gunna!

    Click the thread for a suprise

    shitposting time wooooooooooooooooooooooo
  18. Gunna!

    Click the thread noob

    Time for shitposting woo
  19. Gunna!

    Read the thread to know what it is

    Time for you unpopular opinions cuz im bored
  20. Gunna!


    IGN: Veganlaser DATE: 4/22/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I think importing actual images of stuff instead of signs would be really cool and it's pretty easy to it could have multiple benefits like shop signs, spraying gang turf graffiti and all that it could even be used for a global...