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  1. tayfun

    tayfun's AMA

    i will answer these after my shift tomorrow! or now, before i go to sleep
  2. tayfun

    Vehicle Request

  3. tayfun

    Accepted emceetayfun's Receptionist Application!

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: emceetayfun (the account I’m applying on), and tays2fly. Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): My discord username is tays2fly. How old are you? (Optional): As of February 2nd, I’m 21 years old. What is...
  4. tayfun

    Dear Hibiki...

    Here, have a little something that Goemon Asōgi actually sent to his little sister, Hibiki.
  5. tayfun

    tays2fly tailors?

    you saw right! i tailored my first three outfits today. i'm still very much an amateur, so any and all feedback/advice is 100% appreciated.
  6. tayfun

    GPS stuff

    What's your Minecraft Username?: tays2fly What's the title of your suggestion?: GPS stuff What's your suggestion?: I believe that the GPS function should be incorporated into phones. Personally, I believe that having an extra item for it (i.e. the GPS device) is unnecessary, and not to mention...
  7. tayfun

    Aria Kuronoyami | BIOGRAPHY (WIP)

    Aria Kuronoyami basic information first name: Aria gender: male (cis) surname: Kuronoyami age: 20 preferred name: Aria height: 183cm/6'0 aliases: none weight: 85kg/187 lbs date of birth: February 22nd, 2003 sexual orientation: bi-curious place of birth: Nagoya, Japan religious...
  8. tayfun

    tayfun's late intro

    heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. what's crackalacking? i'm tay! i joined the server sometime around 7 months ago, and i've done a fair few things such as: - join the town faction as a lawyer - appear in court a few times (didn't always win but i SLAYED) - conduct hella investigations - broke (IN...
  9. tayfun

    What did you always want to do with your character, but didn't?

    Personally, I wanted my character (Goemon Asogi) to engage in a dance of deduction; Show the world his 'Logic and Reasoning Spectacular', for all to see. Lots of people's characters might find it weird and not tag along with him, though... But still! I'm searching!
  10. tayfun

    Denied REMOVED :D

  11. tayfun

    Accepted LAWYER APPLICATION || tays2fly

    PLAYER INFORMATION Previous bans (include appeal links): None at all. Discord Tag: Tayfun#8969 Do you have a working microphone?: I have a working microphone, and I am comfortable using it. Timezone & Country: My time zone currently is Central European Summer Time (CEST). Additionally, I...