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  1. ezriei

    lower price of motorcycles

    -1 monee
  2. ezriei

    Automated 110 Response

    +1...... not a 110 worker or whatever but it would probably be useful, for example, when i call 110 it just picks up the phone but dosent say that anyone will actually see the message if that makes sense, would be nice for everyone
  3. ezriei

    Some Onrain Features

    +1 for all
  4. ezriei

    change the faculty radio messages back to green

    +1 i dont have any accounts that use radios, but from the screenshots provided i can imagine the struggle keeping track of the radio conversations
  5. ezriei

    Japanese Door option

    +1, doors are SO limited atm, would be nice for realism
  6. ezriei

    Animal Rules!

    +1 everything thats said above
  7. ezriei

    hi how to use chat colours

    /me &<color code><action> for example, /me &1YIPPEE!! minecraft color codes can be found by searching "Minecraft hex color codes", and just replace the § with &, or, make your own color code! note you need at least F rank to use color codes
  8. ezriei

    a /tp apt command

  9. ezriei

    Orange Cats!

    +1, why not
  10. ezriei

    Suggestion - /senditem Command

    +1!! when im being a cashier, and someone steals someone elses item, theres not usually much I can do except make a report! this command could easily solve all those issues, and just make it a safer and more convinient transportation method. Could be an issue though, for example, KPD is about...
  11. ezriei

    Add an option to change an apartments wall block

    Depends on the apartment block If the block would go to your neighbors' wall, then no, but if it would only effect your own apartment, would be cool! A small solution for this currently is to just add your desired wall choice against the existing wall, limited, but works!
  12. ezriei

    Add A Prision System

    -1 cool but not really needed, just ask an online officer like people have said
  13. ezriei

    Oven and cooking fish

    +1. It's realistic to be able to cook 2-3 fishes in a normal-sized oven in real life Being able to use at least two ovens at a time isn't unrealistic, so why not
  14. ezriei

    a museum

    -1 first, theres no space for a musiem (as everyones said) 2nd, after it was released and everyone got time to see it, nobody would ever see it again
  15. ezriei

    Service dog language suggestion

    -1 as someone with significant knowledge on service dogs, this is kinda unrealistic. service dogs are trained to know specific words, not entire languages, and before someone says "it can only be taken ICLY if the handler said words the service dog knows ICLY", it can be used to failrp, and a...
  16. ezriei

    Serious Attribute Thread

  17. ezriei

    Lost VHS Tape

    looks cool!
  18. ezriei

    The wall.

  19. ezriei

    Collectable berries

    +1 its just cool