IGN: dripwaklking
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Black Ford Mustang AND Nissan GTR
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Both of these were glitched at least 3 or so days ago! Would be cool if I get them back soon, take your time
Out-Of-Character Information
In Game Name: Dripwalkingg (alt)
Do you have discord? Yup! Jay.#6934
Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: I have been banned once falsely. Someone brought me this custom Item, he then charged back the money, which then got me banned for like 10...
First Name: Carson
Surname: Blackburn
Preferred Name: Carson, although he has many nicknames.
-Car car
-Carson warson
-Curly head
Gender: Male
Age: 20 years young
Height: 6’3
Build: Muscular
Skin Color: He’d be a tanned male
Eye Color: Green
Hair Style: Curly on the top...
Out-Of-Character Information
In Game Name: dripwalkingg
Do you have discord? Yes! Its Jay.#6934
Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: No I haven’t
Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: It depends if I have school. If I do have school I will be on from...
Language your character knows:
How does your character know it?:
My character is called Vladimir. To start off, he grew up in Russia along with his Russian family. He stayed in Russia ever since he was born until the day he wanted to move to Japan to carry on with his...
IGN (Minecraft Username):DripWalking
WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK)[18] [VolleyballTeam] [R.K]
YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [18] [VolleyballTeam] [F+]
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