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  1. KotaLobo

    KPD Application | 80sKota

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): 80sKota [Alternates are; Kotaawa, oboLatoK, and 1NS4N3CLOWNP0SS3] Discord Name & Tag: _iko. (with the period) Which timezone are you in? CST List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Describe your activity on the server: I...
  2. KotaLobo

    LORE | The History of Karakura News

    Made by KotaLobo and DarkEclipic, Thank you to Aania and RexLobo for letting us assist in making this Lore Document 1957-1959: The Start of News The earliest record within the Archive of Karkaura News would show three names. Shinsuke Sano, the earliest Owner, and Head Publisher back in the ’60s...
  3. KotaLobo

    Accepted Physical Education Teacher Application | KotaLobo

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: KotaLobo Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): _iko Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I have a working microphone What is your time zone?: CST Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be...
  4. KotaLobo

    KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura's Decline in Restaurants

    [The Recording Started[ O'Sullivan: “Alright! Starting, could I get your name?” Masuo: “Choei Masuo.” O'Sullivan: “Thank you for taking this time to interview, Mr. Masuo. My first question is why restaurants don't open that much? Is there a huge issue with it, or is there just not time on...
  5. KotaLobo


    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts: Main - KotaLobo [Applying on] Alt - oboLatoK Alt- https_dakota Alt - Kotaawa Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: I do have a working microphone...
  6. KotaLobo

    Inventory Disappeared

    IGN: N0ImDirtyDan VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: (I don't 100% know all of the names) Red Scarf Cowboy Hat Polaroid Camera Belooga Backpack(?) (It's the one on the top left that isn't crossed out) Kuromi Backpack Koromi Smartphone(?) White Cat Ears (The ones on my head) Wedding Ring (x2) Rose Ring (x2)...
  7. KotaLobo

    Accepted PE Teacher Application | N0ImDirtyDan

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: N0ImDirtyDan Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): _iko. Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I do have a working microphone! How old are you? (Optional): I’m currently 17 years old. What is your time zone...
  8. KotaLobo

    [SHOP] Oto-Nashi
  9. KotaLobo

    Accepted oboLatoK's Shop Application | Lightning Electronics

    What is your Minecraft username?: oboLatoK Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): _iko. How old are you? (Optional): 17! What is your time zone?: CST / GMT -6 Describe your activity on the server: I’m on the server almost every day for at least 12 hours each day either...
  10. KotaLobo

    Accepted Surgeon Application | K0a3h

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): K0a3h [I'll be getting my bird role removed from that account if I get accepted.] What is your discord name & tag?: _iko. [No tag since I've updated my user] Previous bans: OOC Toxicity, Defamation of Someone Else’s Reputation Over Discord...
  11. KotaLobo

    KARAKURA NEWS | SPEECH - New Law for Masks

    Do you like wearing masks and committing crimes? Well, too bad for you! Just earlier today, Commissioner Yeager Schwarz held a public speech at the front of Town Hall explaining the new law about masks due to the crime rate in Karakura rising once again after a while of it being calm and quiet...
  12. KotaLobo

    KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura's Lantern Festival!

    Just a few days ago, an event was held at the beach where music was played, live performances were held, a speech by Governor Malachi Moralez was given, and other fun activities and booths were put up to entertain citizens throughout the event! SHRINE ACTIVITIES Luckily, the shrine staff from...
  13. KotaLobo


    [As Antoinette spoke, a static version of California Girls was playing in the background..] Just in, Hospital Director Rokku Heddo and Clinical Manager Ide Zaiaku have both somehow gotten into a car crash just in front of the Saiky Estate. Witnesses stated seeing the car swerving from each side...
  14. KotaLobo

    KARAKURA NEWS | Summer Plans

    Y’know what they say, “April showers bring May flowers!” Currently, it’s springtime, and as we all know, it’s currently springtime, which means it’s almost time for the summer! Today, we’ll be interviewing citizens of Karakura to see what they’re planning to do during the hot Summer days here in...
  15. KotaLobo

    KARAKURA NEWS | Itsbyoshi Station's Grand Opening

    Have you heard? If not, a new train station and apartment block have opened recently! Just a couple of days ago, Governor Bao Koji and Deputy-Mayor Yui Tsu gave a speech before Tsu cut the ribbon to officiate the grand opening of the new Itsbyoshi train station right under the new apartment...
  16. KotaLobo

    Accepted Shrine Maiden Application | https_dakota

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IN-GAME NAME (IGN): https_dakota DISCORD NAME & TAG: Coatuh !#0666 WHAT IS YOUR TIMEZONE?: CST LIST ANY PREVIOUS BANS: DO YOU HAVE A MICROPHONE?: Yes! I have a working microphone. DESCRIBE YOUR ACTIVITY ON THE SERVER: I’m usually on every day for at least 7...
  17. KotaLobo

    KARAKURA NEWS | Yui Tsu's Government Ball

    A few days ago, I was kindly invited by the Chief Judge, Yui Tsu, to attend and report on the Government Ball where a speech was held. The main floor of a tower held a fun-filled night with a sprinkle of chaos and a fun party game! [The recording started. The dialogue was written for those who...
  18. KotaLobo

    KARAKURA NEWS | The Mysteries Of Karakura Series - The Sewers [PART ONE]

    Karakura is full of mysteries, from people to places, or even events that took place in the city, and many people have questions about all of them. Even though questions are asked about these strange areas or happenings, I’m here to push them out to the public in hopes that people get the...
  19. KotaLobo

    KARAKURA NEWS | Akira Hatake's Campaign Speech!!

    Today, Akira Hatake made a speech, he’s our fourth candidate running for the role of Deputy Mayor this time! Not only is he a Governor over at the Town Hall, but he also used to be in the Army and served time for us! He’ll tell you more in the following audio. [The video of Akira played, the...
  20. KotaLobo

    KARAKURA NEWS | Interview With Annabell Sturm

    Once our dear Kiyoko Akai had stepped down from being Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Annabell Sturm, has taken her position! Today, we’ll be getting a chance to interview Miss Annabell Sturm about her thoughts, opinions, and feelings about everything that’s happened thus far! [The recording started]...