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  1. Gunna!

    Vehicle plugin suggestion

    IGN: Veganlaser DATE: 10/9/202 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: For the server to use the vehicles+ plugin to replace the current one HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Hai hey, so I noticed a few bugs with the current vehicle plugin and know the staff is trying to fix it that's...
  2. Gunna!

    Car went pof again

    IGN: Veganlaser VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blackout EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: glitched when i crashed u-u
  3. Gunna!

    Car glitch

    IGN: Veganlaser VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blackout EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: glitched when server restarted
  4. Gunna!

    Hi 3dmodeler here

    Hey guys 3D modeler veganlaser here asking yu guys what i should get as a vehicle on srp since i currently have 1 slop open for one send refs here
  5. Gunna!

    Red dodge Glitched

    IGN: Veganlaser VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Dodge EVIDENCE: hi have video evidence of having it in my inventory and you can just dm me since its not letting me post it here ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This is tanoshiidays vehicle and i am borrowing it due to her reduced activity on SRP
  6. Gunna!

    Grade up alt

    IGN: AyolilLaser (My alt) WHAT YOU NEED: Grade 12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 7 EVIDENC: I was at grade 8 yesterday no its back at grade 7 for some reason
  7. Gunna!

    Denied AyolilLaser's Nurse app (Fixed Formatting)

    What is your Minecraft username?: AyolilLaser (this is my alt my main is Veganlaser) Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Veganlaser#6323 How old are you? (Optional): 15 What is your time zone?: EST Describe your activity on the server: Im mostly engaged in...
  8. Gunna!

    Denied AyolilLaser Backup app B)

    What is your Minecraft Username?: AyolilLaser Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Veganlaser#6323 How old are you? (Optional): What is your time zone?: EST Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes I do not wish for that to happen so...
  9. Gunna!

    Denied AyolilLaser's Teacher App

    What is your Minecraft Username?: AyolilLaser Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Veganlaser#6323 How old are you? (Optional): What is your time zone?: EST Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes I do not wish for that to happen so...
  10. Gunna!

    funy innit

    i mean we can all agree im the funniest person to ever exist i mean come on
  11. Gunna!

    VGL suggestion

    IGN: Veganlaser DATE: Monday, Aug 1 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I want to suggest that characters under 19 cannot get their gangs verified, because have a middle schooler with a verified gang but still have to FearRP teachers and such doesn't really make logical sense Example; Say a...
  12. Gunna!

    2 glitched items ;^;

    IGN: Veganlaser VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Cat backpack and Toy sword chokuto EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  13. Gunna!


    Bro imagine a record studio on srp the shear chaos
  14. Gunna!

    Models i made so far

    Here are all the models i made so far using blockbench I'm gonna be making a lot more and i mean alot im gonna be busy for the next whole month
  15. Gunna!

    Ideas anyone

    ok so i want to get into modelling more but i have the brain capacity of a bird flying into a window and cant decide what to model so i want you guys to send images of what to model specifically a bag but anything works the ones i choose im gonna put the person that suggested it their name on...
  16. Gunna!

    New addition to the hospital

    IGN: Veganlaser DATE: 7/10/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to suggest a Veterinary Hospital and Veterinarian tag HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I feel like this could benefit AnimalRP and add a bit more to the hospital, this could be useful and maybe and...
  17. Gunna!

    Fendi Backpack

    IGN: Veganlaser VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: fendi backapck EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: staff ub glitched it but i clicked a trap door then it did it again
  18. Gunna!

    Item Display

    IGN: Veganlaser DATE: 7/9/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to suggest an a item or plugin that could be used to display items on blocks, like an item frame or an armor stands HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I feel like this would mostly help the shops, so...
  19. Gunna!

    Vegans Shop App

    IGN: AyolilLaser Discord: Veganlaser#6323 Describe your activity on the server: i don't do much on the server I'm on everyday for about 10+ or more with school closing and such, my activity consists of mostly running around interacting with as much people as possible Previous applications...
  20. Gunna!

    Denied Art Teacher second go

    What is your Minecraft Username?: Veganlaser Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Veganlaser#6323 How old are you? (Optional): What is your time zone?: EST Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes I do not wish for that to happen so I...